bibliographic entry 596691 [be/596691]

is a
  • Schwander, M, Sczaniecka, A, Grillet, N, Bailey, JS, Avenarius, M, Najmabadi, H, Steffy, BM, Federe, GC, Lagler, EA, Banan, R, Hice, R, Grabowski-Boase, L, Keithley, EM, Ryan, AF, Housley, GD, Wiltshire, T, Smith, RJ, Tarantino, LM, Müller, U. 2007, A forward genetics screen in mice identifies recessive deafness traits and reveals that pejvakin is essential for outer hair cell function, The Journal of Neuroscience, 27, 2163, 2175, DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4975-06.2007, PMID: 17329413