bibliographic entry 2632683 [be/2632683]

is a
  • Pickard, JM, Botker, HE, Crimi, G, Davidson, B, Davidson, SM, Dutka, D, Ferdinandy, P, Ganske, R, Garcia-Dorado, D, Giricz, Z, Gourine, AV, Heusch, G, Kharbanda, R, Kleinbongard, P, MacAllister, R, McIntyre, C, Meybohm, P, Prunier, F, Redington, A, Robertson, NJ, Suleiman, MS, Vanezis, A, Walsh, S, Yellon, DM, Hausenloy, DJ. Remote ischemic conditioning: from experimental observation to clinical application: report from the 8th Biennial Hatter Cardiovascular Institute Workshop, Basic Res Cardiol, 2015, 110, 453, PMID: 25449895