DPVCG Meeting Call

22 NOV 2023


beatriz, harsh, paul
delaram, tytti

Meeting minutes

Meeting minutes: https://w3id.org/dpv/meetings

purl for this meeting: https://w3id.org/dpv/meetings/meeting-2023-11-22

DPV Maintainence

see live version at https://harshp.com/dpv/dpv/

discussion on whether this work should be moved to the main DPV repo - requires verifying it is correct before moving; positive responses on the new design and layout

ACTION: harsh to complete the implementation

discussion on how to review this, requires people to go through the documents and see if the information is present and correct

paul will go through the module pages for purposes - https://harshp.com/dpv/dpv/modules/purposes and TOMs - https://harshp.com/dpv/dpv/modules/TOM

ACTION: paul to review Purpose and TOMs docs

beatriz will go through the module pages for GDPR https://harshp.com/dpv/legal/eu/gdpr and DGA https://harshp.com/dpv/legal/eu/dga

ACTION: beatriz to review GDPR and DGA docs

Service new concept

Issue 124 Add dpv:Service as a concept (by coolharsh55)

discussed adding the concept dpv:Service to represent and align with legal and industry terms, e.g. services being provided, or grouping purposes into services. Group agrees this would be useful, but to confirm with participants next week.

The relation dpv:hasService would associate something as having or being associated with a service.

The concepts of dpv:ServiceProvider and dpv:ServiceConsumer and their relations dpv:hasServiceProvider and dpv:hasServiceConsumer would also be required to represent which dpv:Entity is providing the service and to whom.

Service is a relevant concept in new legislations such as DGA, DSA, DMA, and allows aligning uses of DPV with terms such as Business Process or Products and Services under the umbrella term Service.

ISO 22989 AI terms

<ghurlbot> Issue 110 Add concepts from ISO 22989:2022 AI Terminology (by coolharsh55)

ISO 22989:2022 AI Terminology is a free/open standard which contains lots of terms related to AI. Since this is a standard, this is an important source for the terms and DPV should incorporate these with alignment to existing vocabularies.

e.g. AI processes which are 'processing of data', technical measures, and so on

to be discussed next week with the AI Act concepts

Scope regarding AI

discussion on ensuring the the work DPVCG does with/regarding AI does not become scope creep and that it is still relevant to the group's objectives

As data is an important aspect of AI, and that it is likely to be present at input/output ends of it - the work we do such as DPV is likely to continue to be relevant. So the scope might be readjusting to ensure it is continued to be useful for such cases which still come under 'data' and 'privacy'.

Group is encouraged to think and discuss scope at key stages of developments.

Datasheets/Model cards

<ghurlbot> Issue 94 Represent Dataset Datasheets with DPV (by coolharsh55)

Continuing from question of scope - should we model these? They include terms of relevance to DPV e.g. data categories, purposes, risks.

Assumed to be a weak yes unless objections emerge.

Multilingual DPV

<ghurlbot> Issue 89 Multi-lingual labels and descriptions for concepts (by coolharsh55)

Tobias is available to help with multiple languages, using machine translation. Question is how to present these in the HTML documents?

beatriz suggested having a dropdown or option at the top to select language

harsh suggested having both other language and English at the start for the term labels and descriptions on that page in case the translation is incorrect

harsh suggested doing the translations only at specific frequencies e.g. once a year to allow getting funding and access to legal experts in relevant languages before being aggresive about doing it continously

harsh to follow up with tobias on implementing this systematically in the code used to generate RDF and HTML

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be in 1 week on WED NOV-29 15:00 WET / 16:00 CET.

Asked about meetings in December. Based on availabilities, there may be no meetings from around 20th December to 3rd January. To be decided in December.

Summary of action items

  1. harsh to complete the implementation
  2. paul to review Purpose and TOMs docs
  3. beatriz to review GDPR and DGA docs
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 217 (Fri Apr 7 17:23:01 2023 UTC).