OntoUML Vocabulary Specification

Version 1.1.0

This version:
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Previous version:
General review for compliance with the OntoUML Metamodel 1.1.1.
Issued on:
Modified on:
Tiago Prince Sales, (Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS), University of Twente, the Netherlands)
Claudenir M. Fonseca, (Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS), University of Twente, the Netherlands)
Pedro Paulo Favato Barcelos, (Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS), University of Twente, the Netherlands)
Mattia Fumagalli, (KRDB Research Centre for Knowledge and Data, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy)
Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS), University of Twente, the Netherlands
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Cite as:
Sales, T. P., Fonseca, C. M., Barcelos, P. P. F. (2022) OntoUML Vocabulary Specification - Version 1.1.0. https://w3id.org/ontouml/vocabulary/docs
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An OWL vocabulary to allow the serialization and exchanging of OntoUML models in conformance with the Ontouml Metamodel.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Namespace declarations
  2. OntoUML Vocabulary: Overview
  3. The OntoUML Metamodel
    1. Metamodel's Abstract Syntax
    2. Metamodel's Concrete Syntax
  4. Vocabulary Usage Overview
    1. Example Settings
    2. Examples of Serialized Objects
    3. Manipulating the Serialized Models with SPARQL
  5. OntoUML Vocabulary: Specification
    1. Classes
    2. Object Properties
    3. Data Properties
    4. Named Individuals


The OntoUML Vocabulary is a Web Ontology Language (OWL) implementation of the OntoUML Metamodel. This vocabulary supports the serialization, exchange, and publishing of OntoUML models for Semantic Web applications and linked data.

Namespace declarations

The following table presents all namespaces used in this document.

ontouml <https://w3id.org/ontouml#>
w3id <https://w3id.org>
dct <http://purl.org/dc/terms>
owl <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl>
rdf <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns>
xml <http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace>
xsd <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema>
rdfs <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema>
dcat <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat>
vann <http://purl.org/vocab/vann>
foaf <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1>

OntoUML Vocabulary: Overview 

This ontology has the following classes and properties.


Object Properties

Data Properties

Named Individuals

The OntoUML Metamodel

The OntoUML Vocabulary's data model was structured to be in conformance with the OntoUML Metamodel.

It is important to emphasize that the OntoUML Metamodel is implementation-independent. When building the Vocabulary, an OWL artifact, the building language's constraints will restrict the generated artifact. In this sense, design decisions had to be made in order to generate the OntoUML Vocabulary. The adopted design decisions are registered as comments in the vocabulary's related concepts.

Being grounded on an explicit implementation-independent metamodel benefits OntoUML Vocabulary, in the sense that a mapping between these two artifacts is already stablished, facilitating future integration and data exchange to other implementations based on the OntoUML Metamodel.

Metamodel's Abstract Syntax

All OntoUML modeling elements are represented in the Metamodel's abstract syntax, which can be visualized in the following diagram.

The modeling elements are the ones that carry information about the domain being represented, not about the visual representation itself. The gray color represents the diagram's main concrete classes.

Metamodel's Concrete Syntax

The Metamodel's concrete syntax contains all diagramatic elements that are part of an OntoUML model. These elements are displayed in the diagram below.

The diagramatical representation are the views and shapes that forms the visual representation of the modeling elements. Every modeling element that can be visualized in a diagram has its corresponding view and shape. The gray color represents the diagram's concrete classes.

Vocabulary Usage Overview

This section provides a comprehensive overview of the content that users will encounter when working with a graph that adheres to the OntoUML Vocabulary.

Example Settings

In this section's examples, we will use an OntoUML model created at the Visual Paradigm model editor using the ontouml-vp-plugin and exported to an OntoUML Schema-compliant JSON file. We depict the example model below:


The transformation from JSON to graph was performed using the OntoUML JSON2Graph Decoder tool. For a better presentation, the JSON file objects' IDs were manually reduced to create the TTL examples.

This example is composed of the following files, which are made available to users:

  • MyExample.vpp: OntoUML model editable file.
  • MyClassDiagram.png: Exported image of the created OntoUML model.
  • MyExample.json: OntoUML model exported as JSON.
  • MyExample.ttl: OntoUML model exported as a graph in Turtle syntax (.ttl).

All code snippets in this section will be presented using the Turtle syntax. Besides the necessary RDF, RDFS, and OWL prefixes, we employ the following ones in this section's examples. However, we omitted them in both the Turtle and SPARQL code representations for the sake of brevity.

@prefix : <https://example.org#> .
@prefix ontouml: <https://w3id.org/ontouml#> .

The examples have been categorized into four groups: Projects and Diagrams, Model Elements, Views, and Shapes.

Examples of Serialized Objects

In a regular use case, a model is transformed by a computational tool into an OntoUML Vocabulary-compliant graph. Even though this process is done automatically by a computational tool without human intervention, the manipulation of the resulting graph is important for its diverse possibilities of use.

The following code examples aim to illustrate the structure of each OntoUML entity when represented in the OntoUML Vocabulary format. Each code snippet provided here encompasses an example of a single entity produced through the JSON-to-graph transformation process. The unique exception is the Note entity, which is supported by the OntoUML Vocabulary but not by the exportation feature of the ontouml-vp-plugin version 0.5.3.

