bibliographic entry 7477200 [be/7477200]

is a
  • Sheng, Z, Zhang, S, Bustos, D, Kleinheinz, T, Le Pichon, CE, Dominguez, SL, Solanoy, HO, Drummond, J, Zhang, X, Ding, X, Cai, F, Song, Q, Li, X, Yue, Z, van der Brug, MP, Burdick, DJ, Gunzner-Toste, J, Chen, H, Liu, X, Estrada, AA, Sweeney, ZK, Scearce-Levie, K, Moffat, JG, Kirkpatrick, DS, Zhu, H. 2012, Ser1292 autophosphorylation is an indicator of LRRK2 kinase activity and contributes to the cellular effects of PD mutations, Science Translational Medicine, 4, 164ra161, DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3004485