bibliographic entry 1856810 [be/1856810]

is a
  • Wei, FY, Zhou, B, Suzuki, T, Miyata, K, Ujihara, Y, Horiguchi, H, Takahashi, N, Xie, P, Michiue, H, Fujimura, A, Kaitsuka, T, Matsui, H, Koga, Y, Mohri, S, Suzuki, T, Oike, Y, Tomizawa, K. Cdk5rap1-mediated 2-methylthio modification of mitochondrial tRNAs governs protein translation and contributes to myopathy in mice and humans, Cell Metab, 2015, 21, 428, 442, DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2015.01.019, PMID: 25738458