cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow requirements: - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement - class: StepInputExpressionRequirement - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement - class: MultipleInputFeatureRequirement 'sd:upstream': genome_indices: - "cellranger-mkref.cwl" inputs: alias: type: string label: "Experiment short name/Alias" sd:preview: position: 1 indices_folder: type: Directory label: "Genome Type" doc: "Cell Ranger ARC generated genome indices folder" 'sd:upstreamSource': "genome_indices/arc_indices_folder" 'sd:localLabel': true gex_fastq_file_r1: type: - File - type: array items: File format: "" label: "GEX FASTQ file R1 (optionally compressed)" doc: "GEX FASTQ file R1 (optionally compressed)" gex_fastq_file_r2: type: - File - type: array items: File format: "" label: "GEX FASTQ file R2 (optionally compressed)" doc: "GEX FASTQ file R2 (optionally compressed)" atac_fastq_file_r1: type: - File - type: array items: File format: "" label: "ATAC FASTQ file R1 (optionally compressed)" doc: "ATAC FASTQ file R1 (optionally compressed)" atac_fastq_file_r2: type: - File - type: array items: File format: "" label: "ATAC FASTQ file R2 (optionally compressed)" doc: "ATAC FASTQ file R2 (optionally compressed)" atac_fastq_file_r3: type: - File - type: array items: File format: "" label: "ATAC FASTQ file R3 (optionally compressed)" doc: "ATAC FASTQ file R3 (optionally compressed)" exclude_introns: type: boolean? default: false label: "Disable counting of intronic reads" doc: | Disable counting of intronic reads. In this mode, only reads that are exonic and compatible with annotated splice junctions in the reference are counted. Note: using this mode will reduce the UMI counts in the feature-barcode matrix 'sd:layout': advanced: true threads: type: int? default: 4 label: "Number of threads" doc: "Number of threads for those steps that support multithreading" 'sd:layout': advanced: true memory_limit: type: int? default: 20 label: "Genome Type" doc: | Maximum memory used (GB). The same as was used for generating indices. The same will be applied to virtual memory 'sd:upstreamSource': "genome_indices/memory_limit" 'sd:localLabel': true outputs: fastqc_report_gex_fastq_r1: type: File outputSource: run_fastqc_for_gex_fastq_r1/html_file label: "FastqQC report for GEX FASTQ file R1" doc: | FastqQC report for GEX FASTQ file R1 'sd:visualPlugins': - linkList: tab: 'Overview' target: "_blank" fastqc_report_gex_fastq_r2: type: File outputSource: run_fastqc_for_gex_fastq_r2/html_file label: "FastqQC report for GEX FASTQ file R2" doc: | FastqQC report for GEX FASTQ file R2 'sd:visualPlugins': - linkList: tab: 'Overview' target: "_blank" fastqc_report_atac_fastq_r1: type: File outputSource: run_fastqc_for_atac_fastq_r1/html_file label: "FastqQC report for ATAC FASTQ file R1" doc: | FastqQC report for ATAC FASTQ file R1 'sd:visualPlugins': - linkList: tab: 'Overview' target: "_blank" fastqc_report_atac_fastq_r2: type: File outputSource: run_fastqc_for_atac_fastq_r2/html_file label: "FastqQC report for ATAC FASTQ file R2" doc: | FastqQC report for ATAC FASTQ file R2 'sd:visualPlugins': - linkList: tab: 'Overview' target: "_blank" fastqc_report_atac_fastq_r3: type: File outputSource: run_fastqc_for_atac_fastq_r3/html_file label: "FastqQC report for ATAC FASTQ file R3" doc: | FastqQC report for ATAC FASTQ file R3 'sd:visualPlugins': - linkList: tab: 'Overview' target: "_blank" web_summary_report: type: File outputSource: generate_counts_matrix/web_summary_report label: "Cell Ranger summary" doc: | Cell Ranger summary 'sd:visualPlugins': - linkList: tab: 'Overview' target: "_blank" metrics_summary_report: type: File outputSource: generate_counts_matrix/metrics_summary_report label: "Run summary metrics in CSV format" doc: | Run summary metrics in CSV format