bibliographic entry 1924737 [be/1924737]

is a
  • Barr, J, Fraser, GL, Puntillo, K, Ely, EW, Gelinas, C, Dasta, JF, Davidson, JE, Devlin, JW, Kress, JP, Joffe, AM, Coursin, DB, Herr, DL, Tung, A, Robinson, BR, Fontaine, DK, Ramsay, MA, Riker, RR, Sessler, CN, Pun, B, Skrobik, Y, Jaeschke, R. Clinical practice guidelines for the management of pain, agitation, and delirium in adult patients in the intensive care unit, Crit Care Med, 2013, 41, 263, 306, DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e3182783b72, PMID: 23269131