bibliographic entry 6179091 [be/6179091]

is a
  • Balthasar, N, Dalgaard, LT, Lee, CE, Yu, J, Funahashi, H, Williams, T, Ferreira, M, Tang, V, McGovern, RA, Kenny, CD, Christiansen, LM, Edelstein, E, Choi, B, Boss, O, Aschkenasi, C, Zhang, Chen-yu, Mountjoy, K, Kishi, T, Elmquist, JK, Lowell, BB. 2005, Divergence of melanocortin pathways in the control of food intake and energy expenditure, Cell, 123, 493, 505, DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2005.08.035, PMID: 16269339