Projects and Diagrams

:XCY a ontouml:Project ;
    ontouml:diagram :NyB ;
    ontouml:model :XCY_root ;
    ontouml:name "MyExample"@en .
:NyB a ontouml:Diagram ;
    ontouml:containsView :DUa, :M9S, :gtP;
    ontouml:name "MyClassDiagram"@en ;
    ontouml:owner :yHW ;
    ontouml:project :XCY .

Other containsView properties omitted for brevity.

Model Elements

:L71_cardinality a ontouml:Cardinality ;
    ontouml:cardinalityValue "1..*" ;
    ontouml:lowerBound "1" ;
    ontouml:upperBound "*" .
:Ljp a ontouml:Class ;
    ontouml:attribute :nf0, :xrq ;
    ontouml:description "A Person is a human." ;
    ontouml:isAbstract false ;
    ontouml:isDerived false ;
    ontouml:isPowertype false ;
    ontouml:name "Person"@en ;
    ontouml:order "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
    ontouml:project :XCY ;
    ontouml:restrictedTo ontouml:functionalComplexNature ;
    ontouml:stereotype ontouml:kind .
:fGD a ontouml:Generalization ;
    ontouml:general :Ljp ;
    ontouml:specific :uNZ ;
    ontouml:project :XCY .
:HNP a ontouml:GeneralizationSet ;
    ontouml:generalization :DzD, :fGD ;
    ontouml:isComplete true ;
    ontouml:isDisjoint true ;
    ontouml:name "PersonGS"@en ;
    ontouml:project :XCY .
:myi a ontouml:Package ;
    ontouml:containsModelElement :L7a, :R24 ;
    ontouml:name "My2ndPackage"@en ;
    ontouml:project :XCY .
:nf0 a ontouml:Property ;
    ontouml:aggregationKind ontouml:none ;
    ontouml:cardinality :nf0_cardinality ;
    ontouml:isDerived false ;
    ontouml:isOrdered false ;
    ontouml:isReadOnly false ;
    ontouml:name "age"@en ;
    ontouml:propertyType :vCY ;
    ontouml:project :XCY .
:L7a a ontouml:Relation ;
    ontouml:description "Every material association is derived." ;
    ontouml:isAbstract false ;
    ontouml:isDerived true ;
    ontouml:name "studiesIn"@en ;
    ontouml:relationEnd :L71, :L78 ;
    ontouml:sourceEnd :L71 ;
    ontouml:stereotype ontouml:material ;
    ontouml:targetEnd :L78 ;
    ontouml:project :XCY .


:zx5 a ontouml:ClassView ;
    ontouml:isViewOf :Lx5 ;
    ontouml:project :XCY ;
    ontouml:shape :zx5_shape .
:gtP a ontouml:GeneralizationSetView ;
    ontouml:isViewOf :HNP ;
    ontouml:project :XCY ;
    ontouml:shape :gtP_shape .
:rzD a ontouml:GeneralizationView ;
    ontouml:isViewOf :DzD ;
    ontouml:project :XCY ;
    ontouml:shape :rzD_path ;
    ontouml:sourceView :Ljw ;
    ontouml:targetView :zx5 .
:M9S a ontouml:RelationView ;
    ontouml:isViewOf :Kzi ;
    ontouml:project :XCY ;
    ontouml:shape :M9S_path ;
    ontouml:sourceView :ppw ;
    ontouml:targetView :Ljw .


:M9S_path a ontouml:Path ;
    ontouml:point :M9S_path_point_0, :M9S_path_point_1 ;
    ontouml:project :XCY .
:M9S_path_point_0 a ontouml:Point ;
    ontouml:xCoordinate 153 ;
    ontouml:yCoordinate 196 .
:ppw_shape a ontouml:Rectangle ;
    ontouml:topLeftPosition :ppw_shape_point ;
    ontouml:height "40"^^xsd:positiveInteger ;
    ontouml:width "80"^^xsd:positiveInteger ;
    ontouml:project :XCY .
:gtP_shape a ontouml:Text ;
    ontouml:height "45"^^xsd:positiveInteger ;
    ontouml:project :XCY ;
    ontouml:text "" ;
    ontouml:topLeftPosition :gtP_shape_point ;
    ontouml:width "65"^^xsd:positiveInteger .

Manipulating the Serialized Models with SPARQL

Once the serialized model is available, a user must know how to access its entities and their properties to acquire the necessary data for processing. The manipulation can be done by using computational RDF-based graphs manipulation libraries, like Python's RDFLib or Java's Apache JENA, or by using the SPARQL Query Language, a W3C Recommendation.

The following commented SPARQL queries intend to serve as examples of how users can access some of the most useful model's pieces of data. All SPARQL queries and their results are presented in tables.

Query 1: Querying all OntoUML classes' names and stereotypes

In this first query, we aim to identify all individuals of type ontouml:Class (which are different from the owl:Class individuals). When serializing a model using the OntoUML Vocabulary, we do the identification of every entity through generic IDs. In this example, we aim at returning the IDs of individuals of type ontouml:Class (class_id in this section's examples), and their corresponding name (class_name) and stereotype (class_stereotype). These properties can be accessed via ontouml:name and ontouml:stereotype, respectively.

