dct:creator: "@id": "sbg" foaf:name: SevenBridges foaf:mbox: "mailto:support@sbgenomics.com" $namespaces: sbg: https://sevenbridges.com dct: http://purl.org/dc/terms/ foaf: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/ class: Workflow cwlVersion: v1.0 doc: "**BROAD Best Practice Data Pre-processing Workflow** is used to prepare\ \ data for variant calling analysis. \n\nIt can be divided into two major segments:\ \ alignment to reference genome and data cleanup operations that correct technical\ \ biases [1].\n\n*A list of all inputs and parameters with corresponding descriptions\ \ can be found at the bottom of this page.*\n\n### Common Use Cases\n\n* **BROAD\ \ Best Practice Data Pre-processing Workflow** is designed to operate on\ \ individual samples.\n* Resulting BAM files are ready for variant calling analysis\ \ and can be further processed by other BROAD best practice pipelines, like **Generic\ \ germline short variant per-sample calling workflow** [2], **Somatic CNVs workflow**\ \ [3] and **Somatic SNVs+Indel workflow** [4].\n\n\n### Changes Introduced by Seven\ \ Bridges\n\nThis pipeline represents the CWL implementation of BROADs [original\ \ WDL file](https://github.com/gatk-workflows/gatk4-data-processing) available\ \ on github. Minor differences are introduced in order to successfully adapt to\ \ the Seven Bridges Platform. These differences are listed below:\n* **SamToFastqAndBwaMem**\ \ step is divided into elementary steps: **SamToFastq** and **BWA Mem** \n* **SortAndFixTags**\ \ is divided into elementary steps: **SortSam** and **SetNmMdAndUqTags**\n* Added\ \ **SBG Lines to Interval List**: this tool is used to adapt results obtained with\ \ **CreateSequenceGroupingTSV** for platform execution, more precisely for scattering.\n\ \n\n### Common Issues and Important Notes\n\n* **BROAD Best Practice Data Pre-processing\ \ Workflow** expects unmapped BAM file format as the main input.\n* **Input\ \ Alignments** (`--in_alignments`) - provided unmapped BAM (uBAM) file should be\ \ in query-sorter order and all reads must have RG tags. Also, input uBAM files\ \ must pass validation by **ValidateSamFile**.\n* For each tool in the workflow,\ \ equivalent parameter settings to the one listed in the corresponding WDL file\ \ are set as defaults. \n\n### Performance Benchmarking\nSince this CWL implementation\ \ is meant to be equivalent to GATKs original WDL, there are no additional optimization\ \ steps beside instance and storage definition. \nThe c5.9xlarge AWS instance hint\ \ is used for WGS inputs and attached storage is set to 1.5TB.\nIn the table given\ \ below one can find results of test runs for WGS and WES samples. All calculations\ \ are performed with reference files corresponding to assembly 38.\n\n*Cost can\ \ be significantly reduced by spot instance usage. Visit knowledge center for more\ \ details.*\n\n| Input Size | Experimental Strategy | Coverage| Duration | Cost\ \ (spot) | AWS Instance Type |\n| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | \n| 6.6 GiB\ \ | WES | 70 |1h 9min | $2.02 | c5.9 |\n|3.4 GiB | WES | 40 | 39min | $1.15 |\ \ c5.9 |\n|2.1 GiB | WES | 20 | 28min | $0.82 | c5.9 |\n|0.7 GiB | WES | 10\ \ | 14min | $0.42 | c5.9 |\n| 116 GiB | WGS (HG001) | 50 | 1day 1h 22min |\ \ $49.19 | r4.8 |\n| 185 GiB | WGS | 50 |1day 8h 14 min | $56.05 | c5.9 |\n\ | 111.3 GiB| WGS | 30 |19h 27min | $33.82 | c5.9 |\n| 37.2 GiB | WGS | 10 |6h 22min\ \ | $11.09 | c5.9 |\n\n\n\n### API Python Implementation\nThe app's draft task\ \ can also be submitted via the **API**. In order to learn how to get your **Authentication\ \ token** and **API endpoint** for corresponding platform visit our [documentation](https://github.com/sbg/sevenbridges-python#authentication-and-configuration).