bibliographic entry 9438441 [be/9438441]

is a
  • Griss, J, Jones, AR, Sachsenberg, T, Walzer, M, Gatto, L, Hartler, J, Thallinger, GG, Salek, RM, Steinbeck, C, Neuhauser, N, Cox, J, Neumann, S, Fan, J, Reisinger, F, Xu, Q-W, Del Toro, N, Pérez-Riverol, Y, Ghali, F, Bandeira, N, Xenarios, I, Kohlbacher, O, Vizcano, JA, Hermjakob, H. The mzTab data exchange format: communicating mass-spectrometry-based proteomics and metabolomics experimental results to a wider audience, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 2014, 13, 10, 2765, 2775, DOI: 10.1074/mcp.O113.036681, PMID: 24980485