SPARQL Query Query Results
SELECT DISTINCT ?class_id ?class_name ?class_st
    ?class_id rdf:type ontouml:Class .
      ?class_id ontouml:name ?class_name .
      ?class_id ontouml:stereotype ?class_st .
class_id class_name class_st
:ppq "Brain"@en ontouml:kind
:fCY "string"@en ontouml:datatype
:R24 "University"@en ontouml:kind
:vCY "int"@en ontouml:datatype
:MEQ "Student"@en ontouml:role
:uNZ "Child"@en ontouml:phase
:Lx5 "Adult"@en ontouml:phase
:Ljp "Person"@en ontouml:kind
:DUo "Enrolment"@en ontouml:relator

Query 2: Querying all relations in which classes take part and their stereotypes

In this example, besides classes' information, we also want to access the OntoUML Relations (associations, aggregations, and compositions) that have classes in their source or target ends.

To do this, we identify each ontouml:class (as done in Query 1), but also identify each ontouml:relation (rel_id) and their association ends. The association ends can be identified using the ontouml:relationEnd property, which comprises (i.e., it is the super property of) both the source and target ends (to access these specific properties it is necessary to use the ontouml:sourceEnd or ontouml:targetEnd properties). The relations' stereotypes (rel_stereotype) are accessed via ontouml:stereotype property.

To get the relations to the classes to which they are associated, we need to verify which of the relation ends have as type the classes' IDs. This is done via ontouml:propertyType property.

SPARQL Query Query Results
SELECT DISTINCT ?class_id ?class_name ?rel_id ?rel_stereotype
    ?class_id rdf:type ontouml:Class .
      ?class_id ontouml:name ?class_name .
      ?rel_id rdf:type ontouml:Relation .
      ?rel_id ontouml:stereotype ?rel_stereotype .
      ?rel_id ontouml:relationEnd ?property .
      ?property ontouml:propertyType ?class_id .
class_id class_name rel_id rel_stereotype
:ppq "Brain"@en :Kzi ontouml:componentOf
:R24 "University"@en :tJs ontouml:mediation
:R24 "University"@en :L7a ontouml:material
:MEQ "Student"@en :XvM ontouml:mediation
:MEQ "Student"@en :L7a ontouml:material
:Ljp "Person"@en :Kzi ontouml:componentOf
:DUo "Enrolment"@en :tJs ontouml:mediation
:DUo "Enrolment"@en :XvM ontouml:mediation
:DUo "Enrolment"@en :6Vq ontouml:derivation

Note that the query's answer shows that some classes have a single association (e.g., the 'Brain' class is only related to the 'Person' class) and that other classes have multiple associated relations (e.g., the 'Enrolment' class). This result corresponds to what is depicted in the used example.

Query 3: Querying values from classes' attributes

Every OntoUML Class has in common the following attributes: isAbstract (boolean), isDerived (boolean), order (nonNegativeInteger), isPowertype (boolean). These values for each class are easily accessible via the properties ontouml:isAbstract, ontouml:isDerived, ontouml:order, and ontouml:isPowertype, respectively.

SPARQL Query Query Results
SELECT DISTINCT ?class_id ?class_name 
?is_abstract ?is_derived ?is_powertype ?order
    ?class_id rdf:type ontouml:Class .
      ?class_id ontouml:name ?class_name .
    ?class_id ontouml:isAbstract ?is_abstract .
    ?class_id ontouml:isDerived ?is_derived .
    ?class_id ontouml:order ?order .
    ?class_id ontouml:isPowertype ?is_powertype .
class_id class_name is_abstract is_derived is_powertype order
:ppq "Brain"@en false false false "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger
:fCY "string"@en false false false "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger
:R24 "University"@en false false false "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger
:vCY "int"@en false false false "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger
:MEQ "Student"@en false false false "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger
:uNZ "Child"@en false false false "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger
:Lx5 "Adult"@en false false false "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger
:Ljp "Person"@en false false false "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger
:DUo "Enrolment"@en false false false "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger

Note that an ontouml:order with value '0' corresponds to an OntoUML model class's order of value '*'. I.e., it is the representation of 'orderless' classes.

Query 4: Querying the diagram in which an OntoUML class is depicted

Diagrams (with ID diagram_id and name diagram_name) and OntoUML model elements can be related via these elements' views. In this query we are interested in filtering only the classes' representations, hence, we first identify all views of diagrams using the ontouml:containsView property and restrict this result by selecting only the classes views (i.e., the views that have the ontouml:isViewOf property with an element of type ontouml:Class).

SPARQL Query Query Results
SELECT DISTINCT ?class_id ?class_name ?diagram_id ?diagram_name
    ?class_id rdf:type ontouml:Class .
    ?class_id ontouml:name ?class_name .
      ?diagram_id ontouml:name ?diagram_name .
      ?diagram_id ontouml:containsView ?view .
      ?view ontouml:isViewOf ?class_id .
class_id class_name diagram_id diagram_name
:ppq "Brain"@en :NyB "MyClassDiagram"@en
:R24 "University"@en :NyB "MyClassDiagram"@en
:MEQ "Student"@en :NyB "MyClassDiagram"@en
:uNZ "Child"@en :NyB "MyClassDiagram"@en
:Lx5 "Adult"@en :NyB "MyClassDiagram"@en
:Ljp "Person"@en :NyB "MyClassDiagram"@en
:DUo "Enrolment"@en :NyB "MyClassDiagram"@en

As seen in the query result table, all classes are depicted in the same diagram because our example comprises a model with a single diagram.