\n\ \n```python\n# Initialize the SBG Python API\nfrom sevenbridges import Api\napi\ \ = Api(token=\"enter_your_token\", url=\"enter_api_endpoint\")\n# Get project_id/app_id\ \ from your address bar. Example: https://igor.sbgenomics.com/u/your_username/project/app\n\ project_id = \"your_username/project\"\napp_id = \"your_username/project/app\"\n\ # Replace inputs with appropriate values\ninputs = {\n\t\"in_alignments\": list(api.files.query(project=project_id,\ \ names=[\"HCC1143BL.reverted.bam\"])), \n\t\"reference_index_tar\": api.files.query(project=project_id,\ \ names=[\"Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta.tar\"])[0], \n\t\"in_reference\": api.files.query(project=project_id,\ \ names=[\"Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta\"])[0], \n\t\"ref_dict\": api.files.query(project=project_id,\ \ names=[\"Homo_sapiens_assembly38.dict\"])[0],\n\t\"known_snps\": api.files.query(project=project_id,\ \ names=[\"1000G_phase1.snps.high_confidence.hg38.vcf\"])[0],\n \"known_indels\"\ : list(api.files.query(project=project_id, names=[\"Homo_sapiens_assembly38.known_indels.vcf\"\ , Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.hg38.vcf]))}\n# Creates draft task\ntask\ \ = api.tasks.create(name=\"BROAD Best Practice Data Pre-processing Workflow\ \ - API Run\", project=project_id, app=app_id, inputs=inputs, run=False)\n```\n\n\ Instructions for installing and configuring the API Python client, are provided\ \ on [github](https://github.com/sbg/sevenbridges-python#installation). For more\ \ information about using the API Python client, consult [the client documentation](http://sevenbridges-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).\ \ **More examples** are available [here](https://github.com/sbg/okAPI).\n\nAdditionally,\ \ [API R](https://github.com/sbg/sevenbridges-r) and [API Java](https://github.com/sbg/sevenbridges-java)\ \ clients are available. To learn more about using these API clients please refer\ \ to the [API R client documentation](https://sbg.github.io/sevenbridges-r/), and\ \ [API Java client documentation](https://docs.sevenbridges.com/docs/java-library-quickstart).\n\ \n\n### References\n\n[1] [Data Pre-processing](https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/best-practices/workflow?id=11165)\n\ \n[2] [Generic germline short variant per-sample calling](https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/best-practices/workflow?id=11145)\n\ \n[3] [Somatic CNVs](https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/best-practices/workflow?id=11147)\n\ \n[4] [Somatic SNVs+Indel pipeline ](https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/best-practices/workflow?id=11146)" hints: - class: sbg:AWSInstanceType value: c5.9xlarge;ebs-gp2;3000 id: uros_sipetic/broad-best-practice-data-pre-processing-4-1-0-0-demo/broad-best-practice-data-pre-processing-workflow-4-1-0-0/14 inputs: - doc: Input alignments files in unmapped BAM format. id: in_alignments label: Input alignments sbg:fileTypes: SAM, BAM sbg:x: -623.1131591796875 sbg:y: 39.18902587890625 type: File[] - doc: FASTA reference or BWA index archive. id: reference_index_tar label: BWA index archive or FASTA reference sbg:fileTypes: TAR, FA, FASTA sbg:x: -612.580078125 sbg:y: 425.3470764160156 type: File - doc: Number of threads. id: threads label: Threads sbg:exposed: true type: int? - doc: Input reference in FASTA format. id: in_reference