cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow label: Chunked version of phmmer-v3.2.cwl requirements: ScatterFeatureRequirement: {} inputs: - id: bitscoreThreshold type: int? inputBinding: position: 0 prefix: '-T' label: report sequences >= this bit score threshold in output - id: cpu type: int? inputBinding: position: 0 prefix: '--cpu' label: Number of parallel CPU workers to use for multithreads - id: seqFile type: File inputBinding: position: 1 label: Query sequence(s) file doc: > Search one or more query protein sequences against a protein sequence database. - id: seqdb type: File inputBinding: position: 2 label: Target database of sequences - id: fullPhmmerMatches type: string default: full_phmmer_matches - id: fullPhmmerOutput type: string default: full_phmmer_output outputs: - id: matches type: File outputSource: combine_phmmer_matches/result # format: edam:format_1929 # Tabular format - id: programOutput type: File outputSource: combine_phmmer_output/result steps: split_seqs: run: ../utils/fasta_chunker.cwl in: seqs: seqFile chunk_size: { default: 500 } out: [ chunks ] calculate_phmmer_matches: label: Calculates phmmer matches on chunked sequence files run: ../tools/HMMER/phmmer-v3.2.cwl in: seqFile: split_seqs/chunks seqdb: seqdb scatter: seqFile out: [ matches, programOutput ] combine_phmmer_matches: run: ../utils/concatenate.cwl in: files: calculate_phmmer_matches/matches outputFileName: fullPhmmerMatches out: [ result ] combine_phmmer_output: run: ../utils/concatenate.cwl in: files: calculate_phmmer_matches/programOutput outputFileName: fullPhmmerOutput out: [ result ] $namespaces: edam: s: $schemas: - - s:license: "" s:copyrightHolder: "EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute, 2018" s:author: "Maxim Scheremetjew"