bibliographic entry 2632519 [be/2632519]

is a
  • Cabrera-Fuentes, HA, Alba-Alba, C, Aragones, J, Bernhagen, J, Boisvert, WA, Botker, HE, Cesarman-Maus, G, Fleming, I, Garcia-Dorado, D, Lecour, S, Liehn, E, Marber, MS, Marina, N, Mayr, M, Perez-Mendez, O, Miura, T, Ruiz-Meana, M, Salinas-Estefanon, EM, Ong, SB, Schnittler, HJ, Sanchez-Vega, JT, Sumoza-Toledo, A, Vogel, CW, Yarullina, D, Yellon, DM, Preissner, KT, Hausenloy, DJ. Meeting report from the 2nd international symposium on new frontiers in cardiovascular research. Protecting the cardiovascular system from ischemia: between bench and bedside, Basic Res Cardiol, 2016, 111, 7, PMID: 26667317