bibliographic entry 9957625 [be/9957625]

is a
  • Dissanayake, SK, Wade, M, Johnson, CE, O’Connell, MP, Leotlela, PD, French, AD, Shah, KV, Hewitt, KJ, Rosenthal, DT, Indig, FE, Jiang, Y, Nickoloff, BJ, Taub, DD, Trent, JM, Moon, RT, Bittner, M, Weeraratna, AT. The Wnt5A/protein kinase C pathway mediates motility in melanoma cells via the inhibition of metastasis suppressors and initiation of an epithelial to mesenchymal transition, J Biol Chem, 2007, 282, 17259, 17271, PMID: 17426020