MOD: Metadata for Ontology Description and publication
MOD: Metadonnées pour la Description et la publication d'Ontologies
MOD: Metadatos para la Descripción y Publicación de Ontologías
MOD Vocabulary
Vocabulaire MOD
MOD Ontology Metadata model
Modèle de métadonnées d'ontologie MOD
MOD (Metadata for Ontology Description and publication) is a project to define a standard way to capture metadata descriptions for ontologies or semantic resources/artefacts in general (thesaurus, terminologies, vocabularies, etc.). The MOD OWL file can be used to create knowledge bases consisting of metadata records of ontologies/vocabularies as instances. The MOD vocabulary can also be used to define specific profiles for recommended metadata properties (e.g., H2020 project FAIRsFAIR semantic artefact minimum metadata profile). Users can go through MOD and pickup the required properties to describe their ontology.
MOD (Metadonnées pour la Description et la publication d'Ontologie) est un projet visant à définir un moyen standard pour capturer des descriptions de métadonnées pour les ontologies ou les ressources/artefacts sémantiques en général (thésaurus, terminologies, vocabulaires, etc.). Le fichier MOD OWL peut être utilisé pour créer des bases de connaissances composées d’instances d’ontologies / vocabulaires décrites avec MOD. Le vocabulaire MOD peut également être utilisé pour définir des profils de métadonnées (e.g., le profil de métadonnées minimale pour les artefacts sémanttique du projet H2020 FAIRsFAIR). Les utilisateurs peuvent consulter la spécification et récupérer les propriétés requises pour décrire leur ontologie.
MOD (Metadatos para la Descripción y Publicación de Ontologías) es un proyecto para definir un manera estándar de capturar las descripciones de metadatos para ontologías o recursos/artefactos semánticos en general (tesauros, terminologías, vocabularios, etc.). El archivo MOD se puede usar para crear bases de conocimiento consistentes en registros de metadatos de ontologías/vocabularios como instancias. El vocabulario MOD puede utilizarse también para definir perfiles específicos para las propiedades de metadatos recomendadas (e.g. el perfil de metadatos mínimo del projecto H2020 FAIRsFAIR). Los usuarios pueden recorrer MOD y elegir las propiedades requeridas para describir su ontología.
MOD provides a set of properties which can be used by ontology developers, ontology libraries (e.g., ontology registry, ontology repository, ontology portal), to describe and publish ontologies. The enriched description of ontologies, in turn, will help users to search, discover, identify and select ontologies.
MOD provee un conjunto de propiedades que pueden usarse por desarroladores de ontologías, librerías de ontologías (e.g., registros de ontologías, repositorios de ontologías, portales de ontologías), para describir to describe and publish ontologies. The enriched description of ontologies, in turn, will help users to search, discover, identify and select ontologies.
MOD fournit un ensemble de propriétés pouvant être utilisées par les développeurs d’ontologies ou les portails d’ontologies (registre, bibliothèques), pour décrire et publier des ontologies. La description enrichie des ontologies aidera les utilisateurs à rechercher, découvrir, identifier et sélectionner des ontologies.
MOD is free of use; feedback is welcome.
MOD peut être utilisée de manière libre; les retours sont appréciés
MOD se puede utilizar de libremente; los comentarios y las devoluciones son bienvenidas
This project is connected to the work done within AgroPortal (with MOD1.4). MOD 2.0 is work in progress.
Ce projet est lié au travail mis en œuvre dans AgroPortal (avec MOD1.4). MOD2.0 est en cours de développement.
metadata description, metadata vocabularies, ontology description, ontology profile
descripción de metadatatos, vocabularies de metadatos, descripción de ontologías, perfil de ontologías
description de métadonnées, vocabulaires de métadonnées, description d'ontologie, profil d'ontologie
MOD 1 has been designed by reviewing in total 23 standard existing metadata vocabularies (e.g., Dublin Core, OMV, DCAT, VoID) and selecting relevant properties for describing ontologies. Then, we studied metadata usage analytics within ontologies and ontology repositories. MOD 2 abandon the integration approach of MOD 1 but re-incorporates properties of several obsolete metadata vocabularies inside its own namespace (DOOR, OMV, VOAF). MOD 2 is designed as an extension of the DCAT 2 metadata vocabulary.
MOD 1 a été conçue en examinant au total 23 vocabulaires de métadonnées standard existants (e.g., Dublin Core, OMV, DCAT, VoID) et en sélectionnant des propriétés pertinentes pour la description des ontologies. Nous avons ensuite étudié l’analyse de l’utilisation des métadonnées au sein d’ontologies et de portail d’ontologies. MOD 2 abandonne l'approche d'intégration de MOD 1 mais réincorpore les propriétés de plusieurs vocabulaires de métadonnées obsolètes dans son propre espace de nolmage (DOOR, OMV, VOAF). MOD 2 est conçue comme une extension du vocabulaire des métadonnées DCAT 2.
OWL Ontology
Ontologies or semantic resources/artefacts in general (thesaurus, terminologies, vocabularies, etc.)
Les ontologies ou les ressources/artefacts sémantiques en général (thésaurus, terminologies, vocabulaires, etc.)
How to standardly and semantically capture the description of an ontology while relying on other existing metadata vocabularies?
Comment capturer de manière standard et sémantique la description d'une ontologie en s'appuyant sur d'autres vocabulaires de métadonnées existants?
MOD is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 ; For details, see here:
MOD est disponible sous Licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 ; pour plus de details voir
From MOD 1.2: (i) added description of properties, (ii) extended number of properties (from 88 to 128), (iii) separation of profile and ontology files, (iv) new URIs scheme. From MOD2.0: (i) use of w3id URIs, (ii) integration of DOOR, OMV, VOAF properties within MOD namespace, (iii) compliant with DCAT2.
