bibliographic entry 12052277 [be/12052277]

is a
  • Lal, A, Navarro, F, Maher, CA, Maliszewski, LE, Yan, N, O'Day, E, Chowdhury, D, Dykxhoorn, DM, Tsai, P, Hofmann, O, Becker, KG, Gorospe, M, Hide, W, Lieberman, J. 2009, miR-24 inhibits cell proliferation by targeting E2F2, MYC, and other cell-cycle genes via binding to "seedless" 3'UTR microRNA recognition elements, Molecular Cell, 35, 610, 625, DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2009.08.020, PMID: 19748357