id: name: NMDC-Core title: NMDC Schema Core Types description: Schema for National Microbiome Data Collaborative (NMDC), Core Types license: imports: - basic_slots - external_identifiers - prov prefixes: KEGG.COMPOUND: "" SIO: UniProtKB: "" biolink: dcterms: linkml: nmdc: qud: rdf: schema: wgs84: OBI: default_prefix: nmdc default_range: string subsets: environment: { } investigation: { } nucleic acid sequence source: { } sequencing: { } types: bytes: description: An integer value that corresponds to a size in bytes base: int uri: xsd:long see_also: - UO:0000233 decimal degree: description: A decimal degree expresses latitude or longitude as decimal fractions. uri: xsd:decimal base: float see_also: - language code: description: A language code conforming to ISO_639-1 see_also: - base: str uri: xsd:language unit: base: str uri: xsd:string mappings: - qud:Unit - UO:0000000 enums: DeviceEnum: permissible_values: Orbital Shaker: Thermomixer: Vortex: Agitation plunger: Drying oven: CEREX System 96 processor: classes: NamedThing: description: "a databased entity or concept/class" abstract: true slots: - id - name - description - alternative_identifiers # DataGeneratingInstrument: # slots: # - model # - name # range: DeviceEnum ? # see also "used" and "instrument_name" # - vendor # aliases: # - device # description: An identified thing that is capable of generating scientific data # comments: # - Likely a capital investment. One would want to say "I used this serial number" # todos: # - add examples, like a Thermo Electron Orbitrap # is_a: NamedThing # slot_usage: # id: # required: true # structured_pattern: # syntax: "{id_nmdc_prefix}:inst-{id_shoulder}-{id_blade}{id_version}{id_locus}$" # interpolated: true # exact_mappings: # - OBI:0000485 MaterialEntity: abstract: true aliases: - Material - Physical entity is_a: NamedThing title: Material Entity ProcessedSample: is_a: MaterialEntity title: Processed Sample slots: - biomaterial_purity - dna_absorb1 - dna_concentration - external_database_identifiers # - nucleic_acid_concentration slot_usage: id: required: true structured_pattern: syntax: "{id_nmdc_prefix}:procsm-{id_shoulder}-{id_blade}$" interpolated: true AnalyticalSample: is_a: MaterialEntity title: Analytical Sample slot_usage: id: required: true structured_pattern: syntax: "{id_nmdc_prefix}:ansm-{id_shoulder}-{id_blade}$" interpolated: true Site: abstract: true is_a: MaterialEntity title: Site comments: - BCO sample collection site ? slot_usage: id: required: true structured_pattern: syntax: "{id_nmdc_prefix}:site-{id_shoulder}-{id_blade}$" interpolated: true PlannedProcess: abstract: true class_uri: OBI:0000011 is_a: NamedThing title: Planned Process slots: - designated_class - end_date - has_input - has_output - processing_institution - protocol_link - start_date - instrument_name # or "used" ? - qc_status - qc_comment - has_failure_categorization slot_usage: designated_class: comments: - required on all instances in a polymorphic Database slot like planned_process_set OntologyClass: is_a: NamedThing notes: - The identifiers for terms from external ontologies can't have their ids constrained to the nmdc namespace slot_usage: id: pattern: '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+:[a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\/\.,]*$' EnvironmentalMaterialTerm: is_a: OntologyClass AttributeValue: description: >- The value for any value of a attribute for a sample. This object can hold both the un-normalized atomic value and the structured value slots: - has_raw_value slot_usage: type: description: An optional string that specified the type of object. QuantityValue: is_a: AttributeValue description: A simple quantity, e.g. 2cm slots: - has_maximum_numeric_value - has_minimum_numeric_value - has_numeric_value - has_raw_value - has_unit slot_usage: has_raw_value: description: Unnormalized atomic string representation, should in syntax {number} {unit} has_unit: description: The unit of the quantity has_numeric_value: description: The number part of the quantity range: double mappings: - schema:QuantityValue ImageValue: is_a: AttributeValue description: An attribute value representing an image. slots: - url - description - display_order PersonValue: is_a: AttributeValue description: An attribute value representing a person slots: - email - name - orcid - profile_image_url - websites todos: - add additional fields e.g for institution - deprecate "has_raw_value" in favor of "name" slot_usage: orcid: annotations: tooltip: Open Researcher and Contributor ID for this person. See email: annotations: tooltip: Email address for this person. has_raw_value: description: The full name of the Investigator in format FIRST LAST. notes: - May eventually be deprecated in favor of "name". name: description: >- The full name of the Investigator. It should follow the format FIRST [MIDDLE NAME| MIDDLE INITIAL] LAST, where MIDDLE NAME| MIDDLE INITIAL is optional. annotations: tooltip: First name, middle initial, and last name of this person. MagBin: slots: - bin_name - bin_quality - completeness - contamination - gene_count - gtdbtk_class - gtdbtk_domain - gtdbtk_family - gtdbtk_genus - gtdbtk_order - gtdbtk_phylum - gtdbtk_species - members_id - num_16s - num_23s - num_5s - num_t_rna - number_of_contig - total_bases - type - eukaryotic_evaluation MetaboliteQuantification: description: This is used to link a metabolomics analysis workflow to a specific metabolite slots: - alternative_identifiers - highest_similarity_score - metabolite_quantified PeptideQuantification: description: This is used to link a metaproteomics analysis workflow to a specific peptide sequence and related information slots: - all_proteins - best_protein - min_q_value - peptide_sequence - peptide_spectral_count - peptide_sum_masic_abundance ProteinQuantification: description: This is used to link a metaproteomics analysis workflow to a specific protein slots: - all_proteins - best_protein - peptide_sequence_count - protein_spectral_count - protein_sum_masic_abundance slot_usage: best_protein: description: the specific protein identifier most correctly grouped to its associated peptide sequences all_proteins: description: the grouped list of protein identifiers associated with the peptide sequences that were grouped to a best protein ChemicalEntity: aliases: - metabolite - chemical substance - chemical compound - chemical is_a: OntologyClass description: >- An atom or molecule that can be represented with a chemical formula. Include lipids, glycans, natural products, drugs. There may be different terms for distinct acid-base forms, protonation states comments: - As with the parent OntologyClass, we will not assign an nmdc id pattern or typecode to this class. slots: - chemical_formula - inchi - inchi_key - smiles see_also: - id_prefixes: - cas - CHEBI - CHEMBL.COMPOUND - DRUGBANK - HMDB - KEGG.COMPOUND - MESH - PUBCHEM.COMPOUND exact_mappings: - biolink:ChemicalSubstance GeneProduct: is_a: NamedThing description: A molecule encoded by a gene that has an evolved function notes: - we may include a more general gene product class in future to allow for ncRNA annotation id_prefixes: - PR - UniProtKB - gtpo exact_mappings: - biolink:GeneProduct TextValue: is_a: AttributeValue description: A basic string value slots: - language UrlValue: is_a: AttributeValue description: A value that is a string that conforms to URL syntax TimestampValue: is_a: AttributeValue description: A value that is a timestamp. The range should be ISO-8601 notes: - "removed the following slots: year, month, day" IntegerValue: is_a: AttributeValue description: A value that is an integer slots: - has_numeric_value BooleanValue: is_a: AttributeValue description: A value that is a boolean slots: - has_boolean_value ControlledTermValue: is_a: AttributeValue description: A controlled term or class from an ontology slots: - term todos: - add fields for ontology, branch ControlledIdentifiedTermValue: description: A controlled term or class from an ontology, requiring the presence of term with an id notes: - To be used for slots like env_broad_scale is_a: ControlledTermValue slot_usage: term: required: true GeolocationValue: is_a: AttributeValue description: A normalized value for a location on the earth's surface slots: - latitude - longitude notes: - "what did 'to_str: {latitude} {longitude}' mean?" slot_usage: has_raw_value: description: The raw value for a geolocation should follow {latitude} {longitude} latitude: required: true longitude: required: true mappings: - schema:GeoCoordinates slots: total_bases: domain: MagBin range: integer # MAM 2023-12-08 todos: - this slot needs some basic textual annotations and constraints members_id: domain: MagBin range: string todos: - this slot needs some basic textual annotations and constraints bin_name: range: string number_of_contig: range: integer completeness: range: float contamination: range: float gene_count: range: integer bin_quality: range: string num_16s: range: integer num_5s: range: integer num_23s: range: integer num_t_rna: range: integer gtdbtk_domain: range: string gtdbtk_phylum: range: string gtdbtk_class: range: string gtdbtk_order: range: string gtdbtk_family: range: string gtdbtk_genus: range: string gtdbtk_species: range: string language: range: language code description: Should use ISO 639-1 code e.g. "en", "fr" # attribute: # aliases: # - field # - property # - template field # - key # - characteristic # abstract: true # description: >- # A attribute of a biosample. Examples: depth, habitat, material. # For NMDC, attributes SHOULD be mapped to terms within a MIxS template has_raw_value: description: The value that was specified for an annotation in raw form, i.e. a string. E.g. "2 cm" or "2-4 cm" # multivalued: false domain: AttributeValue range: string has_unit: description: Links a QuantityValue to a unit aliases: - scale domain: QuantityValue range: unit mappings: - qud:unit - schema:unitCode has_numeric_value: description: Links a quantity value to a number # multivalued: false domain: QuantityValue range: float mappings: - qud:quantityValue - schema:value has_minimum_numeric_value: is_a: has_numeric_value domain: QuantityValue description: The minimum value part, expressed as number, of the quantity value when the value covers a range. has_maximum_numeric_value: is_a: has_numeric_value domain: QuantityValue description: The maximum value part, expressed as number, of the quantity value when the value covers a