DPVCG Meeting Call

06 JUL 2023


beatriz, delaram, georg, harsh, paul, ted

Meeting minutes

Repository: w3c/dpv

minutes - https://w3id.org/dpv/meetings

Multi-lingual translations - no updates (georg)

Data Breach extension

review of data breach document

see email: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2023Jun/0003.html

see document: https://harshp.com/dpv-x/data-breach/

ghurlbot, get #64

<ghurlbot> Issue 64 Provide concepts for Data Breach (coolharsh55)

harsh: concepts from the previous emails and the guidance document have been collated into a spreadsheet as requested in the last meeting - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JT0dYFUiEomuP5EvoivuCUX6H78d7I839VeT5o-4-bE/edit?usp=sharing

DONE: Create spreadsheet with Data Breach concepts

georg: There are comments on the data breach document (shared Google Doc), and in addition there are also incident notifications mentioned in the NIS2 and DORA regulations

harsh: I have included the changes from the Google Doc into the guidance document. For NIS2 and DORA, we should treat them as a separate proposal since data breach notifications are a distinct regulatory action. The goal would be to create a similar structure that all incident notifications are interoperable, with regulation specific variations as needed. I am working on the NIS2 concepts based on georg's provided analysis.

pending actions that are carried over

ACTION: Include EDPB examples in the Data Breach document

ACTION: Investigate NIS2 notification concepts for use with Data Breach notifications

ACTION: Finish sections 7 to 9 of data breaches document for review

Impact of changes from DGA

harsh: ghurlbot, get #62

<ghurlbot> Issue 89 Add DGA/eIDAas entities (coolharsh55)

harsh: ghurlbot, get #99

<ghurlbot> Proposal to change DPV scope to include Non-Personal Data (coolharsh55)

harsh: Email sent around by harsh regarding changes of concepts and impact on DPV. First question is whether the non-personal data concepts should be considered in scope. Second question is how they should be added. There are 4 options for addition, along with their impact on the existing structure and concepts in DPV. See https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2023Jul/0003.html
… Option 1 is to change the core concepts, e.g. Purpose, to refer to both personal and non-personal data. This will mean a MAJOR change to DPV. We take input from community whether to use a new namespace, e.g. dpv/v2. Option 2 is creating a new extension for non-personal data. No impact on existing use of DPV, but large duplication of concepts in new extension. Option 3 is to discard the proposal. Option 4 is the same as option 1, except we create a new vocabulary and discontinue dpv. This gives license to make major changes, but has the drawback that people will have to find it and opt in.
… My preference is for option 1, with making changes to existing vocabulary if possible, otherwise having a new namespace if needed based on feedback

georg: sent email reply - yes to Q1, NO for vocabulary for non-personal data, for Q2 prefer option 1 but would like to discuss option 4.

beatriz: sent email reply - yes to Q1, NO for non-personal data taxonomy, for Q2 option 1.

harsh: okay, so we keep inviting feedback and making a record of changes. This is an important and major proposal - so giving people time to find the questions, think about impact, and discuss it here is important. Right now people might be on vacation due to summer. So we will keep a rolling discussion on this until August or September and then try to find a resolution so that the v2 vocabulary might be released by year end.

ACTION: Invite feedback and discussion on the impact of proposed changes from DGA modelling

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be in 1 week on JUL-13 at 14:00 WEST / 15:00 CEST.

Topics for discussion will include (1) Data Breach extension - review spreadsheet and document - harsh, georg, paul; (2) DGA concepts - beatriz, georg; (3) Risk Management concepts - delaram; (4) Impact of proposed changes from DGA modelling.

Summary of action items

  1. Include EDPB examples in the Data Breach document
  2. Investigate NIS2 notification concepts for use with Data Breach notifications
  3. Finish sections 7 to 9 of data breaches document for review
  4. Invite feedback and discussion on the impact of proposed changes from DGA modelling
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 217 (Fri Apr 7 17:23:01 2023 UTC).