bibliographic entry 5414206 [be/5414206]

is a
  • Carbone, M, Flores, EG, Emi, M, Johnson, TA, Tsunoda, T, Behner, D, Hoffman, H, Hesdorffer, M, Nasu, M, Napolitano, A, Powers, A, Minaai, M, Baumann, F, Bryant-Greenwood, P, Lauk, O, Kirschner, MB, Weder, W, Opitz, I, Pass, HI, Gaudino, G, Pastorino, S, Yang, H. Combined Genetic and Genealogic Studies Uncover a Large BAP1 Cancer Syndrome Kindred Tracing Back Nine Generations to a Common Ancestor from the 1700s, PLoS Genet, 2015, 11, e1005633, PMID: 26683624