Depuis MOD 1.2 : (i) ajout de la description des propriétés, (ii) nombre étendu de propriétés (de 88 à 128), (iii) séparation des fichiers de profil et d’ontologie, (iv) nouveaux URI. Depuis MOD2.O : (i) utilisation de w3id pour les URIs, (ii) intégration des propriétés de DOOR, OMV et VOAF dans l'espace de nommage de MOD, (iii) compatible avec DCAT2.
An adaptation of MOD1.4 is used within AgroPortal, since 2017. MOD2 is the baseline for H2020 project FAIRsFAIR semantic artefact minimum metadata profile.
Une adaptation de MOD est utilisée dans AgroPortal, depuis 2017. MOD2 est réutilisée par le profil de métadonnées minimale pour les artefacts sémanttique du projet H2020 FAIRsFAIR.
OWL: The annotation property that indicates that a given entity has been deprecated. IDOT: Indicates if the current dataset is obsolete (not provided any more to the public community). Value can either be 'true' or 'false' (xsd:boolean). The statement is usually omitted if 'false'.
FAIR principle: A2
OriginalURI | BaseURI+ShortName
Number of visits an ontology received.
MOD: This property shall be used to store any analytics for an ontology. E.g., number of visits an ontology received in a portal, number of downloads, etc.
MIRO guidelines: G.2
FAIR principle: F2
Published at MTSR 2017
Publiée a MTSR 2017
Biswanath Dutta (
Clement Jonquet (
Anne Toulet (
Luiz Bonino (
Yann Le Franc (
Udaya Varadarajan (
Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore Centre, India (
LIRMM, University of Montpellier, France (
Anne Toulet
Clement Jonquet
Indian Statistical Institute and University of Montpellier
Institut Indien de la Statistique et Université de Montpellier
Metadata descriptions
Metadata vocabularies
MOD properties are 'reused' from properties in each these vocabularies: ADMS,CC,DCAT,DC,DCT,DOAP,FOAF,IDOT,OBOINOWL,OWL,NKOS,PAV,PROV,RDFS,SCHEMA,SD,SKOS,VANN,VOID. Reuses are formalized by a dcterms:relation. MOD2 redefines properties from DOOR, OMV, VOAF.
Les propriétés de MOD sont 'importées' à partir des vocabulaires suivants : ADMS,CC,DCAT,DC,DCT,DOAP,FOAF,IDOT,OBOINOWL,OWL,NKOS,PAV,PROV,RDFS,SCHEMA,SD,SKOS,VANN,VOID. Les réutilisations soont formalisées par une propriété dcterms:relation. MOD2 re-définie les propriétés dans DOOR, OMV, VOAF.
DOAP (MOD reuses properties from both objects doap:Project and foaf:Document that are disjoincts.)
DOAP (MOD réutilise des propriétés de des objets doap:Project et foaf:Document qui sont disjointes.)
For sample SPARQL queries to query MOD OWL knowledge base, see here:
Pour des examples de requêtes SPARQL sur la base de connaissances MOD, voir ici :
MOD is used for instance in AgroPortal ( to provide equivalences in AgroPortal's ontology metadata model. Other uses will be documented here in the future.
MOD est utilisée par exemple dans AgroPortal ( pour fournir des equivalences au sein du modèle de métadonnées d'ontologies. D'autres usages seront documentés ici dans le futur.
No organization is currenlty officially endorsing MOD.
MOD n'est encore officiellement recommandée par aucune organization.
AgroPortal (
MOD primary targets ontology (or semantic resource/artefact) developers and ontology library, repository or service providers.
MOD s'adresse en priorité aux dévelopeurs d'ontologies (ou de ressource/artefact sémantiques) ainsi qu'au dévelopeurs de bibliothèque, de portail ou de service pour des ontologies.
Indian Statistical Institute, University of Montpellier, European French National Research Agency (under grant ANR-10-LABX-20, ANR-11-BINF-0002, ANR-19-DATA-0019), European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 701771 and H2020 FAIRsFAIR project No 831558.
MOD source is described in and
La descripción del origen de MOD está disponible en y
L'origine de MOD est décrite dans et
MOD is the result of a manual process of identifying, reviewing, and selecting candidate properties from standards metadata vocabularies if relevant to describe an ontology or any kind of semantic resource. When a property cannot be identified, it could be created in the MOD namespace. Since MCD2, it has been created as an extension of DCAT2.
MOD est le résultat d'un processus manuel d'identification, de révision et de sélection des propriétés candidates à partir de vocabulaires de métadonnées standards, pour décrire une ontologie ou tout type de ressource sémantique. Lorsqu'une propriété ne peut pas être identifiée, elle peut être créée dans l'espace de noms MOD. Depuis MOD2, MOD est construote comme une extension de DCAT2
When a need of a new property is identified by the developer team, we review classic/standards metadata vocabularies to identifiy if the desire property already exists. If it exists in several metadata vocabularies we give priorities to consitency with previous MOD choices, then W3C Recommendations, then community standards.
Lorsqu'un besoin d'une nouvelle propriété est identifié par l'équipe de développeurs, nous passons en revue les vocabulaires de métadonnées classiques / standards pour identifier si la propriété désirée existe déjà. Si elle existe dans plusieurs vocabulaires de métadonnées, nous donnons la priorité à la cohérence avec les choix précédents dans MOD, puis aux recommandations du W3C, puis aux normes de la communauté.
New properties are added on demand with no specific periodicity.
Les nouvelles propriétés sont ajoutées à la demande sans périodicité particulière.
Editorial choice of the developer team.
Choix éditorial de l'équipe de développeurs.