Query 5: Querying classes without visual representation

Finally, in this last example, we aim to identify OntoUML Classes that are not represented in any diagram. Using a similar strategy to the one adopted in Query 4, we need to access the information about classes' views and their relations with diagrams. However, in this case, we need to filter out the views that are associated with classes.

SPARQL Query Query Results
SELECT DISTINCT ?class_id ?class_name ?class_stereotype
    ?class_id rdf:type ontouml:Class .
      ?class_id ontouml:name ?class_name .
      ?class_id ontouml:stereotype ?class_stereotype .
      FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?view ontouml:isViewOf ?class_id } .
class_id class_name class_stereotype
:fCY "string"@en ontouml:datatype
:vCY "int"@en ontouml:datatype

The query results table shows that only two classes are not represented in any diagram and that both of them have stereotype ontouml:datatype.

OntoUML Vocabulary: Specification

This section provides details for each class and property defined by OntoUML Vocabulary.



IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#AggregationKind

Groups all possible aggregation kinds to which an ontouml:Property can be related.
is equivalent to
{ composite , none , shared }
is in range of
aggregationKind op
has members
composite ni, none ni, shared ni
is disjoint with
Cardinality c, OntologicalNature c, OntoumlElement c, Point c, Stereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#Cardinality

Represents the cardinality of an ontouml:Property through its data property ontouml:cardinalityValue.
is in domain of
cardinalityValue dp, lowerBound dp, upperBound dp
is in range of
cardinality op
is disjoint with
AggregationKind c, OntologicalNature c, OntoumlElement c, Point c, Stereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#Class

An ontouml:Class have exactly one ontouml:Stereotype (i.e., it is a mandatory property) of specific type ontouml:ClassStereotype. This information is formalized by the ontouml:stereotype property.
has super-classes
Classifier c
is in domain of
attribute op, isExtensional dp, isPowertype dp, literal op, order dp, restrictedTo op
is in range of
categorizer op


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#Classifier

Abstract class that groups the classes ontouml:Class and ontouml:Relation.
has super-classes
DecoratableElement c
has sub-classes
Class c, Relation c
is in domain of
isAbstract dp, property op
is in range of
general op, propertyType op, specific op


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#ClassStereotype

Aggregates all possible instances that can be assigned via an ontouml:stereotype property to an ontouml:Class.
is equivalent to
{ abstract , category , collective , datatype , enumeration , event , historicalRole , historicalRoleMixin , kind , mixin , mode , phase , phaseMixin , quality , quantity , relator , role , roleMixin , situation , subkind , type }
has super-classes
Stereotype c
has members
abstract ni, category ni, collective ni, datatype ni, enumeration ni, event ni, historicalRole ni, historicalRoleMixin ni, kind ni, mixin ni, mode ni, phase ni, phaseMixin ni, quality ni, quantity ni, relator ni, role ni, roleMixin ni, situation ni, subkind ni, type ni


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#ClassView

Does not directly contain data about the visual representation (rectangular shape's size and position) itself, but is related to this information via the ontouml:shape property.
has super-classes
NodeView c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#ConnectorView

Abstract class that groups the classes ontouml:RelationView and ontouml:GeneralizationView.
has super-classes
ElementView c
has sub-classes
GeneralizationView c, RelationView c
is in domain of
sourceView op, targetView op


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#DecoratableElement

Abstract class that groups the classes ontouml:Classifier and the ontouml:Property.
has super-classes
ModelElement c
has sub-classes
Classifier c, Property c
is in domain of
isDerived dp, stereotype op


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#Diagram

A visual representation of an OntoUML model or of a portion of it.
has super-classes
OntoumlElement c
is in domain of
containsView op, owner op
is in range of
diagram op


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#DiagramElement

Abstract class that groups the classes ontouml:ElementView and the ontouml:Shape.
has super-classes
OntoumlElement c
has sub-classes
ElementView c, Shape c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#ElementView

Abstract class that groups the classes ontouml:ConnectorView, ontouml:GeneralizationSetView, and ontouml:NodeView.
has super-classes
DiagramElement c
has sub-classes
ConnectorView c, GeneralizationSetView c, NodeView c
is in domain of
isViewOf op, shape op
is in range of
containsView op, sourceView op, targetView op


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#Generalization

Represents a generalization defined in an ontology.
has super-classes
ModelElement c
is in domain of
general op, specific op
is in range of
generalization op


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#GeneralizationSet

Represents a generalization set defined in the ontology.
has super-classes
ModelElement c
is in domain of
categorizer op, generalization op, isComplete dp, isDisjoint dp


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#GeneralizationSetView

Represents the diagramation (i.e., the visual representation) of an ontouml:GeneralizationSet in a given ontouml:Diagram.
has super-classes
ElementView c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#GeneralizationView

Represents the diagramation (i.e., the visual representation) of an ontouml:Generalization in a given ontouml:Diagram.
has super-classes
ConnectorView c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#Literal