barcode_metrics_report: type: File outputSource: generate_counts_matrix/barcode_metrics_report label: "ATAC and GEX barcode metrics in CSV format" doc: | ATAC and GEX read count summaries generated for every barcode observed in the experiment. The columns contain the paired ATAC and Gene Expression barcode sequences, ATAC and Gene Expression QC metrics for that barcode, as well as whether this barcode was identified as a cell-associated partition by the pipeline. gex_possorted_genome_bam_bai: type: File outputSource: generate_counts_matrix/gex_possorted_genome_bam_bai label: "Aligned to the genome indexed reads GEX BAM+BAI files" doc: | GEX position-sorted reads aligned to the genome and transcriptome annotated with barcode information in BAM format atac_possorted_genome_bam_bai: type: File outputSource: generate_counts_matrix/atac_possorted_genome_bam_bai label: "Aligned to the genome indexed reads ATAC BAM+BAI files" doc: | ATAC position-sorted reads aligned to the genome annotated with barcode information in BAM format filtered_feature_bc_matrix_folder: type: File outputSource: compress_filtered_feature_bc_matrix_folder/compressed_folder label: "Compressed folder with filtered feature-barcode matrices" doc: | Filtered feature barcode matrix stored as a CSC sparse matrix in MEX format. The rows consist of all the gene and peak features concatenated together (identical to raw feature barcode matrix) and the columns are restricted to those barcodes that are identified as cells. filtered_feature_bc_matrix_h5: type: File outputSource: generate_counts_matrix/filtered_feature_bc_matrix_h5 label: "Filtered feature-barcode matrices in HDF5 format" doc: | Filtered feature barcode matrix stored as a CSC sparse matrix in hdf5 format. The rows consist of all the gene and peak features concatenated together (identical to raw feature barcode matrix) and the columns are restricted to those barcodes that are identified as cells. raw_feature_bc_matrices_folder: type: File outputSource: compress_raw_feature_bc_matrices_folder/compressed_folder label: "Compressed folder with unfiltered feature-barcode matrices" doc: | Raw feature barcode matrix stored as a CSC sparse matrix in MEX format. The rows consist of all the gene and peak features concatenated together and the columns consist of all observed barcodes with non-zero signal for either ATAC or gene expression. raw_feature_bc_matrices_h5: type: File outputSource: generate_counts_matrix/raw_feature_bc_matrices_h5 label: "Unfiltered feature-barcode matrices in HDF5 format" doc: | Raw feature barcode matrix stored as a CSC sparse matrix in hdf5 format. The rows consist of all the gene and peak features concatenated together and the columns consist of all observed barcodes with non-zero signal for either ATAC or gene expression. secondary_analysis_report_folder: type: File outputSource: compress_secondary_analysis_report_folder/compressed_folder label: "Compressed folder with secondary analysis results" doc: | Various secondary analyses that utilize the ATAC data, the GEX data, and their linkage: dimensionality reduction and clustering results for the ATAC and GEX data, differential expression, and differential accessibility for all clustering results above and linkage between ATAC and GEX data. gex_molecule_info_h5: type: File outputSource: generate_counts_matrix/gex_molecule_info_h5 label: "GEX molecule-level information for aggregating samples into larger datasets" doc: | Count and barcode information for every GEX molecule observed in the experiment in hdf5 format loupe_browser_track: type: File outputSource: generate_counts_matrix/loupe_browser_track label: "Loupe Browser visualization file with all the analysis outputs" doc: | Loupe Browser visualization file with all the analysis outputs atac_fragments_file: type: File outputSource: generate_counts_matrix/atac_fragments_file