bibliographic entry 5228416 [be/5228416]

is a
  • Ananworanich, J, Chomont, N, Fletcher, J.L, Pinyakorn, S, Schuetz, A, Sereti, I, Rerknimitr, R, Dewar, R, Kroon, E, Vandergeeten, C, Trichavaroj, R, Chomchey, N, Chalermchai, T, Michael, N.L, Kim, J.H, Phanuphak, P, Phanuphak, N. Markers of HIV reservoir size and immune activation after treatment in acute HIV infection with and without raltegravir and maraviroc intensification, J. Virus. Erad, 1, 2015, 116, 122, PMID: 26835516