Semantic Artefact is defined here as a machine-actionable and -readable formalisation of a conceptualisation enabling sharing and reuse by humans and machines. These artefacts may have a broad range of formalisation, from loose set of terms, taxonomies, thesauri to higher-order logics, and include the concepts/terms/classes constituting these. Moreover, semantic artefacts are serialised using a variety of digital representation formats, e.g., RDF Turtle, OWL-RDF, XML, JSON-LD.
A specification of a conceptualization that may be represented by different levels of formalization (including controlled lists, thesauri and ontologies - either lightweight or heavyweight.
Una especificación de una conceptualización que puede ser representada a distintos niveles de formalización (incluyendo listas controladas, tesaurus y ontologías.
Semantic Artefact
Artefacto Semántico
Semantic Artefact Distribution
Distribución de un Artefacto Semántico
A specific representation of a semantic artefact
Una representación específica de un artefacto semántico
Information about the engineering methodology.
Engineering Methodology
This class has been adopted from OMV Ontology Metadata Vocabulary, and renamed and redefined in the MOD namespace.
The results of evaluating an ontology. An ontology can have more than one evaluations.
A group of ontologies that the ontology is usually considered into.
Knowledge representation paradigm
Semantic Artefact Evaluation
Semantic Artefact Task
MOD: Short acronym label, often used as an identifier within some ontology platforms such as BioPortal or OBO Foundry. OMV: A short name by which an ontology is formally known.
This property has been adopted from OMV Ontology Metadata Vocabulary and redefined in the MOD namespace.
MIRO guidelines: A.1
FAIR principle: F2
DCTERMS: A name given to the resource. OMV: The name by which an ontology is formally known. RDFS: A human-readable name for the subject. FOAF: A name for some thing. SKOS: The preferred and alternative labels are useful when generating or creating human-readable representations of a knowledge organization system. SCHEMA: The name of the item.
MIRO guidelines: A.1
FAIR principle: F2
alternative name
nom alternatif
DCTERMS: An alternative name for the resource. The distinction between titles and alternative titles is application-specific. SKOS: The preferred and alternative labels are useful when generating or creating human-readable representations of a knowledge organization system. SCHEMA: An alias for the item. A short label that is used by some communities to refer to a dataset (see 'preferredPrefix').
MIRO guidelines: A.1
FAIR principle: F2
hidden label
nom caché
MOD: Hidden or past name. SKOS: A lexical label for a resource that should be hidden when generating visual displays of the resource, but should still be accessible to free text search operations.
MIRO guidelines: A.1
FAIR principle: F2
S12 (not formally stated): The range of skos:hiddenLabel is the class of RDF plain literals. S13 (not formally stated): skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel are pairwise disjoint properties.
OMV: The URI of the ontology which is described by this metadata.
This property has been adopted from OMV Ontology Metadata Vocabulary and redefined in the MOD namespace.
MIRO guidelines: A.4
FAIR principle: F1
version IRI
IRI de la version
OWL: The property that identifies the version IRI of an ontology.
MIRO guidelines: A.4
FAIR principle: F1
Other identifier
Autre identifiant
DCTERMS: An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context. Recommended practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to an identification system. Examples include International Standard Book Number (ISBN), Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and Uniform Resource Name (URN). Persistent identifiers should be provided as HTTP URIs. SKOS: A notation is a string of characters such as 'T58.5 or '303.4833' used to uniquely identify a concept within the scope of a given concept scheme. ADMS: adms:identifier is used to link any resource to an instance of adms:Identifier which is its range. N.B. it is not appropriate to use dcterms:identifer to link to the Identifier class as its range is rdfs:Literal. ADMS uses this to provide any identifier for the Asset.
FAIR principle: F1,A1
version information
information de version
MOD: The version of the released ontology. OMV: The version information of the ontology. OWL: The annotation property that provides version information for an ontology or another OWL construct. PAV: The version number of a resource. This is a freetext string, typical values are '1.5' or '21'. DOAP: A project release.
MIRO guidelines: A.1
FAIR principle: R1.2
OMV: It specifies the tracking information for the contents of the ontology. Pre-defined values. IDOT: State of a resource (physical location providing access to data or information about the identified entity). This is should be based on a recent manual or automatic check of the resource. Possible values are: 'up', 'down', 'probably up', 'obsolete resource', 'restricted access' and 'unknown'.
This property has been adopted from OMV Ontology Metadata Vocabulary and redefined in the MOD namespace.
FAIR principle: A2
DCTERMS: A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource. Recommended practice is to identify the license document with a URI. If this is not possible or feasible, a literal value that identifies the license may be provided. DCTERMS:rights Information about rights held in and over the resource. OMV: Underlying license model. SCHEMA: A license document that applies to this content, typically indicated by URL.
MIRO guidelines: A.3
FAIR principle: A2
representation language
language de représentation
MOD: A language that is used to create an ontology. OMV: The ontology language.
This property has been adopted from OMV Ontology Metadata Vocabulary and redefined in the MOD namespace.
MIRO guidelines: E.1
FAIR principle: I1
formality level
niveau de formalisme
MOD: The level of formality of an ontology. OMV: Level of formality of the ontology.
This property has been adopted from OMV Ontology Metadata Vocabulary and redefined in the MOD namespace.
MIRO guidelines: E.1
FAIR principle: I1
MOD: The syntax followed in the creation of an ontology. OMV: The presentation syntax for the ontology langage.
This property has been adopted from OMV Ontology Metadata Vocabulary and redefined in the MOD namespace.
MIRO guidelines: E.1
FAIR principle: I1
natural language
langage naturel
DCTERMS: A language of the resource. Recommended practice is to use either a non-literal value representing a language from a controlled vocabulary such as ISO 639-2 or ISO 639-3, or a literal value consisting of an IETF Best Current Practice 47 [[IETF-BCP47](] language tag. OMV: The language of the content of the ontology, i.e. English, French, etc. DOAP: ISO language code a project has been translated into.