label: FASTA reference sbg:fileTypes: FASTA, FA sbg:x: -612.513916015625 sbg:y: 555.003173828125 secondaryFiles: - .fai - ^.dict type: File - doc: VCF file with known SNPs. id: known_snps label: Known SNPs sbg:fileTypes: VCF sbg:x: 618.927734375 sbg:y: 590.1701049804688 secondaryFiles: - .idx type: File[]? - doc: VCF file(s) with known INDELs. id: known_indels label: Known INDELs sbg:fileTypes: VCF sbg:x: 617.8395385742188 sbg:y: 456.47503662109375 secondaryFiles: - .idx type: File[]? - doc: DICT file corresponding to the FASTA reference. id: ref_dict label: DICT file sbg:fileTypes: DICT sbg:x: 599.5844116210938 sbg:y: -34.96286392211914 type: File - doc: When writing files that need to be sorted, this will specify the number of records stored in RAM before spilling to disk. Increasing this number reduces the number of file handles needed to sort the file, and increases the amount of RAM needed. id: max_records_in_ram label: Max records in RAM sbg:exposed: true type: int? - id: output_prefix sbg:exposed: true type: string? label: BROAD Best Practice Data Pre-processing Workflow outputs: - doc: Output BAM file. id: out_alignments label: Output BAM file outputSource: - gatk_gatherbamfiles_4_1_0_0/out_alignments sbg:fileTypes: BAM sbg:x: 2052.86767578125 sbg:y: 289.4576416015625 type: File? - doc: MD5 sum of the output BAM file. id: out_md5 label: MD5 file outputSource: - gatk_gatherbamfiles_4_1_0_0/out_md5 sbg:fileTypes: MD5 sbg:x: 2048 sbg:y: 114.24113464355469 type: File? - id: output_metrics outputSource: - gatk_markduplicates_4_1_0_0/output_metrics sbg:fileTypes: METRICS sbg:x: 457.1893615722656 sbg:y: -51.47343826293945 type: File requirements: - class: StepInputExpressionRequirement - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement - class: ScatterFeatureRequirement sbg:appVersion: - v1.0 sbg:categories: - Genomics - Alignment sbg:content_hash: a323e872efffe3bf7231ad471fa6889eb779314f09bd28bc315b2aa87746b3bf1 sbg:contributors: - uros_sipetic - nens sbg:createdBy: nens sbg:createdOn: 1561370133 sbg:id: uros_sipetic/broad-best-practice-data-pre-processing-4-1-0-0-demo/broad-best-practice-data-pre-processing-workflow-4-1-0-0/14 sbg:image_url: https://igor.sbgenomics.com/ns/brood/images/uros_sipetic/broad-best-practice-data-pre-processing-4-1-0-0-demo/broad-best-practice-data-pre-processing-workflow-4-1-0-0/14.png sbg:latestRevision: 14 sbg:license: BSD 3-Clause License sbg:links: - id: https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/best-practices/workflow?id=11165 label: Homepage - id: https://github.com/gatk-workflows/gatk4-data-processing label: Source Code - id: https://github.com/broadinstitute/gatk/releases/download/ label: Download - id: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=20644199 label: Publications - id: https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/documentation/tooldocs/current/ label: Documentation sbg:modifiedBy: nens sbg:modifiedOn: 1572520572 sbg:project: uros_sipetic/broad-best-practice-data-pre-processing-4-1-0-0-demo sbg:projectName: BROAD Best Practice - Data pre-processing - Demo sbg:publisher: sbg sbg:revision: 14 sbg:revisionNotes: requrements added - to enable protability sbg:revisionsInfo: - sbg:modifiedBy: nens sbg:modifiedOn: 1561370133 sbg:revision: 0 sbg:revisionNotes: null - sbg:modifiedBy: nens sbg:modifiedOn: 1561452349 sbg:revision: 1 sbg:revisionNotes: 'dev - v2: labels added, description missing' - sbg:modifiedBy: nens sbg:modifiedOn: 1563277221 sbg:revision: 2 sbg:revisionNotes: v17 - dev project - sbg:modifiedBy: nens sbg:modifiedOn: 1563282140 