bibliographic entry 4563916 [be/4563916]

is a
  • Protasio, A.V, Tsai, I.J, Babbage, A, Nichol, S, Hunt, M, Aslett, M.A, De Silva, N, Velarde, G.S, Anderson, T.J, Clark, R.C, Davidson, C, Dillon, G.P, Holroyd, N.E, LoVerde, P.T, Lloyd, C, McQuillan, J, Oliveira, G, Otto, T.D, Parker-Manuel, S.J, Quail, M.A, Wilson, R.A, Zerlotini, A, Dunne, D.W, Berriman, M. A systematically improved high quality genome and transcriptome of the human blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni, PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis, 6, 2012, e1455, PMID: 22253936