#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow requirements: ScatterFeatureRequirement: {} MultipleInputFeatureRequirement: {} #Is it supported by wfms? inputs: ntasks: int logfile2: string outputs: result: type: File outputSource: catsortStep/hosts steps: rangeStep: run: host.serialize.tool.cwl in: ntimes: ntasks out: [range] hostStep1: run: host.hostname.tool.cwl scatter: iteration in: iteration: rangeStep/range out: [result] hostStep2: run: host.hostname.tool.cwl scatter: iteration in: iteration: hostStep1/result out: [result] catsortStep: run: host.sort.tool.cwl in: names1: source: [hostStep1/result, hostStep2/result] #If supported, linkMerge: merge_flattened #great. Else, remove those lines #names1: hostStep1/result #& the requirement, and uncomment #names2: hostStep2/result #these- optional vs merged inputs) logfile: logfile2 out: [hosts]