label: "Count and barcode information for every ATAC fragment in TSV format" doc: | Count and barcode information for every ATAC fragment observed in the experiment in TSV format. atac_peaks_bed_file: type: File outputSource: generate_counts_matrix/atac_peaks_bed_file label: "Identified peaks in BED format" doc: | Locations of open-chromatin regions identified in this sample. These regions are referred to as "peaks". atac_cut_sites_bigwig_file: type: File outputSource: generate_counts_matrix/atac_cut_sites_bigwig_file label: "Observed transposition sites in bigWig format" doc: | Genome track of observed transposition sites in the experiment smoothed at a resolution of 400 bases in BIGWIG format. 'sd:visualPlugins': - igvbrowser: tab: 'IGV Genome Browser' id: 'igvbrowser' type: 'wig' name: "ATAC cut sites" height: 120 atac_peak_annotation_file: type: File outputSource: generate_counts_matrix/atac_peak_annotation_file label: "Annotations of peaks based on genomic proximity in TSV format" doc: | Annotations of peaks based on genomic proximity alone. Note that these are not functional annotations and they do not make use of linkage with GEX data. generate_counts_matrix_stdout_log: type: File outputSource: generate_counts_matrix/stdout_log label: stdout log generated by cellranger-arc count doc: | stdout log generated by cellranger-arc count generate_counts_matrix_stderr_log: type: File outputSource: generate_counts_matrix/stderr_log label: stderr log generated by cellranger-arc count doc: | stderr log generated by cellranger-arc count collected_statistics: type: File outputSource: collect_statistics/collected_statistics label: "Collected statistics in Markdown format" doc: "Collected statistics in Markdown format" 'sd:visualPlugins': - markdownView: tab: 'Overview' compressed_html_data_folder: type: File outputSource: compress_html_data_folder/compressed_folder label: "Compressed folder with CellBrowser formatted results" doc: | Compressed folder with CellBrowser formatted results html_data_folder: type: Directory outputSource: cellbrowser_build/html_data label: "Folder with not compressed CellBrowser formatted results" doc: | Folder with not compressed CellBrowser formatted results cellbrowser_report: type: File outputSource: cellbrowser_build/index_html_file label: "CellBrowser formatted Cellranger report" doc: | CellBrowser formatted Cellranger report 'sd:visualPlugins': - linkList: tab: 'Overview' target: "_blank" steps: extract_gex_fastq_r1: run: ../tools/extract-fastq.cwl in: output_prefix: default: "gex_read_1" compressed_file: gex_fastq_file_r1 out: - fastq_file extract_gex_fastq_r2: run: ../tools/extract-fastq.cwl in: output_prefix: default: "gex_read_2" compressed_file: gex_fastq_file_r2 out: - fastq_file extract_atac_fastq_r1: run: ../tools/extract-fastq.cwl in: output_prefix: default: "atac_read_1" compressed_file: atac_fastq_file_r1 out: - fastq_file extract_atac_fastq_r2: run: ../tools/extract-fastq.cwl in: output_prefix: default: "atac_read_2" compressed_file: atac_fastq_file_r2 out: - fastq_file extract_atac_fastq_r3: run: ../tools/extract-fastq.cwl in: output_prefix: default: "atac_read_3" compressed_file: atac_fastq_file_r3 out: - fastq_file run_fastqc_for_gex_fastq_r1: run: ../tools/fastqc.cwl in: reads_file: extract_gex_fastq_r1/fastq_file threads: threads out: - html_file run_fastqc_for_gex_fastq_r2: run: ../tools/fastqc.cwl in: reads_file: extract_gex_fastq_r2/fastq_file threads: threads out: - html_file run_fastqc_for_atac_fastq_r1: run: ../tools/fastqc.cwl in: reads_file: extract_atac_fastq_r1/fastq_file threads: threads out: - html_file run_fastqc_for_atac_fastq_r2: run: ../tools/fastqc.cwl in: reads_file: extract_atac_fastq_r2/fastq_file threads: threads out: - html_file run_fastqc_for_atac_fastq_r3: run: ../tools/fastqc.cwl in: reads_file: extract_atac_fastq_r3/fastq_file threads: