bibliographic entry 7894516 [be/7894516]

is a
  • Kirkpatrick, BD, Colgate, ER, Mychaleckyj, JC, Haque, R, Dickson, DM, Carmolli, MP, Nayak, U, Taniuchi, M, Naylor, C, Qadri, F, Ma, JZ, Alam, M, Walsh, MC, Diehl, SA, PROVIDE Study Teams, Petri, WA, Jr. 2015 The “Performance of Rotavirus and Oral Polio Vaccines in Developing Countries” (PROVIDE) study: description of methods of an interventional study designed to explore complex biologic problems. Am J Trop Med Hyg 92: 744–751. doi: DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.14-0518. PMID: 25711607