cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow ### INPUT PART: ################################################## inputs: bed: type: File genome_info: type: File effective_genome_size: type: long bin_size: type: int ignoreForNormalization: doc: | List of space-delimited chromosome names that shall be ignored when calculating the scaling factor. Specify as space-delimited string. Default: "chrX chrY chrM" type: string? default: "chrX chrY chrM" ### WORKFLOW STEPS: ################################################## steps: converting_bed_to_bam: doc: | bedtools bedtobam - converts bed to bam; as most tools can handle bam as input but not always the bed format(e.g. deeptools), moreover, bam is compressed; therefore, it will be used as final output (instead of the bed file) run: "../tools/bedtools_bedtobam.cwl" in: bed: source: bed genome_info: source: genome_info out: - bam sorting_bam: doc: samtools sort - sorting of merged bam run: "../tools/samtools_sort.cwl" in: bam_unsorted: source: converting_bed_to_bam/bam out: - bam_sorted indexing_bam: doc: | samtools index - indexes sorted bam run: "../tools/samtools_index_hack.cwl" in: bam_sorted: source: sorting_bam/bam_sorted out: - bam_sorted_indexed converting_bam_to_bigwig: doc: | deeptools bamCoverage run: "../tools/deeptools_bamCoverage.cwl" in: bam: source: indexing_bam/bam_sorted_indexed effective_genome_size: source: effective_genome_size bin_size: source: bin_size ignoreForNormalization: source: ignoreForNormalization out: - bigwig ### OUTPUTS: ################################################## outputs: bam: type: File outputSource: indexing_bam/bam_sorted_indexed bigwig: type: File outputSource: converting_bam_to_bigwig/bigwig