sbg:revision: 3 sbg:revisionNotes: v18 - dev - sbg:modifiedBy: nens sbg:modifiedOn: 1566896948 sbg:revision: 4 sbg:revisionNotes: Mark Duplicates updated - sbg:modifiedBy: nens sbg:modifiedOn: 1566898662 sbg:revision: 5 sbg:revisionNotes: GatherBamFiles - exposed out_prefix - sbg:modifiedBy: uros_sipetic sbg:modifiedOn: 1567508021 sbg:revision: 6 sbg:revisionNotes: Add BWA BAM output - sbg:modifiedBy: uros_sipetic sbg:modifiedOn: 1567508199 sbg:revision: 7 sbg:revisionNotes: Expose smart pairing output in BWA - sbg:modifiedBy: uros_sipetic sbg:modifiedOn: 1567508283 sbg:revision: 8 sbg:revisionNotes: Revert back to rev5 - sbg:modifiedBy: uros_sipetic sbg:modifiedOn: 1567869452 sbg:revision: 9 sbg:revisionNotes: Expose bwa bam filename - sbg:modifiedBy: uros_sipetic sbg:modifiedOn: 1567869845 sbg:revision: 10 sbg:revisionNotes: Revert back to rev5 - sbg:modifiedBy: nens sbg:modifiedOn: 1570697472 sbg:revision: 11 sbg:revisionNotes: dev - v26 - sbg:modifiedBy: nens sbg:modifiedOn: 1570800993 sbg:revision: 12 sbg:revisionNotes: Documentation improved by Marko Marinkovic - sbg:modifiedBy: nens sbg:modifiedOn: 1570802986 sbg:revision: 13 sbg:revisionNotes: perf bench updated - sbg:modifiedBy: nens sbg:modifiedOn: 1572520572 sbg:revision: 14 sbg:revisionNotes: requrements added - to enable protability sbg:sbgMaintained: false sbg:toolAuthor: BROAD sbg:validationErrors: [] sbg:wrapperAuthor: Seven Bridges steps: bwa_mem_bundle_0_7_15: in: - default: '3' id: verbose_level - default: true id: smart_pairing_in_input_fastq - id: input_reads source: - gatk_samtofastq_4_1_0_0/out_reads - default: 100000000 id: num_input_bases_in_each_batch - default: None id: deduplication - default: 16 id: threads source: threads - id: reference_index_tar source: reference_index_tar - default: BAM id: output_format - default: false id: mapQ_of_suplementary - default: true id: ignore_default_rg_id label: BWA MEM Bundle out: - id: aligned_reads - id: dups_metrics run: steps/bwa_mem_bundle_0_7_15.cwl sbg:x: -194.6957550048828 sbg:y: 289.4698181152344 scatter: - input_reads gatk_applybqsr_4_1_0_0: in: - default: 'true' id: add_output_sam_program_record - id: bqsr_recal_file source: gatk_gatherbqsrreports_4_1_0_0/out_gathered_bqsr_reports - id: in_alignments source: gatk_setnmmdanduqtags_4_1_0_0/out_alignments - id: include_intervals_file source: sbg_lines_to_interval_list_1/out_intervals - id: in_reference source: in_reference - default: - 10 - 20 - 30 id: static_quantized_quals - default: true id: use_original_qualities label: GATK ApplyBQSR out: - id: out_alignments run: steps/gatk_applybqsr_4_1_0_0.cwl sbg:x: 1615.560546875 sbg:y: 207.82618713378906 scatter: - include_intervals_file gatk_baserecalibrator_4_1_0_0: in: - id: in_alignments source: gatk_setnmmdanduqtags_4_1_0_0/out_alignments - id: include_intervals_file source: sbg_lines_to_interval_list/out_intervals - id: known_indels source: - known_indels - id: known_snps source: - known_snps - id: in_reference source: in_reference - default: true id: use_original_qualities label: GATK BaseRecalibrator out: - id: output run: steps/gatk_baserecalibrator_4_1_0_0.cwl sbg:x: 1241.2686767578125 sbg:y: 307.5648193359375 scatter: - include_intervals_file gatk_createsequencegroupingtsv_4_1_0_0: in: - id: ref_dict source: ref_dict label: GATK CreateSequenceGroupingTSV out: - id: sequence_grouping - id: sequence_grouping_with_unmapped run: steps/gatk_createsequencegroupingtsv_4_1_0_0.cwl sbg:x: 791.3856201171875 sbg:y: 37.53794479370117 gatk_gatherbamfiles_4_1_0_0: in: - default: true id: create_index - id: output_prefix source: