bibliographic entry 8875556 [be/8875556]

is a
  • Gire, SK, Goba, A, Andersen, KG, Sealfon, RS, Park, DJ, Kanneh, L, Jalloh, S, Momoh, M, Fullah, M, Dudas, G, Wohl, S, Moses, LM, Yozwiak, NL, Winnicki, S, Matranga, CB, Malboeuf, CM, Qu, J, Gladden, AD, Schaffner, SF, Yang, X, Jiang, PP, Nekoui, M, Colubri, A, Coomber, MR, Fonnie, M, Moigboi, A, Gbakie, M, Kamara, FK, Tucker, V, Konuwa, E, Saffa, S, Sellu, J, Jalloh, AA, Kovoma, A, Koninga, J, Mustapha, I, Kargbo, K, Foday, M, Yillah, M, Kanneh, F, Robert, W, Massally, JL, Chapman, SB, Bochicchio, J, Murphy, C, Nusbaum, C, Young, S, Birren, BW, Grant, DS, Scheiffelin, JS, Lander, ES, Happi, C, Gevao, SM, Gnirke, A, Rambaut, A, Garry, RF, Khan, SH, Sabeti, PC. 2014, Genomic surveillance elucidates ebola virus origin and transmission during the 2014 outbreak, Science, 345, 1369, 1372, DOI: 10.1126/science.1259657, PMID: 25214632