Represents a possible value for an ontouml:Class defined by an ontouml:enumeration.
has super-classes
ModelElement c
is in range of
literal op


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#ModelElement

Abstract class that groups diverse elements that can be represented in on OntoUML model.
has super-classes
OntoumlElement c
has sub-classes
DecoratableElement c, Generalization c, GeneralizationSet c, Literal c, Note c, Package c
is in range of
containsModelElement op, isViewOf op, owner op


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#NodeView

Abstract class that groups the classes ontouml:NoteView, ontouml:ClassView, and ontouml:PackageView.
has super-classes
ElementView c
has sub-classes
ClassView c, NoteView c, PackageView c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#Note

Type of ontouml:ModelElement used to represent textual information.
has super-classes
ModelElement c
is in domain of
text dp


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#NoteView

Represents the diagramation (i.e., the visual representation) of an ontouml:Note in a given ontouml:Diagram.
has super-classes
NodeView c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#OntologicalNature

Collection of individuals that represent fundamental conceptual modeling issues according to the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) theory.
is equivalent to
{ abstractNature , collectiveNature , eventNature , extrinsicModeNature , functionalComplexNature , intrinsicModeNature , qualityNature , quantityNature , relatorNature , situationNature , typeNature }
is in range of
restrictedTo op
has members
abstractNature ni, collectiveNature ni, eventNature ni, extrinsicModeNature ni, functionalComplexNature ni, intrinsicModeNature ni, qualityNature ni, quantityNature ni, relatorNature ni, situationNature ni, typeNature ni
is disjoint with
AggregationKind c, Cardinality c, OntoumlElement c, Point c, Stereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#OntoumlElement

Abstract class that groups different elements an ontoUML model can have.
has sub-classes
Diagram c, DiagramElement c, ModelElement c, Project c
is in domain of
description dp, name dp
is disjoint with
AggregationKind c, Cardinality c, OntologicalNature c, Point c, Stereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#Package

Aggregates ontology components, working as a container.
has super-classes
ModelElement c
is in domain of
containsModelElement op
is in range of
model op


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#PackageView

Represents the diagramation (i.e., the visual representation) of an ontouml:Package in a given ontouml:Diagram.
has super-classes
NodeView c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#Path

A list of connected ontouml:Point values to represent an ontouml:ElementView's shape.
has super-classes
Shape c
is in domain of
point op


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#Point

Contains the ontouml:xCoordinate value and ontouml:yCoordinate value. These values represent the top left position of an ontouml:RectangularShape, to which the ontouml:Point is related vian ontouml:topLeftPosition property.
is in domain of
xCoordinate dp, yCoordinate dp
is in range of
point op, topLeftPosition op
is disjoint with
AggregationKind c, Cardinality c, OntologicalNature c, OntoumlElement c, Stereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#Project

Aggregates all entities that are part of a same conceptual model, including concepts declaration and their visual representation.
has super-classes
OntoumlElement c
is in domain of
diagram op, model op
is in range of
project op


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#Property

An ontouml:Property may have at most one ontouml:Stereotype (i.e., it is an optional property) of specific type ontouml:PropertyStereotype. This information is formalized by the ontouml:stereotype property.
has super-classes
DecoratableElement c
is in domain of
aggregationKind op, cardinality op, isOrdered dp, isReadOnly dp, propertyType op, redefinesProperty op, subsetsProperty op
is in range of
attribute op, property op, redefinesProperty op, relationEnd op, sourceEnd op, subsetsProperty op, targetEnd op


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#PropertyStereotype

Aggregates all possible instances that can be assigned via an ontouml:stereotype property to an ontouml:Property.
is equivalent to
{ begin , end }
has super-classes
Stereotype c
has members
begin ni, end ni


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#Rectangle

A particular type of ontouml:RectangularShape, mainly used to represent entities of type ontouml:Class.
has super-classes
RectangularShape c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#RectangularShape

Represents a rectangular shape in a given ontouml:Diagram.
has super-classes
Shape c
has sub-classes
Rectangle c, Text c
is in domain of
height dp, topLeftPosition op, width dp


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#Relation

An ontouml:Relation may have at most one ontouml:Stereotype (i.e., it is an optional property) of specific type ontouml:RelationStereotype. This information is formalized by the ontouml:stereotype property.
has super-classes
Classifier c
is in domain of
relationEnd op, sourceEnd op, targetEnd op


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#RelationStereotype

Aggregates all possible instances that can be assigned via an ontouml:stereotype property to an ontouml:Relation.
is equivalent to
{ bringsAbout , characterization , comparative , componentOf , creation , derivation , externalDependence , historicalDependence , instantiation , manifestation , material , mediation , memberOf , participation , participational , subCollectionOf , subQuantityOf , termination , triggers }
has super-classes
Stereotype c
has members
bringsAbout ni, characterization ni, comparative ni, componentOf ni, creation ni, derivation ni, externalDependence ni, historicalDependence ni, instantiation ni, manifestation ni, material ni, mediation ni, memberOf ni, participation ni, participational ni, subCollectionOf ni, subQuantityOf ni, termination ni, triggers ni


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#RelationView

Represents the diagramation (i.e., the visual representation) of an ontouml:Relation in a given ontouml:Diagram.
has super-classes
ConnectorView c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#Shape

