Flow Systems Ontology

The Flow Systems Ontology (FSO) is an ontology for describing interconnected systems with material or energy flow connections, and their components.

The namespace for FSO terms is http://www.w3id.org/fso#.

The suggested prefix for the FSO namespace is fso.

The FSO ontology is available at http://www.w3id.org/fso.

The Turtle serialization of the latest FSO is available here.


Systems participating in processes where "flow" is a central concept are found in many disciplines.



The namespace for FSO terms is http://www.w3id.org/fso# .

The suggested prefix for the FSO namespace is fso.

The FSO ontology is available at http://www.w3id.org/fso.

Overview of classes and properties

Classes: fso:Component, fso:DistributionSystem, fso:EnergyConversionDevice, fso:Fitting, fso:FlowController, fso:FlowMovingDevice, fso:Segment, fso:StorageDevice, fso:Terminal, fso:TreatmentDevice, fso:SupplySystem, fso:System, fso:ReturnSystem

Object properties: fso:connectedWith, fso:exchangesElectricChargeWith, fso:exchangesFluidWith, fso:exchangesHeatWith, fso:feedsFluidTo, fso:hasComponent, fso:hasConsumerComponent, fso:hasFluidFedBy, fso:hasFluidReturnedBy, fso:hasFluidSuppliedBy, fso:hasReturnSystem, fso:hasSourceComponent, fso:hasSubSystem, fso:hasSupplySystem, fso:isComponentOf, fso:isConsumerComponentOf, fso:isSourceComponentOf, fso:isSubSystemOf, fso:returnsFluidTo, fso:suppliesFluidTo, fso:transfersHeatTo


Overview and examples

Systems are logical collections of components, which may have attributes such as design specifications assigned to them. Systems may be divided into subsystems, and subsystems may be counted as a part of multiple supersystems. Examples of overlapping systems and system relationships inferrable from component relationships are illustrated in .

An illustration of overlapping systems and inference on system boundary crossing relationships.
Systems may act as "sources" or "consumers". The role of a source or consumer depends on the perspective. For example, a heat exchanger can be seen as a consumer from upstream, while it may be a source downstream.

The following examples illustrate the use of systems:

  • TODO example



IRI https://w3id.org/fso#System

A system is a logical collection of components that may have properties that are valid for the components as a collection.

Example In buildings, common examples include heating systems and ventilation systems.

fso:DistributionSystem βŠ‘ fso:System

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#DistributionSystem

A system that distributes energy and/or mass.

Sub class of fso:System

fso:SupplySystem βŠ‘ fso:DistributionSystem

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#SupplySystem

A supply system is a system that supplies something from a source to consumers, as opposed to returning it. For example, fluid systems such as heating systems have a logical division between supply and return systems.

Sub class of fso:DistributionSystem

fso:ReturnSystem βŠ‘ fso:DistributionSystem

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#ReturnSystem

A return system is a system that returns something from consumers, as opposed to supplying it. For example, fluid systems such as heating systems have a logical division between supply and return systems.

Sub class of fso:DistributionSystem


IRI https://w3id.org/fso#hasSubSystem

Relation between a supersystem and its subsystem.

Domain fso:System
Range fso:System
Inverse of fso:isSubSystemOf

fso:hasSupplySystem βŠ‘ fso:hasSubSystem

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#hasSupplySystem

Subproperty of fso:hasSubSystem
Domain fso:System
Range fso:SupplySystem

fso:hasReturnSystem βŠ‘ fso:hasSubSystem

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#hasReturnSystem

Subproperty of fso:hasSubSystem
Domain fso:System
Range fso:ReturnSystem


IRI https://w3id.org/fso#isSubSystemOf

Inverse of fso:hasSubSystem


IRI https://w3id.org/fso#hasComponent

Inverse of fso:isComponentOf

fso:hasConsumerComponent βŠ‘ fso:hasComponent

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#hasConsumerComponent

Relation between a fso:System and a fso:Component acting as a consumer of energy or matter from the system. For example, a faucet is a consumer for a water system and an air terminal is a consumer for a ventilation system.

Subproperty of fso:hasComponent
Inverse of fso:isConsumerComponentOf

fso:hasSourceComponent βŠ‘ fso:hasComponent

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#hasSourceComponent

Relation between a fso:System and a fso:Component acting as a source of energy or matter to the system. For example, a district heating heat exchanger may act as a source of heat for a building heating system, while the district heating system will see the same heat exchanger as a consumer. Similarly, an AHU may have a heating coil as a source of heat, while the heating system will consider that coil as a consumer.

Subproperty of fso:hasComponent
Inverse of fso:isSourceComponentOf


IRI https://w3id.org/fso#isComponentOf

Relation between a component and a system containing the component.

Inverse of fso:hasComponent
Domain fso:Component
Range fso:System

fso:isConsumerComponentOf βŠ‘ fso:isComponentOf

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#isConsumerComponentOf

Inverse of fso:hasConsumerComponent, denoting a component as a consumer of energy or matter from a system.

Subproperty of fso:isComponentOf
Inverse of fso:hasConsumerComponent

fso:isSourceComponentOf βŠ‘ fso:isComponentOf

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#isSourceComponentOf

Inverse of fso:hasSourceComponent, denoting a component as a source of energy or matter into a system.

