bibliographic entry 5960441 [be/5960441]

is a
  • Downing, T, Imamura, H, Decuypere, S, Clark, TG, Coombs, GH, Cotton, JA, Hilley, JD, de Doncker, S, Maes, I, Mottram, JC, Quail, MA, Rijal, S, Sanders, M, Schönian, G, Stark, O, Sundar, S, Vanaerschot, M, Hertz-Fowler, C, Dujardin, JC, Berriman, M. 2011, Whole genome sequencing of multiple Leishmania donovani clinical isolates provides insights into population structure and mechanisms of drug resistance, Genome Research, 21, 2143, 2156, DOI: 10.1101/gr.123430.111, PMID: 22038251