bibliographic entry 7194762 [be/7194762]

is a
  • Falchook, GS, Wheler, JJ, Naing, A, Jackson, EF, Janku, F, Hong, D, Ng, CS, Tannir, NM, Lawhorn, KN, Huang, M, Angelo, LS, Vishwamitra, D, Hess, K, Howard, AN, Parkhurst, KL, Amin, HM. Targeting hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) in combination with antiangiogenic therapy: a phase I trial of bortezomib plus bevacizumab, Oncotarget, 2014, 5, 10280, 10292, DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.2163, PMID: 25373733