bibliographic entry 2632560 [be/2632560]

is a
  • Hahn, JY, Song, YB, Kim, EK, Yu, CW, Bae, JW, Chung, WY, Choi, SH, Choi, JH, Bae, JH, An, KJ, Park, JS, Oh, JH, Kim, SW, Hwang, JY, Ryu, JK, Park, HS, Lim, DS, Gwon, HC. Ischemic postconditioning during primary percutaneous coronary intervention: the effects of postconditioning on myocardial reperfusion in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (POST) randomized trial, Circulation, 2013, 128, 1889, 1896, PMID: 24068776