bibliographic entry 2632656 [be/2632656]

is a
  • Mateos, A, Garcia-Lunar, I, Garcia-Ruiz, JM, Pizarro, G, Fernandez-Jimenez, R, Huertas, P, Garcia-Alvarez, A, Fernandez-Friera, L, Bravo, J, Flores-Arias, J, Barreiro, MV, Chayan-Zas, L, Corral, E, Fuster, V, Sanchez-Brunete, V, Ibanez, B, Investigators, M-C. Efficacy and safety of out-of-hospital intravenous metoprolol administration in anterior ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction: insights from the METOCARD-CNIC trial, Ann Emerg Med, 2015, 65, 318, 324, PMID: 25129820