bibliographic entry 10220302 [be/10220302]

is a
  • Dubois, S, Mareschal, S, Picquenot, JM, Viailly, PJ, Bohers, E, Cornic, M, Bertrand, P, Veresezan, EL, Ruminy, P, Maingonnat, C, Marchand, V, Lanic, H, Penther, D, Bastard, C, Tilly, H, Jardin, F. Immunohistochemical and genomic profiles of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas: Implications for targeted EZH2 inhibitor therapy, Oncotarget, 2015, 6, 16712, 16724, DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.3154, PMID: 25762637