FAIR principle: F2
DCTERMS: An account of the resource. Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource. OMV: Free text description of an ontology. SCHEMA: A description of the item. DOAP: Plain text description of a project, of 2-4 sentences in length.
MIRO guidelines: C.3
FAIR principle: F2
DCTERMS: A summary of the resource.
FAIR principle: F2
more permissions
droits d'accès détaillés
CC: A related resource which describes additional permissions or alternative licenses for a Work which may be available.
FAIR principle: R1.1
use guidelines
guide d'utilisation
CC: A related resource which defines non-binding use guidelines for the work.
FAIR principle: R1.1
bibliographic reference
référence bibliographique
DCTERMS: A bibliographic reference for the resource. Recommended practice is to include sufficient bibliographic detail to identify the resource as unambiguously as possible. OMV: List of bibliographic references describing the ontology and its applications. FOAF: A document that this thing is the primary topic of
FAIR principle: F2
landing page
page d'atterrissage
DCAT: A Web page that can be navigated to in a Web browser to gain access to the dataset, its distributions and/or additional information. MOD: A link to the documentation page on a thing. OMV: URL for further documentation. RDFS: Further information about the subject resource. DOAP: URL of Wiki for collaborative discussion of project. VANN: A reference to a resource that provides information on how this resource is to be used.
MIRO guidelines: C.3, F.1
FAIR principle: F2
If the distribution(s) are accessible only through a landing page (i.e. direct download URLs are not known), then the landing page link should be duplicated as accessURL on a distribution.
access URL
URL d'accès
DCAT: A URL of a resource that gives access to a distribution of the dataset. E.g. landing page, feed, SPARQL endpoint. Use for all cases except a simple download link, in which case downloadURL is preferred. OMV: The location where the ontology can be found. It should be accessible via a URL. It can be the same as the value for URI property. DOAP: Web page from which the project software can be downloaded.
MIRO guidelines: A.4
FAIR principle: F2
If the distribution(s) are accessible only through a landing page (i.e. direct download URLs are not known), then the landing page link should be duplicated as accessURL on a distribution.
notes or comments
notes ou commentaires
RDFS: A description of the subject resource. OMV: Additional information about the ontology that is not included somewhere else (e.g. information that you do not want to include in the documentation).
FAIR principle: F2
DCTERMS: The topic of the resource. OMV: Typically, the domain can refer to established topic hierarchies such as the general purpose topic hierarchy DMOZ or the domain specific topic hierarchy ACM for the computer science domain. SCHEMA: The subject matter of the content. DCAT: A main category of the resource. A resource can have multiple themes. FOAF: A topic of some page or document.
MIRO guidelines: C.1
FAIR principle: F2
DCAT: A keyword or tag describing a resource. MOD: A keyword(s) is used to describe the content of an ontology. OMV: List of keywords related to an ontology. SCHEMA: Keywords or tags used to describe this content. Multiple entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas.
MIRO guidelines: C.1
FAIR principle: F2
DCTERMS: The nature or genre of the resource. Recommended practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the DCMI Type Vocabulary [[DCMI-TYPE](]. To describe the file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource, use the property Format. OMV: The nature of the content of the ontology.
FAIR principle: F2
designed for task
concou pour la tâche
OMV: The purpose for which the ontology was originally designed.
MIRO guidelines: B.1
FAIR principle: R1.2
created with
crée avec
PAV: The software/tool used by the creator (pav:createdBy) when making the digital resource, for instance a word processor or an annotation tool. MOD: The tool used for the creation of an ontology. OMV: Information about the tool used to create the ontology.
MIRO guidelines: E.2
FAIR principle: R1.2
engineering methodology
méthodologie de développement
MOD: A methodolgy follwoing which an ontology is created. OMV: Information about the method model used to create the ontology.
This property has been adopted from OMV Ontology Metadata Vocabulary and redefined in the MOD namespace.
MIRO guidelines: A.6
FAIR principle: R1.2
knowledge representation paradigm
paradigme de représentation des connaissances
MOD: A representation formalism that is followed to describe knowledge in an ontology. Example includes description logics, first order logic, etc. dcterms: An established standard to which the described resource conforms. OMV: Information about the paradigm model used to create the ontology. DCTERMS: An established standard to which the described resource conforms.
This property has been adopted from OMV Ontology Metadata Vocabulary and redefined in the MOD namespace.
MIRO guidelines: E.1
FAIR principle: R1.2
DCTERMS: The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant. Spatial topic and spatial applicability may be a named place or a location specified by its geographic coordinates. Temporal topic may be a named period, date, or date range. A jurisdiction may be a named administrative entity or a geographic place to which the resource applies. Recommended practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names [[TGN](]. Where appropriate, named places or time periods may be used in preference to numeric identifiers such as sets of coordinates or date ranges. Because coverage is so broadly defined, it is preferable to use the more specific subproperties Temporal Coverage and Spatial Coverage.
MIRO guidelines: C.1
FAIR principle: F2
competency question
question de compétence
A set of questions made to build an ontology at the design time.
MIRO guidelines: A.6, D.3
FAIR principle: R1.2
FOAF: A depiction of some thing. DOAP: Web page with screenshots of project. An image of the item. This can be a URL or a fully described ImageObject.
FAIR principle: F2
FOAF: A logo representing some thing. SCHEMA: An associated logo.
FAIR principle: F2
page web
FOAF: A homepage for some thing. MOD: An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context. DOAP: URI of a blog related to a project. CC: The URL the creator of a Work would like used when attributing re-use. SCHEMA: Indicates a page (or other CreativeWork) for which this thing is the main entity being described.
MIRO guidelines: C.3
FAIR principle: F2
access rights
droits d'accès
DCTERMS: Information about who access the resource or an indication of its security status. Access Rights may include information regarding access or restrictions based on privacy, security, or other policies. MOD: Information on access (i.e., read, download) to an ontology.