Contains information about the diagramation of an ontouml:ModelElement through its relation with an ontouml:ElementView.
has super-classes
DiagramElement c
has sub-classes
Path c, RectangularShape c
is in range of
shape op


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#Stereotype

Indicates meta-properties of classes, properties, or relations.
has sub-classes
ClassStereotype c, PropertyStereotype c, RelationStereotype c
is in range of
stereotype op
is disjoint with
AggregationKind c, Cardinality c, OntologicalNature c, OntoumlElement c, Point c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#Text

An ontouml:RectangularShape used to represent some textual information in an ontouml:Diagram.
has super-classes
RectangularShape c

Object Properties


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#aggregationKind

Characterizes an ontouml:Property with an ontouml:AggregationKind instance, i.e., indicates whether the ontouml:Property is a simple (ontouml:none), a shared (ontouml:shared), or a composite (ontouml:composite) property.
has domain
Property c
has range
AggregationKind c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#attribute

Relates an instance of an ontouml:Class to its properties, which are instances of the ontouml:Property class.
has super-properties
property op
has domain
Class c
has range
Property c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#cardinality

Identifies the individual of type ontouml:Cardinality that represents the cardinalities of an ontouml:Property.
has domain
Property c
has range
Cardinality c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#categorizer

Identifies the ontouml:Class that is instantiated by the specific classes of the ontouml:Generalization type composing the ontouml:GeneralizationSet
has domain
GeneralizationSet c
has range
Class c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#containsModelElement

Identifies an instance of type ontouml:ModelElement that composes in an ontouml:Package.
has domain
Package c
has range
ModelElement c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#containsView

Identifies an instance of type ontouml:ElementView that is contained in an ontouml:Diagram, representing the concrete diagramation of an ontouml:ModelElement.
has domain
Diagram c
has range
ElementView c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#diagram

Identifies which entities of type ontouml:Diagram are part of an ontouml:Project.
has domain
Project c
has range
Diagram c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#general

Identifies the parent ontouml:Classifier (e.g., a superclass) that participates in an ontouml:Generalization relation.
has domain
Generalization c
has range
Classifier c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#generalization

Identifies an ontouml:Generalization that participates in an ontouml:GeneralizationSet.
has domain
GeneralizationSet c
has range
Generalization c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#isViewOf

Relates an ontouml:ElementView to ontouml:ModelElement, indicating the diagrammatical representation of the latter in an ontouml:Diagram.
has domain
ElementView c
has range
ModelElement c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#literal

Relates an ontouml:Literal to its container enumeration class (an ontouml:Class that has the ontouml:stereotype property with ontouml:enumeration).
has domain
Class c
has range
Literal c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#model

Relates an ontouml:Project to an ontouml:Package that is part of it.
has domain
Project c
has range
Package c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#owner

Relates an ontouml:Diagram to an ontouml:ModelElement that is represented on it, i.e., to an ontouml:ModelElement that has an ontouml:ElementView on that ontouml:Diagram.
has domain
Diagram c
has range
ModelElement c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#point

Relates an ontouml:Path to an ontouml:Point that composes it.
has domain
Path c
has range
Point c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#project

Relates an ontouml:OntoumlElement different than ontouml:Project to an ontouml:Project that it composes.
has domain
(Diagram c or DiagramElement c or ModelElement c) and (not (Project c))
has range
Project c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#property

Aggregates its subproperties ontouml:attribute and ontouml:relationEnd. Should not be directly used.
has sub-properties
attribute op, relationEnd op
has domain
Classifier c
has range
Property c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#propertyType

Identifies an ontouml:Class or ontouml:Relation (i.e., an ontouml:Classifier) to which an ontouml:Property refers.
has domain
Property c
has range
Classifier c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#redefinesProperty

Identifies a target ontouml:Property that is redefined by a source ontouml:Property.
has domain
Property c
has range
Property c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#relationEnd

Identifies a property that represents one end (source or target) of an ontouml:Relation.
has super-properties
property op
has sub-properties
sourceEnd op, targetEnd op
has domain
Relation c
has range
Property c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#restrictedTo

Associates an ontouml:Class to an ontouml:OntologicalNature, restricting its allowed values.
has domain
Class c
has range
OntologicalNature c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#shape

Relates an ontouml:ElementView to an ontouml:Shape that contains the diagramation's data (size and position) about the ontouml:ModelElement it is a view of.
has domain
ElementView c
has range
Shape c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#sourceEnd

Identifies an ontouml:Property that represents the source side of an ontouml:Relation.
has super-properties
relationEnd op
has domain
Relation c
has range
Property c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#sourceView

Identifies an ontouml:ElementView that participates as source of an ontouml:RelationView or ontouml:GeneralizationView.
has domain
ConnectorView c
has range
ElementView c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#specific

Identifies the child ontouml:Classifier (e.g., a subclass) that participates in an ontouml:Generalization relation.
has domain
Generalization c
has range
Classifier c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#stereotype

Identifies the ontouml:Stereotype applied to the ontouml:DecoratableElement.
has domain
DecoratableElement c
has range
Stereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#subsetsProperty

Identifies a target ontouml:Property that is subsetted by a source ontouml:Property.
has domain
Property c
has range
Property c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#targetEnd

