bibliographic entry 3179170 [be/3179170]

is a
  • Ikramuddin, S, Korner, J, Lee, WJ, Connett, JE, Inabnet, WB, Billington, CJ, Thomas, AJ, Leslie, DB, Chong, K, Jeffery, RW, Ahmed, L, Vella, A, Chuang, LM, Bessler, M, Sarr, MG, Swain, JM, Laqua, P, Jensen, MD, Bantle, JP. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass vs intensive medical management for the control of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia: the Diabetes Surgery Study randomized clinical trial, JAMA, 2013, 309, 2240, 2249, PMID: 23736733