bibliographic entry 5657612 [be/5657612]

is a
  • Kneteman, N. M,, Howe, A. Y. M,, Gao, T,, Lewis, J,, Pevear, D,, Lund, G,, Douglas, D,, Mercer, D. F,, Tyrrell, D. L. J,, Immermann, F,, Chaudhary, I,, Speth, J,, Villano, S. A,, O’Connell, J,, Collett, M,. HCV796: A selective nonstructural protein 5B polymerase inhibitor with potent anti-hepatitis C virus activity in vitro, in mice with chimeric human livers, and in humans infected with hepatitis C virus. Hepatology 49, 745–752 (2009). PMID: 19072827