FAIR principle: R1.1
VANN: A reference to a resource that describes changes between this version of a vocabulary and the previous.
FAIR principle: R1.2
VANN: A reference to a resource that provides an example of how this resource can be used. SCHEMA: Example/instance/realization/derivation of the concept of this creative work. eg. The paperback edition, first edition, or eBook.
MIRO guidelines: G.3
FAIR principle: F2
preferred namespace URI
URI préféré d'espace de nom
VANN: The preferred namespace URI to use when using terms from this vocabulary in an XML document. VOID: A URI that is a common string prefix of all the entity URIs in a void:Dataset.
MIRO guidelines: E.5
FAIR principle: F2
preferred namespace prefix
préfixe d'espace de nom préféré
VANN: The preferred namespace prefix to use when using terms from this vocabulary in an XML document. IDOT: Short label that is commonly used to refer to the dataset. Often utilised to identify the dataset in IRIs for specific items (or records). This may also stand in place of the base IRI of the dataset (e.g. see
MIRO guidelines: E.11
FAIR principle: F2
object preferred label property
propriété de nom préféré des objets
MOD: Property used to specify objects' preferred label.
MIRO guidelines: E.7
FAIR principle: R1
object synonym property
propriété de synonyme des objets
MOD: Property used to specify objects' synonyms.
MIRO guidelines: E.7
FAIR principle: R1
object definition property
propriété de définition des objets
MOD: Property used to specify objects' definition.
MIRO guidelines: E.7
FAIR principle: R1
object author property
propriété d'auteur des objets
MOD: Property used to specify objects's author.
MIRO guidelines: E.7
FAIR principle: R1
object obsolete property
propriété d'obsolescence des objets
MOD: Property used to specify obsolete objects.
MIRO guidelines: E.7
FAIR principle: R1
transitive hierarchy property
propriété de hiérarchie transitive
MOD: Property used to specify the hierarchy (e.g. rdfs:subClassOf or skos:broader).
MIRO guidelines: E.9
FAIR principle: R1
transitive hierarchy property
propriété de hiérarchie transitive
MOD: Property used to specify the root of an obsolete branch in the ontology.
FAIR principle: R1
identifier pattern
patron d'identifiant
VOID: A regular expression that matches the URIs of a void:Dataset's entities. IDOT: Regular expression describing alphanumeric strings used to identify items (or records) in a dataset.
MIRO guidelines: E.6
FAIR principle: F2
to-do list
liste des choses à faire
VOID: Describes future tasks planned by a resource curator. This property is primarily intended to be used for vocabularies or datasets, but the domain is left open, it can be used for any resource. Use iCalendar Vtodo class and its properties to further describe the task calendar, priorities etc.
This property had been originally defined by VOAF metadata vocabulary. Now, it has been adopted and redefined in the MOD namespace.
FAIR principle: F2
example de resource
exemple de resource
VOID: Example resource of dataset. IDOT: An example identifier used by one item (or record) from a dataset.
MIRO guidelines: E.6
FAIR principle: F2
SCHEMA: An award won by or for this item.
FAIR principle: F2
associated media
média associé
SCHEMA: A media object that encodes this CreativeWork. This property is a synonym for encoding.
FAIR principle: F2
Indexed or included in catalog or repository
indexé ou inclus dans un catalogue ou un entrepôt
SCHEMA: A data catalog which contains this dataset.
FAIR principle: F4, A1.1, A1.2
DCTERMS: An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource. OMV: Contributors to the creation of the ontology. PAV: The resource was contributed to by the given agent. SCHEMA: A secondary contributor to the CreativeWork or Event. DOAP: Project contributor.
MIRO guidelines: C.2
FAIR principle: F2
DCTERMS: An entity responsible for making the resource. Recommended practice is to identify the creator with a URI. If this is not possible or feasible, a literal value that identifies the creator may be provided.
MIRO guidelines: C.2
FAIR principle: F2
DDCTERMS: An entity responsible for making the resource available.
MIRO guidelines: A.2
FAIR principle: F2
curated by
contrôlé par
PAV: Specifies an agent specialist responsible for shaping the expression in an appropriate format. Often the primary agent responsible for ensuring the quality of the representation. MOD: A curator who restructure the previously authored content and shape it to be appropriate for the intended representation (e.g. by normalizing the fields for being represented in a spreadsheet).
MIRO guidelines: C.2
FAIR principle: F2
SCHEMA: Organization or person who adapts a creative work to different languages, regional differences and technical requirements of a target market, or that translates during some event.
FAIR principle: F2
rights holder
détenteur des droits
DCTERMS: A person or organization owning or managing rights over the resource. MOD: The person who can be contacted to enquire about an ontology. SCHEMA: The party holding the legal copyright to the CreativeWork. DCAT: Relevant contact information for the cataloged resource. Use of vCard is recommended.
MIRO guidelines: A.2
FAIR principle: R1.1
MOD: A group of ontologies that the ontology is usually considered into.
FAIR principle: R1.3
OWL: References another OWL ontology containing definitions, whose meaning is considered to be part of the meaning of the importing ontology. OMV: References another ontology metadata instance that describes an ontology containing definitions, whose meaning is considered to be part of the meaning of the ontology described by this ontology metadata instance. DCTERMS: A related resource that is required by the described resource to support its function, delivery, or coherence. VOAF: Indicates that the subject vocabulary extends the expressivity of the object vocabulary by declaring subsumption relationships, using object vocabulary class as domain or range of a subject vocabulary property, defining local restrictions etc ....
MIRO guidelines: E.4
FAIR principle: I2
prior version
version précédente
OWL: This identifies the specified ontology as a prior version of the containing ontology. OMV: Contains a reference to another ontology metadata instance. DCTERMS: A related resource of which the described resource is a version, edition, or adaptation. PROV: A revision is a derivation for which the resulting entity is a revised version of some original. The implication here is that the resulting entity contains substantial content from the original. DOOR: Prior version relation from OWL. ADMS: A link to the previous version of the Asset.
