bibliographic entry 2123103 [be/2123103]

is a
  • Onizawa, M, Oshima, S, Schulze-Topphoff, U, Oses-Prieto, JA, Lu, T, Tavares, R, Prodhomme, T, Duong, B, Whang, MI, Advincula, R, Agelidis, A, Barrera, J, Wu, H, Burlingame, A, Malynn, BA, Zamvil, SS, Ma, A. The ubiquitin-modifying enzyme A20 restricts ubiquitination of the kinase RIPK3 and protects cells from necroptosis, Nat Immunol, 2015, 16, 6, 618, 627, DOI: 10.1038/ni.3172, PMID: 25939025