bibliographic entry 12524174 [be/12524174]

is a
  • Katayama, T, Imaizumi, K, Sato, N, Miyoshi, K, Kudo, T, Hitomi, J, Morihara, T, Yoneda, T, Gomi, F, Mori, Y, Nakano, Y, Takeda, J, Tsuda, T, Itoyama, Y, Murayama, O, Takashima, A, St George-Hyslop, P, Takeda, M, Tohyama, M. Presenilin-1 mutations downregulate the signalling pathway of the unfolded-protein response, Nat Cell Biol, 1999, 1, 479, 485, PMID: 10587643