MIRO guidelines: A.5
FAIR principle: I2
backward compatible
OWL: This identifies the specified ontology as a prior version of the containing ontology, and further indicates that it is backward compatible with it. OMV: The ontology metadata instance which describes an ontology that is a compatible prior version of the ontology described by this ontology metadata Instance. DOOR: The relation of being a compatible new version from owl.
MIRO guidelines: E.8,E.10
FAIR principle: I2
OWL: This indicates that the containing ontology is a later version of the referenced ontology, but is not backward compatible with it. OMV: The described ontology is a later version of the ontology described by the metadata specified, but is not backward compatible with it. It can be used to explicitly state that ontology cannot upgrade to use the new version without checking whether changes are required.
FAIR principle: I2
is part of (view of)
est partie (une vue) de
DCTERMS: A related resource in which the described resource is physically or logically included. MOD: Shall be used to identify a subset or a view of an ontology. DOOR: An ontology is included in another if its model is contained in the one of the other ontology. SCHEMA: Indicates an item or CreativeWork that this item, or CreativeWork (in some sense), is part of.
FAIR principle: F2
has part (has view)
a pour partie (vue)
DCTERMS: A related resource that is included either physically or logically in the described resource. SCHEMA: Indicates an item or CreativeWork that is part of this item, or CreativeWork (in some sense). ADMS: Links to a sample of an Asset (which is itself an Asset).
FAIR principle: F2
has version
a pour version
DCTERMS: a related resource that is a version, edition, or adaptation of the described resource. MOD: A related ontology that is a version, edition, or adtapation of the described ontology. PAV: This resource has a more specific, versioned resource.
FAIR principle: A2,R1.2
is format of
est le format de
DCTERMS: A related resource that is substantially the same as the described resource, but in another format.
FAIR principle: I1
has format
pour format
DCTERMS: A related resource that is substantially the same as the pre-existing described resource, but in another format.
FAIR principle: I1
DCTERMS: A related resource.
FAIR principle: I2
generally related to
relation générale avec
MOD: A general property for semantic artefact relations. DOOR: An ontology is related to another if one of the DOOR relations is satisfied.
FAIR principle: I2
used by
utilisé par
VOAF: Indicates that the subject vocabulary is used by the object vocabulary. NKOS: Agent using the described KOS.
This property had been originally defined by VOAF metadata vocabulary. Now, it has been adopted and redefined in the MOD namespace.
FAIR principle: I2
relies on or reuses
se repose sur ou réutilise
MOD: A general property for different kind of case when a semantic resource relies or reuses another one. VOAF: Indicates that the subject vocabulary uses or extends some class or property of the object vocabulary. VOID: A vocabulary that is used in the dataset.
This property had been originally defined by VOAF metadata vocabulary. Now, it has been adopted and redefined in the MOD namespace.
FAIR principle: I2
VOAF: Indicates that the subject vocabulary generalizes by some superclasses or superproperties the object vocabulary. PROV: Inverse property of specializationOf.
This property had been originally defined by VOAF metadata vocabulary. Now, it has been adopted and redefined in the MOD namespace.
FAIR principle: I2
DOOR: Evolution which involves a only at the syntactic level. PROV: An entity that is a specialization of another shares all aspects of the latter, and additionally presents more specific aspects of the same thing as the latter. VOAF:Indicates that the subject vocabulary defines some subclasses or subproperties of the object vocabulary, or local restrictions on those.
This property had been originally defined by VOAF metadata vocabulary. Now, it has been adopted and redefined in the MOD namespace.
FAIR principle: I2
work translation
a pour traduction
MOD: A pointer to the translated ontology(ies) for an existing ontology. SCHEMA: A work that is a translation of the content of this work. ADMS: Links Assets that are translations of each other.
translation of
traduction de
SCHEMA: The work that this work has been translated from. ADMS: Links Assets that are translations of each other.
comes from the same domain
vient du même domaine
DOOR: If the two ontologies come from the same domain (without any other details).
This property had been originally defined by DOOR metadata vocabulary. Now, it has been adopted and redefined in the MOD namespace.
MIRO guidelines: B.2
FAIR principle: I2
similar to
similaire à
VOAF: Used to assert that two vocabularies are similar in scope and objectives, independently of the fact that they otherwise refer to each other. DOOR: Represents the meaning of 'how an ontology overlap/cover parts of the same area of interest of another ontology.'
This property had been originally defined by VOAF metadata vocabulary. Now, it has been adopted and redefined in the MOD namespace.
MIRO guidelines: B.2
FAIR principle: I2
has equivalences with
a des équivalences avec
VOAF: Indicates that the subject vocabulary declares some equivalent classes or properties with the object vocabulary. DOOR: Links two ontologies if there exists an alignment which covers a substantial part of the vocabulary (i.e., a proportion greater than a threshold). NKOS: A related resource with which the described resource is aligned.
This property had been originally defined by VOAF metadata vocabulary. Now, it has been adopted and redefined in the MOD namespace.
MIRO guidelines: E.4
FAIR principle: I2
disparate modelling with
différences de modélisation avec
DOOR: Disagreements related to the conceptualization of the ontologies. Two ontologies are considered to have disparate modeling if they represent corresponding entities in different ways, e.g. as an instance in one case and a class in the other.
This property had been originally defined by DOOR metadata vocabulary. Now, it has been adopted and redefined in the MOD namespace.
MIRO guidelines: B.2
FAIR principle: I2
has disjunctions with
a des disjopnctions avec
VOAF: Indicates that the subject vocabulary declares some disjunct classes with the object vocabulary.
