cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow requirements: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement: {} ScatterFeatureRequirement: {} StepInputExpressionRequirement: {} InlineJavascriptRequirement: {} MultipleInputFeatureRequirement: {} inputs: sample_id: doc: | Sample ID used for naming the output files. type: string fastq1: doc: | List of fastq files containing the first mate of raw reads. Muliple files are provided if multiplexing of the same library has been done on multiple lanes. The reads comming from different fastq files are pooled after alignment. Also see parameter "fastq2". type: type: array items: File fastq2: doc: | List of fastq files containing the second mate of raw reads. Important: this list has to be of same length as parameter "fastq1". type: type: array items: File adapter1: doc: | Adapter sequence for first reads. If not specified (set to "null"), trim_galore will try to autodetect whether ...\n - Illumina universal adapter (AGATCGGAAGAGC)\n - Nextera adapter (CTGTCTCTTATA)\n - Illumina Small RNA 3-prime Adapter (TGGAATTCTCGG)\n ... was used.\n You can directly choose one of the above configurations by setting the string to "illumina", "nextera", or "small_rna". Or you specify the adaptor string manually (e.g. "AGATCGGAAGAGC"). type: string? adapter2: doc: | Adapter sequence for second reads. If not specified (set to "null"), trim_galore will try to autodetect whether ...\n - Illumina universal adapter (AGATCGGAAGAGC)\n - Nextera adapter (CTGTCTCTTATA)\n - Illumina Small RNA 3-prime Adapter (TGGAATTCTCGG)\n ... was used.\n You can directly choose one of the above configurations by setting the string to "illumina", "nextera", or "small_rna". Or you specify the adaptor string manually (e.g. "AGATCGGAAGAGC"). type: string? genome: doc: | Path to reference genome in fasta format. Bowtie2 index files (".1.bt2", ".2.bt2", ...) as well as a samtools index (".fai") has to be located in the same directory.\n All of these files can be downloaded for the most common genome builds at Alternatively, you can use "bowtie2-build" or "samtools index" to create them yourself. type: File secondaryFiles: - .fai - ^.1.bt2 - ^.2.bt2 - ^.3.bt2 - ^.4.bt2 - ^.rev.1.bt2 - ^.rev.2.bt2 genome_info: doc: | Path to a tab-delimited file listing chromosome sizes in following fashion:\n "chromosome_nametotal_number_of_bp".\n For the most common UCSC genome build, you can find corresponding files at: Or you can generate them yourself using UCSC script fetchChromSizes ( in following fashion:\n "fetchChromSizes hg38 > hg38.chrom.sizes".\n If you are dealing with a non-UCSC build, you can generate such a file from a samtools index using:\n "awk -v OFS='\t' {'print $1,$2'} hg38.fa.fai > hg38.chrom.sizes". type: File max_mapping_insert_length: doc: | Maximum insert length between two reads of a pair. In case of ATACseq, very long insert sizes are possible. So it is recommended to use at least a value of 1500. However, please note that alignment will take significantly longer for higher insert sizes. The default is 2500. type: long default: 2500 macs2_qvalue: doc: | Q-value cutoff used for peak calling by MACS2. The default is 0.05. type: float default: 0.05 effective_genome_size: doc: | The effectively mappable genome size, please see: type: long bin_size: doc: | Bin size used for generation of coverage tracks. The larger the bin size the smaller are the coverage tracks, however, the less precise is the signal. For single bp resolution set to 1. type: int default: 10 ignoreForNormalization: doc: | List of space-delimited chromosome names that shall be ignored when calculating the scaling factor. Specify as space-delimited string. Default: "chrX chrY chrM" type: string? default: "chrX chrY chrM" steps: trim_and_map: run: "../workflow_modules/trim_and_map.cwl" scatter: [fastq1, fastq2] scatterMethod: 'dotproduct' in: fastq1: source: fastq1 