@prefix : . @prefix qb: . @prefix dct: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix xml: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix dcat: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix prov: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix stat: . @prefix schema: . @prefix af-inspire: . @prefix act-inspire: . @prefix foodie: . @prefix saref4agri: . @prefix common: . @prefix fiware: . @prefix fiware-agrifood: . @prefix fiware-weather: . @prefix ngsi-ld: . @prefix iso19109: . @prefix iso19150-2: . @prefix iso19103: . @prefix geo: . @prefix ssn: . @prefix sosa: . @prefix saref: . @base . a owl:Ontology ; owl:versionIRI ; dct:contributor [ schema:affiliation [ foaf:name "OGC" ] ; foaf:name "Rob Atkinson" ] , [ schema:affiliation [ foaf:name "ICCS" ] ; foaf:name "Ioanna Roussaki" ] ; dct:creator [ schema:affiliation [ foaf:name "PSNC" ] ; rdfs:seeAlso ; foaf:name "Raul Palma" ] ; owl:imports ; dct:description "The DEMETER AgriAlert is one of the agri profiles of DEMETER AIM. This profile was created by reusing and aligning well-known ontologies and vocabularies"@en ; dct:rights "This vocabulary is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0"@en ; dct:title "DEMETER AgriAlert"@en ; rdfs:label "DEMETER AgriAlert" ; rdfs:comment "The DEMETER Agriculture Information Model (AIM) is the common vocabulary in DEMETER project providing the basis for semantic interoperability across smart farming solutions"@en ; owl:versionInfo "3.0" ; foaf:maker [ foaf:homepage ; foaf:name "DEMETER project" ] . ################################################################# # Annotation properties ################################################################# ################################################################# # Datatypes ################################################################# ################################################################# # Object Properties ################################################################# ### http://foodie-cloud.com/model/foodie#alertGeometry foodie:alertGeometry a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range geo:Geometry ; skos:prefLabel "alertGeometry"@en ; rdfs:label "alertGeometry" ; rdfs:comment "A relation between Geometry entity and Alert" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . ### http://foodie-cloud.com/model/foodie#plotAlert foodie:plotAlert a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range foodie:Alert ; skos:prefLabel "plotAlert"@en ; rdfs:label "plotAlert" ; rdfs:comment "A relation from Plot to Alert" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . ### http://foodie-cloud.com/model/foodie#alertPlot foodie:alertPlot a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range foodie:Plot ; owl:inverseOf foodie:plotAlert ; skos:prefLabel "alertPlot"@en ; rdfs:label "plotAlert" ; rdfs:comment "A relation inverse of plotAlert directing from Alert to Plot class" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . ### http://foodie-cloud.com/model/foodie#speciesAlert foodie:speciesAlert a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range foodie:Alert ; skos:prefLabel "speciesAlert"@en ; rdfs:label "plotAlert" ; rdfs:comment "A relation inverse of plotAlert directing from Alert to Plot class" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . ### http://foodie-cloud.com/model/foodie#alertSpecies foodie:alertSpecies a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range foodie:CropSpecies ; owl:inverseOf foodie:speciesAlert ; skos:prefLabel "alertSpecies"@en ; rdfs:label "alertSpecies" ; rdfs:comment "A relation between crop species and alert." ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . ### http://foodie-cloud.com/model/foodie#alertZone foodie:alertZone a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range foodie:ManagementZone ; owl:inverseOf foodie:zoneAlert ; skos:prefLabel "alertZone"@en ; rdfs:label "alertSpecies" ; rdfs:comment "A relation between management zone and alert." ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . ### http://foodie-cloud.com/model/foodie#zoneAlert foodie:zoneAlert a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range foodie:Alert ; skos:prefLabel "zoneAlert"@en ; rdfs:label "zoneAlert" ; rdfs:comment "A relation between management zone and alert, inverse of alertZone" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . ### https://uri.etsi.org/ngsi-ld/data ngsi-ld:data a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "data"@en ; rdfs:comment "Payload containing the data retrieved" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . ################################################################# # Data properties ################################################################# ### http://foodie-cloud.com/model/foodie#alertDate foodie:alertDate a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range xsd:dateTime ; skos:prefLabel "alertDate"@en ; rdfs:label "alertDate" ; rdfs:comment "The date/time of the generated alert" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . ### https://smartdatamodels.org/dataModel.Weather/subCategory fiware-weather:subCategory a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "subCategory"@en ; rdfs:comment "Describe the sub category of alert, i.e., Weather categories, e.g., avalanches,coastalEvent, coldWave, flood, fog, forestFire, heatWave, highTemperature, hurricane, ice, lowTemperature, rainfall, rain_flood, snow, snow_ice, thunderstorms, tornado, tropicalCyclone, tsunami, wind" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . ### https://smartdatamodels.org/dataModel.Weather/dateIssued fiware-weather:dateIssued a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range xsd:dateTime ; rdfs:label "dateIssued"@en ; rdfs:comment "The date and time the item was issued in ISO8601 UTC format" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . ### https://smartdatamodels.org/dataModel.Weather/validFrom fiware-weather:validFrom a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range xsd:dateTime ; rdfs:label "validFrom"@en ; rdfs:comment "The start of the validity period for this weather alert as a ISO8601 format" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . ### https://smartdatamodels.org/dataModel.Weather/validTo fiware-weather:validTo a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range xsd:dateTime ; rdfs:label "validTo"@en ; rdfs:comment "The end of the validity period for this weather alert as a ISO8601 format " ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . ### https://smartdatamodels.org/dataModel.Weather/alertSource fiware-weather:alertSource a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "alertSource"@en ; rdfs:comment "reference to the source of the alert. For example, it could be a user of an application, a device, or a service" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . ### https://smartdatamodels.org/dataModel.Weather/severity fiware-weather:severity a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "severity"@en ; rdfs:comment "define the level of gravity of a given alert" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . ################################################################# # Classes ################################################################# ### http://foodie-cloud.com/model/foodie#Alert foodie:Alert a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf geo:Feature ; rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:minCardinality "1"^^xsd:int ; owl:onProperty foodie:alertGeometry ] ; rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:cardinality "1"^^xsd:int ; owl:onProperty foodie:code ] ; rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:cardinality "1"^^xsd:int ; owl:onProperty foodie:alertDate ] ; rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:minCardinality "1"^^xsd:int ; owl:onProperty foodie:type ] ; rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:maxCardinality "1"^^xsd:int ; owl:onProperty foodie:description ] ; skos:prefLabel "Alert"@en ; rdfs:label "Alert" ; rdfs:comment "Alerts automatically generated" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . ### https://smartdatamodels.org/dataModel.Weather/WeatherAlert fiware-weather:Alert a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Alert" ; rdfs:comment "A weather alert generated by a user or device in a given location" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . ################################################################# # Alignments ################################################################# foodie:Alert owl:equivalentClass fiware-weather:WeatherAlert . fiware-weather:validFrom rdfs:subPropertyOf common:validFrom . fiware-weather:validTo rdfs:subPropertyOf common:validTo . foodie:alertGeometry rdfs:subPropertyOf geo:hasGeometry . ################################################################# # Individuals #################################################################