This property had been originally defined by VOAF metadata vocabulary. Now, it has been adopted and redefined in the MOD namespace.
MIRO guidelines: E.4
FAIR principle: I2
primary topic
sujet principal
FAIR principle: F2
root resource
ressource racine
VOID: A top concept or entry point for a void:Dataset that is structured in a tree-like fashion. All resources in a dataset can be reached by following links from its root resources in a small number of steps. MOD: This property is to provide the root class(es) of an ontology. This is automatically populated by taking the direct subclasses of owl:Thing. If the ontology is also defined as a unique skos:ConceptScheme, then this property should become equivalent of skos:hasTopConcept. SKOS: The property skos:hasTopConcept is, by convention, used to link a concept scheme to the SKOS concept(s) which are topmost in the hierarchical relations for that scheme.
FAIR principle: F2
browsing user interface
interface de navigation
MOD: The user interface (URL) where the ontology may be browsed or searched.
FAIR principle: F2
SPARQL endpoint
point de requêtage SPARQL
SD: Relates an instance of sd:Service to a SPARQL endpoint that implements the SPARQL Protocol service for the service. The object of the sd:endpoint property is an IRI. VOID: A SPARQL protocol endpoint that allows SPARQL query access to a void:Dataset.
FAIR principle: A1
metadata vocabulary used
vocabulaires de métadonnées utilisés
VOAF: Indicates that the subject vocabulary uses the object vocabulary in metadata at vocabulary or element level. SCHEMA: Indicates (by URL or string) a particular version of a schema used in some CreativeWork. ADMS: A schema according to which the Asset Repository can provide data about its content, e.g. ADMS. MOD: A vocabulary(ies) that is used and/or referred to create the current ontology.
This property had been originally defined by VOAF metadata vocabulary. Now, it has been adopted and redefined in the MOD namespace.
MIRO guidelines: E.4,E9
FAIR principle: I2
sample queries
exemples de requêtes
MOD: A set of queries (may be SPARQL, DL Queries) that are provided along with an ontology.
FAIR principle: F2
property partition
partition des propriétés
VOID: A subset of a void:Dataset that contains only the triples of a certain rdf:Property.
FAIR principle: F2
class partition
partition des classes
VOID: A subset of a void:Dataset that contains only the entities of a certain rdfs:Class.
FAIR principle: F2
download URL
URL de téléchargement
DCAT: The URL of the downloadable file in a given format. E.g. CSV file or RDF file. The format is indicated by the distribution's dct:format and/or dcat:mediaType. VOID: An RDF dump, partial or complete, of a void:Dataset. DOAP: Mirror of software download web page. SCHEMA: A downloadable form of this dataset, at a specific location, in a specific format.
FAIR principle: F2
dcat:downloadURL SHOULD be used for the address at which this distribution is available directly, typically through a HTTP Get request.
free-text search endpoint
service de requêtage en texte libre
VOID: An OpenSearch description document for a free-text search service over a void:Dataset. DOAP: The URI of a web service endpoint where software as a service may be accessed.
FAIR principle: F2
URI lookup endpoint
service de requêtage des URI
VOID: A protocol endpoint for simple URI lookups for a void:Dataset.
FAIR principle: F2
known usage
usage connu
OMV: The applications where the ontology is being used.
This property has been adopted from OMV Ontology Metadata Vocabulary and redefined in the MOD namespace.
MIRO guidelines: B.3
FAIR principle: F2
endorsed by
approuvé par
MOD: An ontology endorsed by an agent. OMV: The parties that have expressed support or approval to this ontology.
This property has been adopted from OMV Ontology Metadata Vocabulary and redefined in the MOD namespace.
MIRO guidelines: G.4
FAIR principle: I3
used in project
utilisé dans le projet
MOD: An ontology that is used in a project.
MIRO guidelines: B.3,G.5
FAIR principle: I3
target audience
audience cible
DCTERMS: a class of entity for whom the resource is intended or useful (public visé ou recommandé pour la ressource). DOAP: Description of target user base. SCHEMA: An intended audience, i.e. a group for whom something was created.
MIRO guidelines: B.3
FAIR principle: F2
funded or sponsored by
financé ou sponsorisé par
MOD: An ontology that is sponsored by and developed under a project. FOAF: An organization funding a project or person. SCHEMA: The Organization on whose behalf the creator was working.
FAIR principle: R1.2
DOAP: Source code repository.
MIRO guidelines: A.5
FAIR principle: R1.2
bug database
repertoire de bogues
DOAP: Bug tracker for a project.
MIRO guidelines: C.3
FAIR principle: F2
mailing list
liste de diffusion
DOAP: Mailing list home page or email address.
MIRO guidelines: C.3
FAIR principle: F2
MOD: This property makes a relationship between an ontology and its evaluation result.
MIRO guidelines: G.2
FAIR principle: F2
user notes or reviews
commentaires ou avis d'utilisateurs
SCHEMA: Comments, typically from users.
FAIR principle: F4, A1.1, A1.2
creation date
date de création
DCTERMS:date : A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource. DCTERMS:created : Date of creation of the resource. DCTERMS:issued Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource. PROV: Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation. PAV: The date this resource was authored. PAV: The date this resource was contributed to. PAV: The date of creation of the resource representation. DOAP: Date when something was created, in YYYY-MM-DD form. e.g. 2004-04-05. SCHEMA: The date on which the CreativeWork was created or the item was added to a DataFeed. DOAP: Date when something was created, in YYYY-MM-DD form. e.g. 2004-04-05.
FAIR principle: F2
modification date
date de modification
OMV: Date of the last modification made to the ontology. DCTERMS:Date on which the resource was changed. PAV: The date of the last update of the resource. An update is a change which did not warrant making a new resource related using pav:previousVersion, for instance correcting a spelling mistake. SCHEMA: The date on which the CreativeWork was most recently modified or when the item's entry was modified within a DataFeed.