output_prefix - id: in_alignments source: - gatk_applybqsr_4_1_0_0/out_alignments - default: true id: create_md5_file label: GATK GatherBamFiles out: - id: out_alignments - id: out_md5 run: steps/gatk_gatherbamfiles_4_1_0_0.cwl sbg:x: 1867.5662841796875 sbg:y: 208.6806640625 gatk_gatherbqsrreports_4_1_0_0: in: - id: in_bqsr_reports source: - gatk_baserecalibrator_4_1_0_0/output label: GATK GatherBQSRReports out: - id: out_gathered_bqsr_reports run: steps/gatk_gatherbqsrreports_4_1_0_0.cwl sbg:x: 1459.721923828125 sbg:y: 330.2196960449219 gatk_markduplicates_4_1_0_0: in: - default: queryname id: assume_sort_order - id: in_alignments source: - gatk_mergebamalignment_4_1_0_0/out_alignments - default: 2500 id: optical_duplicate_pixel_distance - default: SILENT id: validation_stringency label: GATK MarkDuplicates out: - id: out_alignments - id: output_metrics run: steps/gatk_markduplicates_4_1_0_0.cwl sbg:x: 255 sbg:y: 102.40715789794922 gatk_mergebamalignment_4_1_0_0: in: - default: 'true' id: add_mate_cigar - id: in_alignments source: - bwa_mem_bundle_0_7_15/aligned_reads valueFrom: $([self]) - default: true id: aligner_proper_pair_flags - default: - X0 id: attributes_to_retain - default: 'false' id: clip_adapters - default: - FR id: expected_orientations - default: -1 id: max_insertions_or_deletions - default: 2000000 id: max_records_in_ram source: max_records_in_ram - default: 'true' id: paired_run - default: MostDistant id: primary_alignment_strategy - default: '"bwa mem -K 100000000 -p -v 3 -t 16 -Y ref_fasta"' id: program_group_command_line - default: bwamem id: program_group_name - default: 0.7.15 id: program_group_version - default: bwamem id: program_record_id - id: in_reference source: in_reference - default: unsorted id: sort_order - default: true id: unmap_contaminant_reads - id: unmapped_bam source: in_alignments - default: COPY_TO_TAG id: unmapped_read_strategy - default: SILENT id: validation_stringency label: GATK MergeBamAlignment out: - id: out_alignments run: steps/gatk_mergebamalignment_4_1_0_0.cwl sbg:x: -9 sbg:y: 53.96965026855469 scatter: - in_alignments - unmapped_bam scatterMethod: dotproduct gatk_samtofastq_4_1_0_0: in: - default: true id: include_non_pf_reads - id: in_alignments source: in_alignments - default: true id: interleave label: GATK SamToFastq out: - id: out_reads - id: unmapped_reads run: steps/gatk_samtofastq_4_1_0_0.cwl sbg:x: -440.40716552734375 sbg:y: 290.9440612792969 scatter: - in_alignments gatk_setnmmdanduqtags_4_1_0_0: in: - default: true id: create_index - id: in_alignments source: gatk_sortsam_4_1_0_0/out_alignments - id: reference_sequence source: in_reference label: GATK SetNmMdAndUqTags out: - id: out_alignments run: steps/gatk_setnmmdanduqtags_4_1_0_0.cwl sbg:x: 617.387451171875 sbg:y: 223.81729125976562 gatk_sortsam_4_1_0_0: in: - id: in_alignments source: gatk_markduplicates_4_1_0_0/out_alignments - default: coordinate id: sort_order label: GATK SortSam out: - id: out_alignments run: steps/gatk_sortsam_4_1_0_0.cwl sbg:x: 453.0468444824219 sbg:y: 161.9835205078125 sbg_lines_to_interval_list: in: - id: input_tsv source: gatk_createsequencegroupingtsv_4_1_0_0/sequence_grouping label: SBG Lines to Interval List out: - id: out_intervals run: steps/sbg_lines_to_interval_list.cwl sbg:x: 995.1798706054688 sbg:y: 109.42027282714844 sbg_lines_to_interval_list_1: in: - id: input_tsv source: gatk_createsequencegroupingtsv_4_1_0_0/sequence_grouping_with_unmapped label: SBG Lines to Interval List out: - id: out_intervals run: steps/sbg_lines_to_interval_list.cwl sbg:x: 990.2066040039062 sbg:y: -57.584449768066406