Identifies an ontouml:Property that represents the target side of an ontouml:Relation.
has super-properties
relationEnd op
has domain
Relation c
has range
Property c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#targetView

Identifies an ontouml:ElementView that participates as target of an ontouml:ConnectorView.
has domain
ConnectorView c
has range
ElementView c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#topLeftPosition

Is direct mapped to the OntoUML Metamodel's 'topLeft' relationship between the classes RectangularShape and Point.
has domain
RectangularShape c
has range
Point c

Data Properties


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#cardinalityValue

Provides the complete (i.e., both lower and upper cardinality's bounds) cardinalities of an ontouml:Property via its related ontouml:Cardinality.
has domain
Cardinality c
has range


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#description

Relates an ontouml:OntoumlElement to a string representing its description in free textual format.
has domain
OntoumlElement c
has range
lang string or string


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#height

Indicates the height of an ontouml:RectangularShape that is represented in an ontouml:Diagram.
has domain
RectangularShape c
has range
positive integer


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#isAbstract

Indicates if the ontouml:Classifier can have direct instances. If set to true, the classifier must be specialized before being instantiated. Otherwise, it can have direct instances.
has domain
Classifier c
has range


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#isComplete

Indicates if an ontouml:GeneralizationSet is complete, i.e., if it does not admit further generalizations.
has domain
GeneralizationSet c
has range


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#isDerived

Indicates if an ontouml:DecoratableElement can be defined through a derivation rule.
has domain
DecoratableElement c
has range


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#isDisjoint

Indicates if an ontouml:GeneralizationSet is disjoint, i.e., it does not admit generalizations having overlapping subclasses.
has domain
GeneralizationSet c
has range


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#isExtensional

Indicates if an ontouml:Class is extensionally defined (i.e., it's parts cannot change).
has domain
Class c
has range


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#isOrdered

Indicates if an ontouml:Property is ordered or not, i.e., if it requires an exact order of its values or not.
has domain
Property c
has range


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#isPowertype

Indicates if an ontouml:Class is a powertype in multi-level modeling.
has domain
Class c
has range


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#isReadOnly

Indicates if an ontouml:Property can or cannot be updated or modified.
has domain
Property c
has range


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#lowerBound

E.g., if the ontouml:cardinalityValue set is [1..*] then the lower bound is '1'.
has domain
Cardinality c
has range
non negative integer


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#name

A string that identifies or names an ontouml:OntoumlElement.
has domain
OntoumlElement c
has range
lang string or string


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#order

Constraint: an ontouml:Class that has an ontouml:stereotype property with an ontouml:Stereotype different than ontouml:type must have an ontouml:order value equal to 1.
has domain
Class c
has range
non negative integer


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#text

A string that register any information of an ontouml:Note
has domain
Note c
has range


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#upperBound

E.g., if the ontouml:cardinalityValue set is [1..*] then the upper bound is '*'.
has domain
Cardinality c
has range


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#width

Indicates the width of an ontouml:RectangularShape that is represented in an ontouml:Diagram.
has domain
RectangularShape c
has range
positive integer


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#xCoordinate

Is direct mapped to the metamodel's 'x' attribute of the Point class.
has domain
Point c
has range


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#yCoordinate

Is direct mapped to the metamodel's 'y' attribute of the Point class.
has domain
Point c
has range

Named Individuals


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#abstract

An individual of the ontouml:ClassStereotype used to assign the corresponding stereotype to a given ontouml:Class.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#abstractNature

Indicates that the restricted type includes abstract individuals among its instances.
belongs to
OntologicalNature c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#begin

An individual of the ontouml:PropertyStereotype used to assign the corresponding stereotype to a given ontouml:Property.
belongs to
PropertyStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#bringsAbout

An individual of the ontouml:RelationStereotype used to assign the corresponding stereotype to a given ontouml:Relation.
belongs to
RelationStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#category

A rigid mixin that does not require a dependency to be specified. It is used to aggregate essential properties of individuals following different identity principles.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#characterization

An ontouml:RelationStereotype attributed to a relation between a bearer type and its feature.
belongs to
RelationStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#collective

An ontouml:ClassStereotype used to represent rigid concepts that provide an identity principle for their instances.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#collectiveNature

Indicates that the restricted type includes collective individuals among its instances.
belongs to
OntologicalNature c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#comparative

The stereotype for comparative relations (e.g., heavier-than). Decorates relations that always hold between any two individuals bearing the same relevant quality.
belongs to
RelationStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#componentOf

A parthood relation between two complexes.
belongs to
RelationStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#composite

The value denoting that an ontouml:Property represents a composite aggregation, i.e., a strong form of aggregation.
belongs to
AggregationKind c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#creation

An individual of the ontouml:RelationStereotype used to assign the corresponding stereotype to a given ontouml:Relation.
belongs to
RelationStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#datatype

An individual of the ontouml:ClassStereotype used to assign the corresponding stereotype to a given ontouml:Class.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#derivation

An individual of the ontouml:RelationStereotype used to assign the corresponding stereotype to a given ontouml:Relation.
belongs to
RelationStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#end

An individual of the ontouml:PropertyStereotype used to assign the corresponding stereotype to a given ontouml:Property.
belongs to
PropertyStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#enumeration