Subproperty of fso:isComponentOf
Inverse of fso:hasSourceComponent


Overview and examples

The component hierarchy is largely inspired by the one in IFC.



IRI https://w3id.org/fso#Component

Components are the physical devices and pieces of equipment used to distribute materials or energy, and to interact with the flow of those.

fso:EnergyConversionDevice βŠ‘ fso:Component

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#EnergyConversionDevice

A device that is used to convert energy from one form to another, or move it from one system to another. Potential examples include motors and heat exhangers.

Sub class of fso:Component

fso:Fitting βŠ‘ fso:Component

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#Fitting

A component used to connect segments to each other, or to other components. For example, a junction in a pipe system.

Sub class of fso:Component

fso:FlowController βŠ‘ fso:Component

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#FlowController

A device that has the potential to control the flow in a network. For example, valves and dampers.

Sub class of fso:Component

fso:FlowMovingDevice βŠ‘ fso:Component

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#FlowMovingDevice

A device used to induce movement in a network. For example, pumps and fans.

Sub class of fso:Component

fso:Segment βŠ‘ fso:Component

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#Segment

A component used to enable the passage of material or energy. For example, pipes and ducts.

Sub class of fso:Component

fso:StorageDevice βŠ‘ fso:Component

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#StorageDevice

A device used to store mass or energy. For example, a water tank or a battery.

Sub class of fso:Component

fso:Terminal βŠ‘ fso:Component

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#Terminal

A component used to allow material flow out of a distribution system. For example, faucets and air vents.

Sub class of fso:Component

fso:TreatmentDevice βŠ‘ fso:Component

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#TreatmentDevice

A device used to change the properties of material flowing through it. For example, filters.

Sub class of fso:Component


Overview and examples

Connections between components and systems imply certain process relationships. For example, a component may supply fluid to another, or components may transfer heat between each other. Connections between components may imply connections between the systems they are a part of.



IRI https://w3id.org/fso#connectedWith

A generic "connection" relation between things.

fso:exchangesElectricChargeWith βŠ‘ fso:connectedWith

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#exchangesElectricityWith

Relation between things that exchange electric charge, i.e. have electrical current between them.

Subproperty of fso:connectedWith

fso:exchangesFluidWith βŠ‘ fso:connectedWith

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#exchangesFluidWith

Relation between two things which have a fluid exchange connection

Subproperty of fso:connectedWith

fso:feedsFluidTo βŠ‘ fso:exchangesFluidWith

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#feedsFluidTo

Relation from a thing feeding fluid to the thing it is feeding fluid to.

Subproperty of fso:exchangesFluidWith
Inverse of fso:hasFluidFedBy

fso:suppliesFluidTo βŠ‘ fso:feedsFluidTo

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#suppliesFluidTo

Relation implying logical supply flow from a thing to another.

Subproperty of fso:feedsFluidTo
Inverse of fso:hasFluidSuppliedBy

fso:returnsFluidTo βŠ‘ fso:feedsFluidTo

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#returnsFluidTo

Relation implying logical return flow from a thing to another.

Subproperty of fso:feedsFluidTo
Inverse of fso:hasFluidReturnedBy

fso:hasFluidFedBy βŠ‘ fso:exchangesFluidWith

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#hasFluidFedBy

Relation from a thing that is fed fluid to the thing feeding the fluid.

Subproperty of fso:exchangesFluidWith
Inverse of fso:feedsFluidTo

fso:hasFluidSuppliedBy βŠ‘ fso:hasFluidFedBy

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#hasFluidSuppliedBy

Relation between a thing that has fluid supplied to it and the thing supplying the fluid.

Subproperty of fso:hasFluidFedBy
Inverse of fso:suppliesFluidTo

fso:hasFluidReturnedBy βŠ‘ fso:hasFluidFedBy

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#hasFluidReturnedBy

Relation between a thing that has fluid returned to it and the thing returning the fluid.

Subproperty of fso:hasFluidFedBy
Inverse of fso:returnsFluidTo

fso:exchangesHeatWith βŠ‘ fso:connectedWith

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#exchangesHeatWith

Relation between two things which have a heat exchange connection.

Subproperty of fso:connectedWith

fso:transfersHeatFrom βŠ‘ fso:exchangesHeatWith

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#transfersHeatFrom

Relation signifying heat exchange with intended or actual direction of heat transfer from the second entity to the first. For example, a cooling coil is intended to absorb the heat from air.

Subproperty of fso:exchangesHeatWith
Inverse of fso:transfersHeatTo

fso:transfersHeatTo βŠ‘ fso:exchangesHeatWith

IRI https://w3id.org/fso#transfersHeatTo

Relation signifying heat exchange with intended or actual direction of heat transfer from the first entity to the second. For example, a radiator is intended to transfer heat to the surroundings.

Subproperty of fso:exchangesHeatWith
Inverse of fso:transfersHeatFrom

Alignment modules


Alignment to the SAREF4BLDG ontology is available here.


Alignment to the SAREF4SYST ontology is available here.





v0.0.1 - 2019-12-20

Initial version.
