#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow doc: Counts words of a message via echo and wc inputs: wfmessage: string outputs: wfcount: type: File outputSource: wc/wced steps: echo: run: cwlVersion: v1.0 class: CommandLineTool baseCommand: echo inputs: - type: string inputBinding: position: 1 id: _:echo#message outputs: - type: File id: _:echo#echoed outputBinding: glob: 8341e6646e16f373b00fc5a45b4f299d5901b0ad id: _:echo stdout: 8341e6646e16f373b00fc5a45b4f299d5901b0ad in: message: wfmessage out: - echoed wc: run: cwlVersion: v1.0 class: CommandLineTool baseCommand: wc inputs: - type: File inputBinding: position: 1 id: _:wc#file2count outputs: - type: File id: _:wc#wced outputBinding: glob: bcd587c62be60d5d0473ee2c39dc73257b20ecca id: _:wc stdout: bcd587c62be60d5d0473ee2c39dc73257b20ecca in: file2count: echo/echoed out: - wced