bibliographic entry 1579467 [be/1579467]

is a
  • Ladner, J. T,, Beitzel, B,, Chain, P. S. G,, Davenport, M. G,, Donaldson, E. F,, Frieman, M,, Kugelman, J. R,, Kuhn, J. H,, O’Rear, J,, Sabeti, P. C,, Wentworth, D. E,, Wiley, M. R,, Yu, G-Y;. Threat Characterization Consortium, Sozhamannan, S,, Bradburne, C,, Palacios, G,. Standards for sequencing viral genomes in the era of high-throughput sequencing. mBio 5, e01360-14 (2014). PMID: 24939889