fastq2: source: fastq2 genome: source: genome adapter1: source: adapter1 adapter2: source: adapter2 is_paired_end: default: true max_mapping_insert_length: source: max_mapping_insert_length out: - raw_fastqc_zip - raw_fastqc_html - fastq1_trimmed - fastq2_trimmed - trim_galore_log - trimmed_fastqc_html - trimmed_fastqc_zip - bam - bowtie2_log merge_duprem_filter: run: "../workflow_modules/merge_duprem_filter.cwl" in: sample_id: source: sample_id bams: source: trim_and_map/bam is_paired_end: default: true out: - duprem_fastqc_zip - duprem_fastqc_html - merged_flagstat_output - filtered_flagstat_output - duprem_flagstat_output - picard_markdup_log - bam name_sorting_filtered_bam: doc: samtools sort - sorting of filtered bam file by read name run: "../tools/samtools_sort_name.cwl" in: bam_unsorted: source: merge_duprem_filter/bam out: - bam_sorted converting_bam_to_bedpe: doc: bedtools bamtobed run: "../tools/bedtools_bamtobed_pe.cwl" in: bam: source: name_sorting_filtered_bam/bam_sorted out: - bedpe generating_atac_signal_tags: doc: run: "../tools/generate_atac_signal_tags.cwl" in: bedpe_alignm: # paired alignments in bedpe format source: converting_bam_to_bedpe/bedpe output_basename: source: sample_id out: - bed_tn5_center_29bp - bed_tn5_center_73bp - bed_tn5_center_200bp - bed_tn5_center_1bp - bed_tn5_center_fragment - fragment_sizes_tsv - filtering_stats_tsv - frag_size_stats_tsv - irreg_mappings_bedpe generating_coverage_tracks: doc: run: "../workflow_modules/bed_to_coverage_track.cwl" scatter: [bed] scatterMethod: dotproduct in: bed: source: - generating_atac_signal_tags/bed_tn5_center_29bp - generating_atac_signal_tags/bed_tn5_center_73bp - generating_atac_signal_tags/bed_tn5_center_200bp - generating_atac_signal_tags/bed_tn5_center_1bp - generating_atac_signal_tags/bed_tn5_center_fragment genome_info: source: genome_info effective_genome_size: source: effective_genome_size bin_size: source: bin_size ignoreForNormalization: source: ignoreForNormalization out: - bigwig - bam peak_calling_macs2_broad: doc: peak calling using macs2 run: "../tools/macs2_callpeak_atac.cwl" scatter: [treatment_bed] scatterMethod: dotproduct in: treatment_bed: source: - generating_atac_signal_tags/bed_tn5_center_73bp - generating_atac_signal_tags/bed_tn5_center_200bp - generating_atac_signal_tags/bed_tn5_center_fragment linkMerge: merge_flattened genome_size: source: effective_genome_size broad: valueFrom: ${return(true)} qvalue: source: macs2_qvalue out: - peaks_bed - peaks_xls peak_calling_macs2_narrow: doc: peak calling using macs2 run: "../tools/macs2_callpeak_atac.cwl" in: treatment_bed: source: generating_atac_signal_tags/bed_tn5_center_29bp genome_size: source: effective_genome_size broad: valueFrom: ${return(false)} qvalue: source: macs2_qvalue out: - peaks_bed - peaks_xls plot_fragment_size_distribution: run: "../tools/plot_frag_size_distr.cwl" in: fragment_sizes_tsv: source: generating_atac_signal_tags/fragment_sizes_tsv output_basename: source: sample_id out: - frag_size_distr_plot - frag_size_distr_tsv qc_plot_fingerprint: run: "../tools/deeptools_plotFingerprint.cwl" in: bam: source: merge_duprem_filter/bam sample_id: source: sample_id is_paired_end: default: true out: - qc_plot_fingerprint_plot - qc_plot_fingerprint_tsv - qc_plot_fingerprint_stderr qc_phantompeakqualtools: run: "../tools/phantompeakqualtools.cwl" in: bam: source: merge_duprem_filter/bam out: - qc_crosscorr_summary - qc_crosscorr_plot - qc_phantompeakqualtools_stderr - qc_phantompeakqualtools_stdout create_summary_qc_report: doc: | multiqc summarizes the qc results from fastqc and other tools run: "../tools/multiqc_hack.cwl" in: qc_files_array_of_array: source: - trim_and_map/raw_fastqc_zip - trim_and_map/raw_fastqc_html - trim_and_map/trimmed_fastqc_html - trim_and_map/trimmed_fastqc_zip - trim_and_map/trim_galore_log - peak_calling_macs2_broad/peaks_bed linkMerge: merge_flattened qc_files_array: source: - trim_and_map/bowtie2_log - merge_duprem_filter/duprem_fastqc_zip - merge_duprem_filter/duprem_fastqc_html - generating_atac_signal_tags/frag_size_stats_tsv - generating_atac_signal_tags/fragment_sizes_tsv - generating_atac_signal_tags/filtering_stats_tsv - peak_calling_macs2_broad/peaks_xls - peak_calling_macs2_narrow/peaks_bed - peak_calling_macs2_narrow/peaks_xls - plot_fragment_size_distribution/frag_size_distr_tsv - qc_plot_fingerprint/qc_plot_fingerprint_tsv - qc_phantompeakqualtools/qc_phantompeakqualtools_stdout - qc_phantompeakqualtools/qc_crosscorr_summary - merge_duprem_filter/picard_markdup_log linkMerge: merge_flattened report_name: source: sample_id out: - multiqc_zip - multiqc_html outputs: raw_fastqc_zip: type: type: array items: type: array items: File outputSource: trim_and_map/raw_fastqc_zip raw_fastqc_html: type: type: array items: type: array items: File outputSource: trim_and_map/raw_fastqc_html trim_galore_log: type: type: array items: type: array items: File outputSource: trim_and_map/raw_fastqc_zip trimmed_fastqc_html: type: type: array items: type: array items: File outputSource: trim_and_map/trimmed_fastqc_html trimmed_fastqc_zip: type: type: array items: type: array items: File outputSource: trim_and_map/trimmed_fastqc_zip bowtie2_log: type: type: array items: File outputSource: trim_and_map/bowtie2_log duprem_fastqc_zip: type: type: array items: File outputSource: merge_duprem_filter/duprem_fastqc_zip duprem_fastqc_html: type: type: array items: File outputSource: merge_duprem_filter/duprem_fastqc_html merged_flagstat_output: type: File outputSource: merge_duprem_filter/merged_flagstat_output filtered_flagstat_output: type: File outputSource: merge_duprem_filter/filtered_flagstat_output duprem_flagstat_output: type: File outputSource: merge_duprem_filter/duprem_flagstat_output bam: type: File secondaryFiles: .bai outputSource: merge_duprem_filter/bam picard_markdup_log: type: File outputSource: merge_duprem_filter/picard_markdup_log frag_size_stats_tsv: type: File outputSource: generating_atac_signal_tags/frag_size_stats_tsv filtering_stats_tsv: type: File outputSource: generating_atac_signal_tags/filtering_stats_tsv fragment_sizes_tsv: type: File outputSource: generating_atac_signal_tags/fragment_sizes_tsv irreg_mappings_bedpe: type: File outputSource: generating_atac_signal_tags/irreg_mappings_bedpe bam_signal_tags: type: type: array items: File outputSource: generating_coverage_tracks/bam bigwig_signal_tags: type: type: array items: File outputSource: generating_coverage_tracks/bigwig peaks_bed_macs2_broad: type: type: array items: type: array items: File outputSource: peak_calling_macs2_broad/peaks_bed peaks_xls_macs2_broad: type: type: array items: File outputSource: peak_calling_macs2_broad/peaks_xls peaks_bed_macs2_narrow: type: type: array items: File outputSource: peak_calling_macs2_narrow/peaks_bed peaks_xls_macs2_narrow: type: File outputSource: peak_calling_macs2_narrow/peaks_xls frag_size_distr_plot: type: File outputSource: plot_fragment_size_distribution/frag_size_distr_plot frag_size_distr_tsv: type: File outputSource: plot_fragment_size_distribution/frag_size_distr_tsv qc_plot_fingerprint_plot: type: File? outputSource: qc_plot_fingerprint/qc_plot_fingerprint_plot qc_plot_fingerprint_tsv: type: File? outputSource: qc_plot_fingerprint/qc_plot_fingerprint_tsv qc_plot_fingerprint_stderr: type: File outputSource: qc_plot_fingerprint/qc_plot_fingerprint_stderr qc_crosscorr_summary: type: File? outputSource: qc_phantompeakqualtools/qc_crosscorr_summary qc_crosscorr_plot: type: File? outputSource: qc_phantompeakqualtools/qc_crosscorr_plot qc_phantompeakqualtools_stderr: type: File? outputSource: qc_phantompeakqualtools/qc_phantompeakqualtools_stderr multiqc_zip: type: File outputSource: create_summary_qc_report/multiqc_zip multiqc_html: type: File outputSource: create_summary_qc_report/multiqc_html