cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow requirements: - class: StepInputExpressionRequirement - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement - class: MultipleInputFeatureRequirement 'sd:upstream': genome_indices: - "genome-indices.cwl" inputs: alias: type: string label: "Experiment short name/Alias" sd:preview: position: 1 regions_file: type: File format: "" label: "Regions file. Headerless BED file with minimum [chrom start end] columns. Optionally, CSV" doc: "Regions of interest. Formatted as headerless BED file with minimum [chrom start end] columns. Optionally, CSV" motifs_db: type: - "null" - type: enum symbols: ["vertebrates", "insects", "worms", "plants", "yeast", "all"] default: "vertebrates" label: "Set motifs DB to check against" doc: "Set motifs DB to check against" chrom_length_file: type: File format: "" label: "Chromosome length file" doc: "Chromosome length file" 'sd:upstreamSource': "genome_indices/chrom_length" genome_fasta_file: type: File format: "" label: "Reference genome FASTA file" doc: "Reference genome FASTA file. Includes all chromosomes in a single file" 'sd:upstreamSource': "genome_indices/fasta_output" skip_denovo: type: boolean? default: True label: "Skip de novo motif enrichment" doc: "Skip de novo motif enrichment" 'sd:layout': advanced: true skip_known: type: boolean? default: False label: "Skip known motif enrichment" doc: "Skip known motif enrichment" 'sd:layout': advanced: true use_binomial: type: boolean? default: False label: "Use binomial distribution instead of hypergeometric to calculate p-values" doc: "Use binomial distribution instead of hypergeometric to calculate p-values" 'sd:layout': advanced: true threads: type: int? default: 4 label: "Threads number" doc: "Number of threads for those steps that support multithreading" 'sd:layout': advanced: true outputs: homer_found_motifs: type: File outputSource: find_motifs/compressed_results_folder label: "Compressed file with Homer motifs" doc: "Homer motifs" homer_stdout_log: type: File format: "" outputSource: find_motifs/stdout_log label: "Homer stdout log" doc: "Homer stdout log" homer_known_motifs: type: File? format: "" outputSource: find_motifs/known_motifs label: "Known motifs html file" doc: "Known motifs html file" homer_denovo_motifs: type: File? format: "" outputSource: find_motifs/denovo_motifs label: "de novo motifs html file" doc: "de novo motifs html file" homer_stderr_log: type: File format: "" outputSource: find_motifs/stderr_log label: "Homer stderr log" doc: "Homer stderr log" steps: make_unique: run: ../tools/custom-bash.cwl in: input_file: regions_file script: default: | cat "$0" | tr -d '\r' | tr "," "\t" | cut -f 1-3 | awk NF | sort -u -k1,1 -k2,2n -k3,3n > `basename $0` out: - output_file bedtools_slop: run: ../tools/bedtools-slop.cwl in: bed_file: make_unique/output_file chrom_length_file: chrom_length_file bi_direction: default: 20000 out: - extended_bed_file bedtools_sort: run: ../tools/linux-sort.cwl in: unsorted_file: bedtools_slop/extended_bed_file key: default: ["1,1","2,2n"] out: - sorted_file bedtools_merge: run: ../tools/bedtools-merge.cwl in: bed_file: bedtools_sort/sorted_file out: - merged_bed_file bedtools_subtract: run: ../tools/bedtools-subtract.cwl in: reduced_bed_file: bedtools_merge/merged_bed_file subtracted_bed_file: make_unique/output_file out: - difference_bed_file bedtools_shuffle: run: ../tools/bedtools-shuffle.cwl in: bed_file: make_unique/output_file chrom_length_file: chrom_length_file incl_bed_file: bedtools_subtract/difference_bed_file no_overlapping: default: True max_tries: default: 10000 seed: default: 123456789 out: - shuffled_bed_file bedtools_get_fasta_target: run: ../tools/bedtools-getfasta.cwl in: intervals_file: make_unique/output_file genome_fasta_file: genome_fasta_file out: - sequences_file bedtools_get_fasta_background: run: ../tools/bedtools-getfasta.cwl in: intervals_file: bedtools_shuffle/shuffled_bed_file genome_fasta_file: genome_fasta_file out: - sequences_file find_motifs: run: ../tools/homer-find-motifs.cwl in: target_fasta_file: bedtools_get_fasta_target/sequences_file background_fasta_file: bedtools_get_fasta_background/sequences_file skip_denovo: skip_denovo skip_known: skip_known use_binomial: use_binomial motifs_db: motifs_db threads: threads out: - compressed_results_folder - known_motifs - denovo_motifs - stdout_log - stderr_log $namespaces: s: $schemas: - label: "Motif Finding with HOMER with random background regions" s:name: "Motif Finding with HOMER with random background regions" s:alternateName: "Motif Finding with HOMER with random background regions" s:downloadUrl: s:codeRepository: s:license: s:isPartOf: class: s:CreativeWork s:name: Common Workflow Language s:url: s:creator: - class: s:Organization s:legalName: "Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center" s:location: - class: s:PostalAddress s:addressCountry: "USA" s:addressLocality: "Cincinnati" s:addressRegion: "OH" s:postalCode: "45229" s:streetAddress: "3333 Burnet Ave" s:telephone: "+1(513)636-4200" s:logo: "" s:department: - class: s:Organization s:legalName: "Allergy and Immunology" s:department: - class: s:Organization s:legalName: "Barski Research Lab" s:member: - class: s:Person s:name: Michael Kotliar s:email: s:sameAs: - id: # doc: # $include: ../descriptions/ doc: | Motif Finding with HOMER with random background regions --------------------------------------------------- HOMER contains a novel motif discovery algorithm that was designed for regulatory element analysis in genomics applications (DNA only, no protein). It is a differential motif discovery algorithm, which means that it takes two sets of sequences and tries to identify the regulatory elements that are specifically enriched in on set relative to the other. It uses ZOOPS scoring (zero or one occurrence per sequence) coupled with the hypergeometric enrichment calculations (or binomial) to determine motif enrichment. HOMER also tries its best to account for sequenced bias in the dataset. It was designed with ChIP-Seq and promoter analysis in mind, but can be applied to pretty much any nucleic acids motif finding problem. Here is how we generate background for Motifs Analysis ------------------------------------- 1. Take input file with regions in a form of “chr" “start" “end" 2. Sort and remove duplicates from this regions file 3. Extend each region in 20Kb into both directions 4. Merge all overlapped extended regions 5. Subtract not extended regions from the extended ones 6. Randomly distribute not extended regions within the regions that we got as a result of the previous step 7. Get fasta file from these randomly distributed regions (from the previous step). Use it as background For more information please refer to: ------------------------------------- [Official documentation](