bibliographic entry 2202639 [be/2202639]

is a
  • Gaget, V, Welker, M, Rippka, R, de Marsac, N.T. A polyphasic approach leading to the revision of the genus, Planktothrix (Cyanobacteria) and its type species, P. agardhii, and proposal for integrating the emended valid botanical taxa, as well as three new species, Planktothrix paucivesiculata sp. nov. ICNP, Planktothrix tepida sp. nov. ICNP, and, Planktothrix serta sp. nov. ICNP, as genus and species names with nomenclatural standing under the ICNP, Syst. Appl. Microbiol, 38, 3, 2015, 141, 158, PMID: 25757799