range. has_boolean_value: description: Links a quantity value to a boolean range: boolean # multivalued: false latitude: domain: GeolocationValue range: decimal degree description: latitude slot_uri: wgs84:lat examples: - value: -33.460524 mappings: - schema:latitude longitude: domain: GeolocationValue range: decimal degree description: longitude slot_uri: wgs84:long examples: - value: 150.168149 mappings: - schema:longitude term: domain: ControlledTermValue range: OntologyClass description: pointer to an ontology class inlined: true notes: - "removed 'slot_uri: rdf:type'" orcid: description: The ORCID of a person. domain: PersonValue range: string email: description: >- An email address for an entity such as a person. This should be the primary email address used. range: string slot_uri: schema:email alternate_emails: description: One or more other email addresses for an entity. range: string profile_image_url: description: A url that points to an image of a person. domain: PersonValue range: string has_input: aliases: - input domain: NamedThing range: NamedThing multivalued: true description: >- An input to a process. has_output: aliases: - output domain: NamedThing range: NamedThing multivalued: true description: An output biosample to a processing step part_of: aliases: - is part of range: NamedThing domain: NamedThing multivalued: true slot_uri: dcterms:isPartOf description: Links a resource to another resource that either logically or physically includes it. execution_resource: domain: Activity range: string # is_a: attribute examples: - value: NERSC-Cori url: # is_a: attribute range: string notes: - See issue 207 - this clashes with the mixs field display_order: # is_a: attribute domain: ImageValue range: integer description: When rendering information, this attribute to specify the order in which the information should be rendered. git_url: # is_a: attribute range: string examples: - value: "" file_size_bytes: # is_a: attribute domain: DataObject range: bytes description: Size of the file in bytes md5_checksum: # is_a: attribute range: string description: MD5 checksum of file (pre-compressed) keywords: range: string multivalued: true description: >- A list of keywords that used to associate the entity. Keywords SHOULD come from controlled vocabularies, including MESH, ENVO. mappings: - dcterms:subject objective: range: string # multivalued: false description: >- The scientific objectives associated with the entity. It SHOULD correspond to scientific norms for objectives field in a structured abstract. mappings: - SIO:000337 websites: range: string multivalued: true pattern: ^[Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp][Ss]?:\/\/(?!.*[Dd][Oo][Ii]\.[Oo][Rr][Gg]).*$ description: A list of websites that are associated with the entity. comments: - DOIs should not be included as websites. Instead, use the associated_dois slot. - A consortium's homepage website should be included in the homepage_website slot, not in websites. homepage_website: is_a: websites maximum_cardinality: 1 description: The website address (URL) of an entity's homepage. examples: - value: highest_similarity_score: todos: - Yuri to fill in description range: float metabolite_quantified: description: the specific metabolite identifier domain: MetaboliteQuantification range: ChemicalEntity all_proteins: description: the list of protein identifiers that are associated with the peptide sequence range: GeneProduct multivalued: true best_protein: description: the specific protein identifier most correctly associated with the peptide sequence range: GeneProduct min_q_value: description: smallest Q-Value associated with the peptide sequence as provided by MSGFPlus tool range: float see_also: - OBI:0001442 peptide_sequence: range: string peptide_spectral_count: description: sum of filter passing MS2 spectra associated with the peptide sequence within a given LC-MS/MS data file range: integer peptide_sum_masic_abundance: description: >- combined MS1 extracted ion chromatograms derived from MS2 spectra associated with the peptide sequence from a given LC-MS/MS data file using the MASIC tool range: integer chemical_formula: description: A generic grouping for molecular formulae and empirical formulae range: string inchi_key: range: string notes: - "key set to false due to rare collisions: Pletnev I, Erin A, McNaught A, Blinov K, Tchekhovskoi D, Heller S (2012) InChIKey collision resistance: an experimental testing. J Cheminform. 4:12" inchi: range: string peptide_sequence_count: description: count of peptide sequences grouped to the best_protein range: integer protein_spectral_count: description: sum of filter passing MS2 spectra associated with the best protein within a given LC-MS/MS data file range: integer protein_sum_masic_abundance: description: >- combined MS1 extracted ion chromatograms derived from MS2 spectra associated with the best protein from a given LC-MS/MS data file using the MASIC tool range: integer smiles: description: >- A string encoding of a molecular graph, no chiral or isotopic information. There are usually a large number of valid SMILES which represent a given structure. For example, CCO, OCC and C(O)C all specify the structure of ethanol. multivalued: true range: string