bibliographic entry 1924806 [be/1924806]

is a
  • Hunseler, C, Balling, G, Rohlig, C, Blickheuser, R, Trieschmann, U, Lieser, U, Dohna-Schwake, C, Gebauer, C, Moller, O, Hering, F, Hoehn, T, Schubert, S, Hentschel, R, Huth, RG, Muller, A, Muller, C, Wassmer, G, Hahn, M, Harnischmacher, U, Behr, J, Roth, B, Clonidine Study G. Continuous infusion of clonidine in ventilated newborns and infants: a randomized controlled trial, Pediatr Crit Care Med, 2014, 15, 511, 522, DOI: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000000151, PMID: 24751788