bibliographic entry 10890308 [be/10890308]

is a
  • Givertz, MM, Anstrom, KJ, Redfield, MM, Deswal, A, Haddad, H, Butler, J, Tang, WH, Dunlap, ME, LeWinter, MM, Mann, DL, Felker, GM, O'Connor, CM, Goldsmith, SR, Ofili, EO, Saltzberg, MT, Margulies, KB, Cappola, TP, Konstam, MA, Semigran, MJ, McNulty, SE, Lee, KL, Shah, MR, and, Hernandez, AF. Effects of xanthine oxidase inhibition in hyperuricemic heart failure patients: the xanthine oxidase inhibition for hyperuricemic heart failure patients (EXACT-HF) study. Circulation 131: 1763–1771, 2015 PMID: 25986447