cwlVersion: v1.0 # A Package that complies with the Best Practice for Earth Observation Application Package needs to: # # * Be a valid CWL document with a single Workflow Class and at least one CommandLineTool Class # * Define the command-line and respective arguments and container for each CommandLineTool # * Define the Application parameters # * Define the Application Design Pattern # * Define the requirements for runtime environment # # The Workflow class steps field orchestrates the execution of the application command line and retrieves all the outputs of the processing steps. $graph: - class: Workflow id: main label: Sounder SIPS L1A PGE doc: Processes Sounder SIPS L0 products into L1A products requirements: - class: ScatterFeatureRequirement inputs: input_ephatt_dir: type: Directory label: L0 SNPP_EphAtt Data Directory doc: Directory containing L0 emphemeris and attitude files input_science_dir: type: Directory label: L0 ATMS Science Data Directory doc: Directory containing L0 science packet files static_dir: type: Directory label: Static Inputs doc: Directory containing static DEM data start_datetime: type: string label: Data Start Date/Time doc: ISO8601 formated date and time indicating the start of data to be processed from the L0 files end_datetime: type: string label: Data End Date/Time doc: ISO8601 formated date and time indicating the end of data to be processed from the L0 files steps: l1a_process: run: "#l1a_pge" in: input_ephatt_dir: input_ephatt_dir input_science_dir: input_science_dir static_dir: static_dir start_datetime: start_datetime end_datetime: end_datetime out: - output_dir - stdout_file - stderr_file outputs: output_dir: outputSource: l1a_process/output_dir type: Directory stdout_file: outputSource: l1a_process/stdout_file type: File stderr_file: outputSource: l1a_process/stderr_file type: File - class: CommandLineTool id: l1a_pge requirements: DockerRequirement: dockerPull: arguments: [ "$(runtime.outdir)/processed_notebook.ipynb", "-p", "input_ephatt_path", "$(inputs.input_ephatt_dir)", "-p", "input_science_path", "$(inputs.input_science_dir)", "-p", "output_path", "$(runtime.outdir)", "-p", "data_static_path", "$(inputs.static_dir)", "-p", "start_datetime", "$(inputs.start_datetime)", "-p", "end_datetime", "$(inputs.end_datetime)", ] inputs: input_ephatt_dir: type: Directory input_science_dir: type: Directory static_dir: type: Directory start_datetime: type: string end_datetime: type: string outputs: output_dir: type: Directory outputBinding: glob: . stdout_file: type: stdout stderr_file: type: stderr stdout: l1a_pge_stdout.txt stderr: l1a_pge_stderr.txt $namespaces: s: s:softwareVersion: 1.0.0 schemas: - s:author: name: James McDuffie s:citation: s:codeRepository: url: s:contributor: - name: Luca Cinquini s:dateCreated: 2022-04-14 s:keywords: l0, l1a, thermal, sips, sounder s:license: All Rights Reserved s:releaseNotes: Initial release s:version: 0.1