Represents the enumeration stereotype, having values represented using ontouml:Literal instances.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#event

An individual of the ontouml:ClassStereotype used to assign the corresponding stereotype to a given ontouml:Class.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#eventNature

Indicates that the restricted type includes event individuals among its instances.
belongs to
OntologicalNature c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#externalDependence

Identifies an endurant on which the extrinsicMode depends.
belongs to
RelationStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#extrinsicModeNature

Identifies what inheres in a concrete individual and depends on others for its existence.
belongs to
OntologicalNature c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#functionalComplexNature

Identifies the nature of a complex object whose parts (components) play different roles in its composition.
belongs to
OntologicalNature c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#historicalDependence

Identifies a concrete individual on which another concrete individual depends historically.
belongs to
RelationStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#historicalRole

Denotes the role of an endurant in virtue of having participated in an event of a particular type.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#historicalRoleMixin

Denotes the equivalent of historicalRole for types that aggregate instances with different identity principles.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#instantiation

An individual of the ontouml:RelationStereotype used to assign the corresponding stereotype to a given ontouml:Relation.
belongs to
RelationStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#intrinsicModeNature

Indicates that the restricted type includes intrinsic mode individuals among its instances.
belongs to
OntologicalNature c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#kind

Used to represent rigid concepts that provide an identity principle for their instances and do not require a relational dependency.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#manifestation

An individual of the ontouml:RelationStereotype used to assign the corresponding stereotype to a given ontouml:Relation.
belongs to
RelationStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#material

Identifies relations that have material structure on their own and include examples such as employments, kisses, enrollments, flight, connections and commitments.
belongs to
RelationStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#mediation

A type of existential dependence relation (a form of nonfunctional inherence). It can be derived from the relation between the relata and the qua individuals that compose the relator and that inhere in the relata.
belongs to
RelationStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#memberOf

A parthood relation between a functional complex or a Collective (as a part) and a Collective (as a whole).
belongs to
RelationStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#mixin

Represents a semi-rigid type, i.e., it behaves as a rigid type for some individuals and as an anti-rigid one for others.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#mode

A particular type of intrinsic property that has no structured value.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#none

Denotes that an ontouml:Property is neither ontouml:shared nor ontouml:composite, but just an aggregation.
belongs to
AggregationKind c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml

belongs to
standard c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#participation

A relation for representing when an event depends on a single object.
belongs to
RelationStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#participational

Denotes a kind of event decomposition.
belongs to
RelationStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#phase

Used to represent anti-rigid subtypes of identity providers (Kind, Collective, Quantity, Relator, Mode, and Quantity) that are instantiated by changes in intrinsic properties (e.g., the age of a person, the color of an object, the condition of a car).Phases always come in partitions.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#phaseMixin

The equivalent of Phase for types that aggregate instances with different identity principles. A class stereotyped as PhaseMixin is also an anti-rigid type. PhaseMixin is similar semantically to RoleMixin with the difference in relational dependency.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#quality

A Quality is a particular type of intrinsic property that has a structured value. Qualities are things that existentially depend on the things they characterize, called their bearers.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#qualityNature

Indicates that the restricted type includes quality individuals among its instances.
belongs to
OntologicalNature c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#quantity

Construct used to represent rigid concepts that provide an identity principle for their instances.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#quantityNature

Indicates that the restricted type includes quantity individuals among its instances.
belongs to
OntologicalNature c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#relator

A construct used to represent truth-makers of material relations, i.e., the things that must exist for two or more individuals to be connected by material relations.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#relatorNature

Indicates that the restricted type includes relator individuals among its instances.
belongs to
OntologicalNature c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#role

Used to represent anti-rigid specializations of identity providers (Kind, Collective, Quantity, Relator, Mode, and Quantity) that are instantiated in relational contexts.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#roleMixin

The equivalent of Role for types that aggregate instances with different identity principles.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#shared

Indicates that the ontouml:Property has shared aggregation semantics.
belongs to
AggregationKind c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#situation

Can be used to represent certain configurations of entities that can be comprehended as a whole.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#situationNature

Indicates that the restricted type includes situation individuals among its instances.
belongs to
OntologicalNature c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#subCollectionOf

A parthood relation between two collectives.
belongs to
RelationStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#subkind

Used to represent rigid specializations of identity providers (Kind, Collective, Quantity, Relator, Mode, and Quantity).
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#subQuantityOf

A parthood relation between two quantities.
belongs to
RelationStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#termination

An individual of the ontouml:RelationStereotype used to assign the corresponding stereotype to a given ontouml:Relation.
belongs to
RelationStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#triggers

An individual of the ontouml:RelationStereotype used to assign the corresponding stereotype to a given ontouml:Relation.
belongs to
RelationStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#type

The stereotype for high-order types.
belongs to
ClassStereotype c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml#typeNature

Indicates that the restricted type includes type individuals among its instances.
belongs to
OntologicalNature c


c: Classes
op: Object Properties
dp: Data Properties
ni: Named Individuals


The authors would like to thank Silvio Peroni for developing LODE, a Live OWL Documentation Environment, which is used for representing the Cross Referencing Section of this document and Daniel Garijo for developing Widoco, the program used to create the template used in this documentation.