FAIR principle: F2
validity date
date de validité
DCTERMS: Date (often a range) of validity of a resource. PROV: Invalidation is the start of the destruction, cessation, or expiry of an existing entity by an activity. The entity is no longer available for use (or further invalidation) after invalidation. Any generation or usage of an entity precedes its invalidation. SCHEMA: The end date and time of the item (in ISO 8601 date format).
FAIR principle: F2
date submitted
date de soumission
DCTERMS: Date of submission of the resource. SCHEMA: Date of first broadcast/publication.
FAIR principle: F2
curation date
date de contrôle de qualité
FAIR principle: F2
MOD: A generic property to store any metrics related to the ontology.
MIRO guidelines: E.3
FAIR principle: F2
number of classes
nombre de classes
MOD: The total number of classes in an ontology. OMV: Number of classes in the ontology. VOAF: The number of classes defined in the vocabulary namespace. Classes imported from other namespaces are not taken into account. VOID: The total number of distinct classes in a void:Dataset. In other words, the number of distinct resources occuring as objects of rdf:type.
This property has been adopted from OMV Ontology Metadata Vocabulary and redefined in the MOD namespace.
MIRO guidelines: E.3
FAIR principle: F2
number of individuals
nombre d'individus
MOD: The total number of individuals in an ontology. OMV: Number of individuals in the ontology. VOID: The total number of entities that are described in a void:Dataset.
This property has been adopted from OMV Ontology Metadata Vocabulary and redefined in the MOD namespace.
MIRO guidelines: E.3
FAIR principle: F2
number of properties
nombre de propriétés
MOD: The total number of properties in an ontology. OMV: Number of properties in the ontology. VOAF: The number of properties defined in the vocabulary namespace. Properties imported from other namespaces are not taken into account. VOID: The total number of distinct properties in a void:Dataset. In other words, the number of distinct resources that occur in the predicate position of triples in the dataset.
This property has been adopted from OMV Ontology Metadata Vocabulary and redefined in the MOD namespace.
MIRO guidelines: E.3
FAIR principle: F2
number of object properties
nombre de propriétés d'objet
MOD: The total number of object properties in an ontology.
MIRO guidelines: E.3
FAIR principle: F2
number of data properties
nombre de propriétés de données
MOD: The total number of data properties in an ontology.
MIRO guidelines: E.3
FAIR principle: F2
number of axioms or triples
nombre d'axiomes ou de triples
MOD: The total number of axioms in an ontology. OMV: Number of axioms in the ontology.
This property has been adopted from OMV Ontology Metadata Vocabulary and redefined in the MOD namespace.
MIRO guidelines: E.3
FAIR principle: F2
number of data properties
nombre de propriétés de données
MOD: Number of defined labels for any resources in an ontology (classes, properties, etc).
MIRO guidelines: E.3
FAIR principle: F2
byte size
taille en octets
DCAT: The size of a distribution in bytes. MOD: The byte size of an ontology.
MIRO guidelines: E.3
FAIR principle: F2
The size in bytes can be approximated when the precise size is not known. The literal value of dcat:byteSize should by typed as xsd:decimal.
maximum depth of the hierachy
profondeur maximum de la hierachie
maximum number of children per class
nombre maximum d'enfant par classe
average number of children per class
nombre moyen d'enfant par classe
number of classes with a single child
nombre de classes avec un seul enfant
number of classes with more than 25 children
nombre de classes avec plus de 25 enfants
number of classes with no definition
nombre de classes sans définition
MOD: Maximum depth of the hierarchy tree (BioPortal definition).
MOD: Maximum number of children per class (BioPortal definition).
MOD: Average number of children per class (BioPortal definition).
MOD: Number of classes that have only one subclass in the is-a hierarchy (BioPortal definition).
MOD: Number of classes that have more than 25 direct subclasses (BioPortal definition).
MOD: Number of classes that have no value for the definition property (BioPortal definition). For ontologies in OBO and RRF formats, the property for definition is part of the language. For OWL ontologies, the authors specify this property as part of the ontology metadata (the default is skos:definition).
FAIR principle: R1
DCTERMS: A related resource from which the described resource is derived. MOD: The ontology(ies) referred to while creating the present ontology. PROV: Influence is the capacity of an entity, activity, or agent to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of another by means of usage, start, end, generation, invalidation, communication, derivation, attribution, association, or delegation. PROV: A derivation is a transformation of an entity into another, an update of an entity resulting in a new one, or the construction of a new entity based on a pre-existing entity. PAV: Derived from a different resource. NKOS: A resource used as the source for a derivative resource.
MIRO guidelines: D.2
FAIR principle: R1.2
was generated by
a été généré par
PROV: Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation.
MIRO guidelines: D.1
FAIR principle: R1.2
was invalidated by
a été invalidé par
PROV: Invalidation is the start of the destruction, cessation, or expiry of an existing entity by an activity. The entity is no longer available for use (or further invalidation) after invalidation. Any generation or usage of an entity precedes its invalidation.
FAIR principle: R1.2
accrual method
méthode d'ajout
DCTERMS: The method by which items are added to a collection. Recommended practice is to use a value from the Collection Description Accrual Method Vocabulary.
MIRO guidelines: D.3, F.2
FAIR principle: R1.2
accrual periodicity
fréquence des ajouts
DCTERMS: The frequency with which items are added to a collection. Recommended practice is to use a value from the Collection Description Frequency Vocabulary.
MIRO guidelines: F.2
FAIR principle: R1.2
accrual policy
politique des ajouts
DCTERMS: The policy governing the addition of items to a collection. Recommended practice is to use a value from the Collection Description Accrual Policy Vocabulary.
MIRO guidelines: F.2, F.3
FAIR principle: R1.2