bibliographic entry 10185029 [be/10185029]

is a
  • Cleland, JGF, Swedberg, K, Cohen-Solal, A, Cosin-Aguilar, J, Dietz, R, Follath, F, Gavazzi, A, Hobbs, R, Korewicki, J, Madeira, HC, Preda, I, van Gilst, WH, Widimsky, J, Mareev, V, Mason, J, Freemantle, N, Eastaugh, J. for The study group on Diagnosis of the Working Group on Heart Failure of the European Society of Cardiology. The Euro Heart Failure Survey of the EUROHEART Survey Programme. A survey on the quality of care among patients with heart failure in Europe. Eur J Heart Fail 2000; 2: 123–132. PMID: 10856724