bibliographic entry 7477151 [be/7477151]

is a
  • Fell, MJ, Mirescu, C, Basu, K, Cheewatrakoolpong, B, DeMong, DE, Ellis, JM, Hyde, LA, Lin, Y, Markgraf, CG, Mei, H, Miller, M, Poulet, FM, Scott, JD, Smith, MD, Yin, Z, Zhou, X, Parker, EM, Kennedy, ME, Morrow, JA. 2015, MLi-2, a potent, selective, and centrally active compound for exploring the therapeutic potential and safety of LRRK2 kinase inhibition, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 355, 397, 409, DOI: 10.1124/jpet.115.227587, PMID: 26407721