bibliographic entry 4794444 [be/4794444]

is a
  • Brodbeck, J, McGuire, J, Liu, Z, Meyer-Franke, A, Balestra, ME, Jeong, DE, Pleiss, M, McComas, C, Hess, F, Witter, D, Peterson, S, Childers, M, Goulet, M, Liverton, N, Hargreaves, R, Freedman, S, Weisgraber, KH, Mahley, RW, Huang, Y. Structure-dependent impairment of intracellular apolipoprotein E4 trafficking and its detrimental effects are rescued by small-molecule structure correctors, J Biol Chem, 2011, 286, 17217, 26, DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M110.217380, PMID: 21454574