threads out: - html_file generate_counts_matrix: run: ../tools/cellranger-arc-count.cwl in: gex_fastq_file_r1: extract_gex_fastq_r1/fastq_file gex_fastq_file_r2: extract_gex_fastq_r2/fastq_file atac_fastq_file_r1: extract_atac_fastq_r1/fastq_file atac_fastq_file_r2: extract_atac_fastq_r2/fastq_file atac_fastq_file_r3: extract_atac_fastq_r3/fastq_file indices_folder: indices_folder exclude_introns: exclude_introns threads: threads memory_limit: memory_limit virt_memory_limit: memory_limit out: - web_summary_report - metrics_summary_report - barcode_metrics_report - gex_possorted_genome_bam_bai - atac_possorted_genome_bam_bai - filtered_feature_bc_matrix_folder - filtered_feature_bc_matrix_h5 - raw_feature_bc_matrices_folder - raw_feature_bc_matrices_h5 - secondary_analysis_report_folder - gex_molecule_info_h5 - loupe_browser_track - atac_fragments_file - atac_peaks_bed_file - atac_cut_sites_bigwig_file - atac_peak_annotation_file - stdout_log - stderr_log compress_filtered_feature_bc_matrix_folder: run: ../tools/tar-compress.cwl in: folder_to_compress: generate_counts_matrix/filtered_feature_bc_matrix_folder out: - compressed_folder compress_raw_feature_bc_matrices_folder: run: ../tools/tar-compress.cwl in: folder_to_compress: generate_counts_matrix/raw_feature_bc_matrices_folder out: - compressed_folder compress_secondary_analysis_report_folder: run: ../tools/tar-compress.cwl in: folder_to_compress: generate_counts_matrix/secondary_analysis_report_folder out: - compressed_folder collect_statistics: run: cwlVersion: v1.0 class: CommandLineTool hints: - class: DockerRequirement dockerPull: rackspacedot/python37 inputs: script: type: string? default: | #!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys, csv with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as input_stream: with open("", "w") as output_stream: output_stream.write("### Cell Ranger ARC Statistics\n") keys, values = None, None for i, row in enumerate(csv.reader(input_stream)): if i==0: keys = row else: values = row for k,v in zip(keys, values): output_stream.write("- "+k+": "+v+"\n") inputBinding: position: 5 metrics_summary_report: type: File inputBinding: position: 6 outputs: collected_statistics: type: File outputBinding: glob: "*" baseCommand: ["python3", "-c"] in: metrics_summary_report: generate_counts_matrix/metrics_summary_report out: - collected_statistics cellbrowser_build: run: ../tools/cellbrowser-build-cellranger-arc.cwl in: secondary_analysis_report_folder: generate_counts_matrix/secondary_analysis_report_folder filtered_feature_bc_matrix_folder: generate_counts_matrix/filtered_feature_bc_matrix_folder out: - html_data - index_html_file compress_html_data_folder: run: ../tools/tar-compress.cwl in: folder_to_compress: cellbrowser_build/html_data out: - compressed_folder $namespaces: s: $schemas: - s:name: "Cell Ranger ARC Count Gene Expression + ATAC" label: "Cell Ranger ARC Count Gene Expression + ATAC" s:alternateName: "Counts ATAC and gene expression reads from a single 10x Genomics Cell Ranger Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression library" s:downloadUrl: s:codeRepository: s:license: s:isPartOf: class: s:CreativeWork s:name: Common Workflow Language s:url: s:creator: - class: s:Organization s:legalName: "Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center" s:location: - class: s:PostalAddress s:addressCountry: "USA" s:addressLocality: "Cincinnati" s:addressRegion: "OH" s:postalCode: "45229" s:streetAddress: "3333 Burnet Ave" s:telephone: "+1(513)636-4200" s:logo: "" s:department: - class: s:Organization s:legalName: "Allergy and Immunology" s:department: - class: s:Organization s:legalName: "Barski Research Lab" s:member: - class: s:Person s:name: Michael Kotliar s:email: s:sameAs: - id: doc: | Cell Ranger ARC Count Gene Expression + ATAC ============================================