bibliographic entry 12638449 [be/12638449]

is a
  • Suzán, G, García-Peña, GE, Castro-Arellano, I, Rico, O, Rubio, AV, Tolsá, MJ, Roche, B, Hosseini, PR, Rizzoli, A, Murray, KA, Zambrana-Torrelio, C, Vittecoq, M, Bailly, X, Aguirre, AA, Daszak, P, Prieur-Richard, A-H, Mills, JN, Guégan, J-F. Metacommunity and phylogenetic structure determine wildlife and zoonotic infectious disease patterns in time and space, Ecol Evol, 2015, 5, 865, 873, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1404, PMID: 25750713