bibliographic entry 6351733 [be/6351733]

is a
  • Stupp, R, Hegi, ME, Neyns, B, Goldbrunner, R, Schlegel, U, Clement, PM, Grabenbauer, GG, Ochsenbein, AF, Simon, M, Dietrich, PY, Pietsch, T, Hicking, C, Tonn, JC, Diserens, AC, Pica, A, Hermisson, M. Phase I/IIa study of cilengitide and temozolomide with concomitant radiotherapy followed by cilengitide and temozolomide maintenance therapy in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma, J Clin Oncol, 2010, 28, 2712, 2718, PMID: 20439646