cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow doc: "DNAseq pipeline from fastq to vcf" requirements: - class: MultipleInputFeatureRequirement - class: StepInputExpressionRequirement - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement - class: ResourceRequirement coresMin: $(inputs.threads) inputs: reference: type: [string, File] secondaryFiles: - .fai - .bwt - .sa - .ann - .amb - .pac input_reads: type: type: array items: [string, File] readgroup: type: string? sample: type: string? library: type: string? default: library platform: type: string? default: ILLUMINA mark_secondary: type: boolean? chunk_size: type: int? bwa_output_bam: type: string dedup_output_bam: type: string dedup_metrics_output_file: type: string realign_known_sites: type: - type: array items: [string, File] secondaryFiles: - .tbi bqsr_known_sites: type: - type: array items: [string, File] secondaryFiles: - .tbi emit_mode: type: ["null", string] realign_output_bam: type: string qcal_output_file: type: string qcal_plot_output_file: type: string? qcal_plot_output_csv_file: type: string? dbsnp: type: ["null", string, File] secondaryFiles: - .tbi output_file: type: string interval: type: ["null", string, File] threads: type: ["null", int] outputs: bwa_output: type: File outputSource: bwa/output dedup_output: type: File outputSource: dedup/output dedup_metrics_output: type: ["null", File] outputSource: dedup/metrics_output realign_output: type: File outputSource: realign/output qcal_output: type: File outputSource: bqsr/qcal_output qcal_plot_output: type: ["null", File] outputSource: bqsr/plot_output qcal_plot_csv_output: type: ["null", File] outputSource: bqsr/plot_csv_output output: type: File outputSource: hc/output steps: bwa: in: reference: reference reads: input_reads mark_secondary: mark_secondary chunk_size: chunk_size output_file: bwa_output_bam threads: threads sort_threads: threads _readgroup: readgroup _sample: sample _platform: platform _library: library readgroup: valueFrom: | ${ var rg = "@RG\tID:" + inputs._readgroup + "\tSM:" + inputs._sample + "\tPL:" + inputs._platform; if ( inputs._library != null ) rg += "\tLB:" + inputs._library; return rg; } out: [output] run: ../algo/bwa-mem-sort.cwl dedup: in: reference: reference input_bam: source: bwa/output valueFrom: ${ return [ self ]; } # convert one element to array metrics_output_file: dedup_metrics_output_file output_file: dedup_output_bam threads: threads interval: interval out: [output, metrics_output] run: ../stage/dedup-2-pass.cwl realign: in: reference: reference input_bam: source: dedup/output valueFrom: ${ return [ self ]; } # convert one element to array known_sites: realign_known_sites output_file: realign_output_bam threads: threads interval_list: interval out: [output] run: ../algo/realign.cwl bqsr: in: reference: reference input_bam: source: realign/output valueFrom: ${ return [ self ]; } # convert one element to array known_sites: bqsr_known_sites output_file: qcal_output_file plot_output_file: source: qcal_output_file valueFrom: ${ return self + ".pdf"; } plot_output_csv_file: source: qcal_output_file valueFrom: ${ return self + ".csv"; } threads: threads interval: interval out: [qcal_output, plot_output, plot_csv_output] run: ../stage/bqsr-flow.cwl hc: in: reference: reference input_bam: source: realign/output valueFrom: ${ return [ self ]; } # convert one element to array dbsnp: dbsnp output_file: output_file qcal: source: bqsr/qcal_output valueFrom: ${ return [ self ]; } # convert one element to array threads: threads interval: interval emit_mode: emit_mode out: [output] run: ../algo/hc.cwl